General Discussion

General DiscussionIm noob (2100 MMR) What can i do?

Im noob (2100 MMR) What can i do? in General Discussion
Mortimer Smith

    WHY I HAVE TO PLAY WITH THIS EZ PLAYERS??? The call me noob all the game, ''because dontgank'' midas min 5 and boots of travel min 12 in mid, only 1 gank in 12 min. Im noob profiting the midlane or i have to gank?
    My team is fucking me all the game, flaming and say report invokar noob he only can cast invisivility (false).

    And yesterday i have this ranked games:

    FIRST GAME: I pick invoker, and i say mid, after it a stupid choose undying and say no me mid or feed, 2-28 in 14 min
    (really i have 2-3 my result, but this retard control my hero after disconect)

    SECOND GAME: I pick mirana and say me mid, after it another stupid pick zeus and say no me mid sorry, after 2 min in mid i go top, and zeus say: rport mirana blabla bla bye bye (zeus ragequit)

    THIRD GAME: I pick storm spirit, and no 1 pick mid hero (all norm) NO! Medusa intentional feed saying i have 2000 mmr why not 1000?

    I HAVE -200 MMR IN 2 DAY


      He didn't mention Veng :c


        Maybe make a new account. Is hard to go out of your tier with those ruiners :D


          With 2k mmr shouldn't you be able to carry everyone, both sides have those kinds of people if you play enough games and are actually good then you should get out of 2k mmr
          with that many games you should be a better player than 2k


            There's a few sources of being bad in DotA:

            1.) Not mechanically good. This means you miss last hits, fuck up hitting buttons in panic moments, don't hit the wand to live, etc. You knew what to do "Get the last hit" or "live" you just didn't.

            Solution: You need to FOCUS if you want to get better. A lot of people are just chilling when they play DotA. It is, after all, a video game. Really try to get last hits. Don't beat yourself up or become enraged, but try really hard to get them. Same thing with trying to remind yourself of your items and possible actions and then doing them.

            2.) Not knowing about something good, so you can't even practice it/make it mechanically good. For example, a lot of new players don't know about tread switching. They don't know a lot of item/skill interactions. They don't know a lot of things, because there is a lot to know.

            Solution: You have to read guides, listen to people better than you talk about why they're doing things (not just watch them - if you do that, chances are you won't even catch on they're doing it or you'll do it at inappropriate times for not understanding his motive), have a friend that is better than you teach you, etc. Trying to derive all of this special knowledge yourself is basically impossible. You can't just "focus" and get it. The closest you can get is to watching a pro player stream pub and focus on why he's doing things. MAYBE you will connect the dots. Unfortunately, I don't know of many "talking your way through dota" streamers. Purge usually talks and mentions mundane shit, but he may actually help really new players by mentioning the basics.

            3.) A bit of this is in 2, but you are just strategically a dead dog. When you are in obvious danger, you stick around. And 2k MMR that's an 80% chance of survival rather than a 100% chance of death like it should be. But it's still bad. When there is a dude near you on the other team that you can instagib, you just sit there doing nothing. You never make anything happen. You never move around the map intelligently. And so on. Watching pros is pretty good for remedying this one, because it gives you a sensation of "going in". You will misapply it a lot and "suicide" instead of "going in". But that is often better than being a braindead bot. This one is half "stuff you don't know" (instinct) and half "FOCUS" like from point 1. You need to focus on the map and try to gauge what your teammates are doing. Try to be involved with their movements, especially if they're coming down to gank your lane, etc.

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            Mortimer Smith

              @Vandal i dont know how to play pubs, the people only say: ''all mid'', i play on a team as offlaner, my leader have more than 2700 victories and my teamates 900 i dont have fingers to play invoker, but im not bad playing wr, weaver, clock, nyx..., but in my pubs the trilane is something unreal, i pick mid cause its ''similar'' to offlane.
              I know i dont have fingers to play good invoker.
              Yes i have to stop paniking, and use objects as magic stick, im nub but not for be in 2k mmr.

              Mortimer Smith

                Thnx for the coment


                  If you lost 200 mmr "for free" today, must likely you'll get it back tomorrow. The important thing you should do, is report intentional ruiners. Don't waste your reports on newbies.


                    if you lost 200 mmr "for free" today, must likely you'll get it back tomorrow. The important thing you should do, is report intentional ruiners. Don't waste your reports on newbies.


                      keep playing


                        play mid


                          If you're better than your mmr then there's a chance for 80% of your team to be bad while the other team has a chance for 100% of their team to be bad.

                          Yeah you'll get some games where your team is dumb or intentionally feeds, but if you keep playing it will even out. 3 games is a tiny sample size. I'm sure there are just as many games that you've played recently where someone on the other team fed.

                          And if it's just your team that intentionally feeds maybe that's your fault. Managing your team's attitude is a skill too. If they're upset don't egg them on.

                          King of Low Prio

                            yup fighting between teammates is the bane of pubs and what turns a close match into a stomp

                            Manny Mammoth

                              2.6k mmr here and playing ranked is actually insufferable ;-;


                                At 2.1k MMR everyone in the game is bad. 2.25k MMR is the average score for pub dota players. So all you have to do is defeat bad dota players.

                                You do this by

                                [1] Pick your best heroes. Abbadon, Dark Seer, and Mirrana are the best choices for you.

                                [2] Play for yourself. Fight when you will win. Farm when you will not.

                                [3] Be positive in ALL games. People are in your game to have fun, not to win. If you try to force them to win at the cost of fun they will just get mad. Even if they are feeding, NEVER tell them. Only say positive things when they get a kill or take a tower. Say NOTHING negative.

                                [4] Push and kill towers. Always be pushing lanes. Often bad players will not stop you or will be late to stop you. Push lanes all the way up to the tower and kill it and keep going until they make you stop. Then Escape, Hide, tp to another lane, and Push that lane until they stop you. Do this every game no matter what your team is doing until you get to about 2.7k MMR where more advanced tactics can work. Start pushing lanes as soon as you hit level 6. For Dark Seer you can start at level 3.

                                Roughly speaking... no one below 2.7k MMR ever does anything close to correct, efficient ganking or timely, safe defense of towers. So pushing wins the game. Natures Prophet and Lycan are the best heroes to do this. But it looks like you don't know how to use them.

                                Este comentario fue editado
                                Everyone loves Chibi

                                  What Relentless said.

                                  It's alright

                                    i'm even learn from his comment.... rofl

                                    Retard Security Detail

                                      MMR is rubber banded to where it thinks you belong, if your at 2100( i cant even imagine how bad players are at that level) any gains you make will be corrected by weighting teams against you. If you think your really much better, make another account and play very serious on it, if ya need a break and wanna goof around do it on the old account.

                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!