General Discussion

General DiscussionWelcome to Dotabuff (How to forum: An Official Melody Guide)Ver. 1.5

Welcome to Dotabuff (How to forum: An Official Melody Guide)Ver. 1.5 in General Discussion
Jay Ashborne

    Hi and thanks for reading this or at least somewhat. For those of you that are new to Dotabuff forums or have been here longer than myself I will try to keep this short and to the point. Here is what I will try to cover.

    [size=20][Color=#30e9ff]What I will be covering[/color][/size]
    [*]I'm new!
    [*]Making new threads
    [*]What's accepted and what isn't
    [*]Useful Forum codes
    [*]A plethora of links to different discussions

    So as you can see there might be a bit of stuff for everyone, regardless. If I left something out, feel free to comment and I'll look into it or edit it.


    [size=20][Color=#30e9ff]I'm new![/color][/size]
    [Url=]Dotabuff[/url] is a website that tracks stats of your games and kind of records them here. You don't want your stats tracked? Changed that via your dota in game settings. There is a small community here, and something of a "Forum" although it's more or less just a message board. Mods are very active and from what I hear/am currently using, Plus has lots of good features and is worth investing in. Below is a short explanation about the features / hotlinks at the top and bottom of the page.

    Esports is a tab that features the amazing power of Dotabuff Truesight to give insane stat analysis of professional games. Personal game data is a Plus Feature however.
    Heroes allows you to check the stats and specifics of a hero. Things from winrate to common items will be displayed.
    Items shows the stats and winrate for individual items.
    [Url=]Matches[/url] shows matches that are played within the Dota 2 Client. You can check games from major tournaments as well, seeing player builds and over all stats.
    Players shows the top rated players for winrate, most time played, most games played and other things. You can check professional players stats as well.
    Teams shows the top rated teams in Team Match Making.
    Blog is a link to Dotabuff forums Blog about the game. There are numerous articles written by the staff. There is a list of links to individual blogs at the end of this post.
    Forums is [Url=]Dotabuff's[/url] message board. There are a list of different topics already posted, however you can create new topics at the bottom of that page. There are several useful topics posted here at the bottom of this post.
    Plus is [Url=]Dotabuff's[/url] subscription feature. You can follow a players games and check a vast majority of stats that aren't normally listed, while also harnessing the amazing power of Dotabuff Truesight. It is currently the only listed way to support this website and keep it running.
    Search is a feature where you can search for players, items, heroes, or teams.

    At the bottom there is...

    Deutsch, Português, Русский, and 中文. These links will change the website over to the listed languages.
    About is a few short descriptions about the website.
    FAQ is a list of frequently asked questions and answers.
    We're Hiring! is a way that you can work for [Url=]Dotabuff[/url]!
    Support gives you ways to contact [Url=]Dotabuff[/url] if there is something that can't be answered via forums or FAQ.
    Privacy is [Url=]Dotabuff's[/url] privacy policy and security statements.
    There are respective links to Dotabuff's facebook page and twitter page as well.

    [size=20][Color=#30e9ff]Making new threads[/color][/size]
    Threads can be created by scrolling to the bottom of the page on the "forums" page. Look for the hotlink at the bottom labeled New Topic. [color=#ee1b00]BEFORE[/color] you go about creating new topics about "How I can improve", "Why do I keep losing?" or something similar, please do us people that use [Url=]Dotabuff[/url] frequently a favor. Please look back 3-5 pages and just read the titles of threads. See if there is a thread similar to yours. A lot of people post looking for things such as "How to improve" or similar things. I assure you there are many people that have replied to these posts and there are valid discussions on several subjects.

    Here is a small survey over the top ten pages of topics on [Url=]Dotabuff[/url] . [Color=#ee82ee]This was taken as of 2/17/2014 at Noon EST.[/color]

    [size=16][color=#db7793]Over ten pages :[/color][/size]
    Topics complaining about MMR : [color=#ff0000]21[/color]
    Topics complaining about Losses : [color=#ff0000]13[/color]
    Topics complaining about Valve : [color=#ff0000]9[/color]
    Topics complaining about Teammates : [color=#ff0000]26[/color]
    Topics Complaining about Lack of / or current in-game features : [color=#ff0000]8[/color]

    There are 25 posts per page. Over 10 pages there are a total of 250 topics/threads. [color=#ff0000]77[/color] of these threads are complaining about something. [color=#ff0000]11/25[/color] topics of each page of threads, are topics complaining about something. This gives us an [color=#ff0000]average bitching density of 44%[/color] per page. That is absurd. There is no reason to flood the forum with trash posts. If you are going to start a topic such as that, please reconsider. Instead of complaining about something which you can't fix, how about starting a thread on how can I minimize the chance of this happening? How can I improve my game play to the point where my teammates are of minimal effect to the game. What can I do to win more frequently?

    Listed below is a plethora of links where specific topics are already being discussed that might help you with these issues you are having with the game. Please remember, everyone gets bad teammates. Everyone loses eventually or has a losing streak. [color=#ffa500]You can either complain about it and be part of the problem, or discuss it in a positive manner, and help find a solution.[/color]

    [size=20][Color=#30e9ff]HOW CAN I GET BETTER?[/color][/size]
    Message [Url=]Relentless[/url], or more recently Havoc. Or read previous threads with common suggestions on how to improve. (I'm sorry in advance.) However with this being said, all of [Url=]Dotabuff[/url] will be more than happy to help improve your game play. Please keep and open and understand that everyone you included can improve in EVERY aspect of game play. No one is perfect, we all have room to improve.
    [Color=#ee82ee]Edit : There will be a list of some threads at the end of this which might be of general interest.[/color]

    [size=20][Color=#30e9ff]What's accepted and what isn't[/color][/size]
    Official forum Guidelines.
    Plus and it's information release was a controversy at one point, but it is "somewhat" accepted now. You can learn a lot from the list of great features some of which can be requested and if you're lucky someone might post it, however, since you use the website why not support something that you are pleased with using? Trolling is fine, so long as it's not personal attacks (to my knowledge). Try to use punctuation, things such as periods and what not because...

    "its rly hard 2 try n understand wut sum1 is sayn when U type lyk dis dis stuff waz used in lyk1995 to shorthand txting when phones ddnt hav full keyboards iz not 95 ne more n we r most lykly on comps n iz lyk u hav a ful keyboard or sumthin rite infront of u so Y wud U not type lyk a regular person"

    As far as "Where should my winrate be at", what I generally feel is acceptable is anything over 50%. The more over 50% the better. Supports should hold around 2.0+ Kda on their most played heroes. Carries should have 3.5+. This, all in all is just my opinion however.

    The community reacts very negatively towards cocky/arrogant players. Being humble and open minded will yield the best results.

    [size=20][Color=#30e9ff]Useful Forum Codes[/color][/size]
    As the stretch goals have increased new ideas have been funded within the community and [color=#00FFFF]emotes have been added to the forums[/color]. This post will be included in my "Welcome" thread, listed here, however I felt that it was needed to make a separate post as that one you are likely to use once and discard. Like a bad hooker, amifuckingright? Anywho, I was requested to post this so forgive me if you are already aware. Here are a list of the emotes now available on dotabuff forums and usable in the [color=#00FFFF]Dota 2 client[/color] as well.

    :blush: - blush // :cheeky: - cheeky // :cool: - cool // :crazy: - crazy // :cry: - cry // :disapprove: - disapprove // :doubledamage: - doubledamage // :facepalm: - facepalm // :happytears: - happytears // :haste: - haste // :hex: - hex // :highfive: - highfive // :huh: - huh // :hush: - hush // :illusion: - illusion // :invisibility: - invisibility // :laugh: - laugh // :rage: - rage // :regeneration: - regeneration // :sad: - sad // :sick: - sick // :sleeping: - sleeping // :smile: - smile // :surprise: - surprise // :wink: - wink

    Emotes are used in the same manner as Steam Emotes. Simply add : : to the front and back of a word. :example:
    Somewhat standard BBcode is in effect, common syntax's are listed. Due to the "code" syntax being disabled, please remove the periods from the code/syntax to use.

    Bold = [.b] Your message goes here. [/b.]
    Italicized = [i.]Your message goes here.[/i.]
    Underline = [u.]Your message goes here.[/u.]
    Strike through = [s.]Your message goes here.[/s.]
    Size = [.size=value]Careful on use of size[/size.]
    Color = [.Color=] Your message goes here.[/color.]
    Youtube video link = [.Youtube]URL GOES HERE[/youtube.]
    Image link = [.Img]Your img url goes here[/img.]
    Make a list = [*.]
    Example = [*]
    Click this link to see a large selection of different color codes.

    [size=20][color=#30e9ff]Heroes Discussions & DB community guides[/color][/size]

    Hooker Alert! - a Pudge Guide by O-God
    "YOUR LIFE, IS MINE NOW!" LIFESTEALER GUIDE by Sam Fuckin' Peckinpah
    How to Play Abaddon - an Abaddon Guide by siveZ
    On My Way to a One Bite Kill! - a Viper Guide by Greatlubu
    Grimorum's Guide for Invoker - an Invoker Guide by Grimorum
    How to Play Terrorblade - a Terrorblade Guide by TheYerrowFerrow
    “Everything has a price...” : A Bounty Hunter Guide, by Sampson
    The Cage Fighter - a Clockwerk Guide by XVI
    The Imba Priest - a Dazzle Guide by ZeUs
    There is Only One! - an Earthshaker Guide
    I Stare into You! - an Enigma Guide by Pelorn
    The Sky's the Limit, but not for Gyrocopter! - a Gyrocopter Guide by Lightwing
    Bleep Bloop - a Wisp Guide by dp.general_tao
    The Admiral is Here! - a Kunkka Guide by Kony 2012
    By the Impure Powers of Nature! - a Leshrac Guide by 99 Problems
    Snake Fetish - a Medusa Guide by epsik-kun
    King of Dirt - a Meepo Guide by Blunt @ Fnatic
    Nyx, Nyx, Nyx! - a Nyx Guide by Blfngl
    Wink's Guide to Promoting the Omnipresence
    Nothing Can Stop our March! - a Phantom Lancer Guide by ShionKLAU
    A Comprehensive Insight into Razer's Playstyle - a Razer Guide by Sw00K1e
    How to play Slark the slippery axolotl by Vlkyr
    As Good as Any - a Spectre Guide by Horiny
    Who's that Handsome Devil? - a Strom Spirit Guide by Farmer
    The Cleaving Machine - a Sven Guide by Tuvarkz
    Yes. Ooh. Ah - a Venomancer Gudie by Havoc Badger

    Hero discussion

    Abby build and skill
    Abaddon general

    Alch support Viable?

    Ancient Apparition
    AA general discussion

    Anti mage
    How to win AM solo queue
    AM tips/discussion

    Axe discussion

    Why to play Bloodseeker?

    Bounty Hunter
    BH game review
    Diffy blade on Gondar
    Help with BH

    Bris imba discussion
    How to stomp as bristle

    Brood in the comp~ scene

    Chen general

    1 role clinkz discussion

    Death prophet
    How to counter DP
    Thoughts on DP

    Aghs on Doom discussion
    Linkens vs Doom
    Another Aghs Doom discussion
    Mek on Doom discussion

    Earth Spirit
    ES general
    ES player seeking advice

    Ember Spirit
    Ember skill build discussion

    Bambi discussion

    Faceless Void
    Faceless General

    Gyro builds
    Midas on gyro??

    Huskar Discussion

    Solo ranked as Invo
    Wex invoker discussion
    General Invoker tips
    Invoker Improvement

    Best Io/Wisp partners

    Jakiro in pub play

    Battlefury on Jugg discussion

    Legion Commander
    Advice for LC
    Solo mid LC viability

    Lesh skill build discussion

    Lich and dual mid

    Naix in Ranked
    SB on Naix??

    Lina role discussion

    Lone Druid
    Lone druid discussion

    Luna general discussion

    Help with Lycan play
    Lycan is the new spirit breaker
    Lycan viable in pro scene but not in pubs?

    Is mag viable?

    Meepo coaching
    Devilish tips on Meepo

    Using PotM ult
    Mirana Role discussion

    Morphling general

    Naga Siren
    Carry naga discussion
    Carry naga nostalgia

    Natures prophet
    Tips on NP

    Necrophos chat
    Necrophos general

    Ogre Magi
    How to play slot machine

    Outworld Devourer
    OD vs Alch mid discussion

    Phantom Assassin
    BF on PA discussion
    PA general

    Thoughts on Phoenix

    Why pick pudge?

    Razor Tips

    Rubick complaints/discussion
    Rubick role discussion

    SK cast order discussion
    Jungle sk chat
    SK general

    Shadow Demon
    SD in pub play
    SD general

    Shadow fiend
    SF players to watch
    Shadow friend item discussion

    Shadow Shaman
    Shadow Shaman discussion

    Silencer discussion

    Skywrath Mage
    Solo skywrath queue in high mmr viability
    Skybird tips

    Lack of pro scene discussion

    Slark item discussion

    Sniper build discussion

    Spectre item discussion

    Storm Spirit
    Storm soulring discussion

    Techies tips/talk
    Techies good for dota?

    TB too strong?
    TB too strong? Part 2.
    Vlads on TB
    TB discussion

    Timbersaw item discussion

    Tinker skill discussion
    Tinker chat

    Tiny builds

    Troll Warlord
    Troll warlord General
    How to optimize as troll

    Opinions on Tusk
    Keeping momentum as Tusk

    Vengeful Spirit
    Talk about play style
    Venge discussion

    Playing against veno

    Viper skill builds
    Visage General

    Offlane Weaver advice
    Binge Weaver play

    Wraith King
    WK item discussion
    WK support discussion

    Some heroes are not featured, so if you feel up to it make one for their discussion, or a "how to play". How to Play Template

    Beastmaster ~-~ DragonKnight ~-~ Brewmaster ~-~ Centuar Warrunner ~-~ Elder Titan ~-~ Tidehunter ~-~ Nightstalker ~-~ Spiritbreaker ~-~ Chaos Knight ~-~ Undying

    Drow Ranger ~-~ Riki ~-~ Templar Assassin ~-~ Ursa ~-~

    Crystal Maiden ~-~ Puck ~-~ Wind Ranger ~-~ Zeus ~-~ Disruptor ~-~ Keeper of the light ~-~ Bane ~-~ Lion ~-~ Witch Doctor ~-~ Warlock ~-~ Queen of Pain ~-~ Pugna ~-~ Dark Seer ~-~ Batrider

    [size=18][color=#30e9ff]Mechanics & Role Discussion :[/color][/size]
    Ending the game
    How to improve CS ability
    How to deal with lane skipping/creep cutting
    Ranked solo queue guide
    Ultimate guide to winning solo queue

    Simple Easy-to-play Carries
    How to improve as a carry
    Hard Carry Q&A

    QoP vs DP
    Mid Q&A
    Improving Mid skills
    Popular Mid Heroes

    Offlane General
    Viable Offlaners in the Meta

    [color=#00bfff]How to support by I like to suport, fuck me...[/color]
    Does KDA matter for supports. (In short, Yes)
    Expanding hero pool with fun supports
    Heroes that can be secondary supports
    Supports in late game

    MMR Improvement
    Tips for increasing MMR
    Help me improve
    Relentless Critique

    Roaming heroes discussion
    Difference between hard support and roaming support

    Unfinished Micro Guide by Melody
    Heroes to practice micro with

    Ultimate Laning Combos

    Favorite Draft Strat Combos

    Teamfights and Priority

    Ratting/Splitpush/Counter push
    How to win against push doto?
    Dealing with Rat dota/Split push
    Map Awareness w/o Vision
    Countering the push

    [size=18][color=#30e9ff]Chat about ability draft:[/color][/size]
    Ability draft general
    AD on Dotabuff
    "OP" Heroes in Ability Draft Discussion
    "OP" Lane combos in AD

    [size=18][color=#30e9ff]QQ Threads :[/color][/size]
    "MM sucks"
    "Broken MM"
    "Cry about team mates"
    "Why is my mmr low"

    [size=18][color=#30e9ff]Recruiting threads :[/color][/size]
    EU Konvict Gaming
    HellsGamers Gaming
    EU Eva
    Zealot Gaming
    DotaROOT V2
    SEA guild
    If you would like something added or removed to this list please ask or suggest by commenting. Thanks.

    [size=18][color=#30e9ff]Item Theory Crafting :[/color][/size]
    Tranq boots
    Mek or Vanguard
    Hand of Midas
    Midas on Support Heroes
    Mkb vs crits
    Casual Sange
    Treads & Switching
    Underrated Items
    Veil of Discord
    Daedalus, purchase order
    If you would like something added or removed to this list please ask or suggest by commenting. Thanks.

    [size=18][color=#30e9ff]General chat threads :[/color][/size]
    MMR General
    Comment on another player
    Music sharing
    Best X heroes in dota
    Worst X heroes in dota
    5 Fastest farming heroes
    5 Worst heroes in dota 2
    Most imba heroes?
    What heroes are you bad at?
    Your goals in Dota 2
    If you have other suggestions for me to list, please leave a comment.

    [size=18][color=#30e9ff]Hotkeys and Settings[/color][/size]
    Settings from top players
    QWER vs Legacy Discussion
    Optimal Binding for Item Dependent heroes
    What's your FPS?
    Gaming Setup
    Waga Talks about Settings

    [size=18][color=#30e9ff]Other Discussions[/color][/size]
    Mouse for Dota?
    Bogi vs Blunt thread
    Single hero players
    Dotabuff signature editor
    Gif Party
    Anger issues and solutions
    Guessing MMR Forum Game
    Role guessing Forum Game
    How start playing Dota?
    Hero & Player Stereotypes

    [size=18][color=#30e9ff]Event Threads[/color][/size]

    [size=18][color=#30e9ff]Other useful links[/color][/size]
    Make a suggestion on how to improve Dotabuff
    Dotabuff Facebook Page
    Dotabuff Twitter page
    Dota 2 Leaderboard discussion
    Dotabuff EU Amateur Series
    Dotabuff Guild Ticket

    [Url=]Melody-San[/url] is a 25 year old. Free time is spent playing Dota 2, Starcraft broodwar, Osu, and other games. They are a free lance writer and occasionally produces music. If you need help with the [Url=]forums[/url] or in-game play feel free to message them on Steam. They plays a 4-5 support role and throws consistently. Their favorite heroes are Visage and Crystal Maiden. They are in no way affiliated with Valve or [Url=]Dotabuff[/url] Staff.

    Threads are from past 50 pages of today, which is 2/13/2014.
    Edit : Threads are from the past 65 pages of today, which is 2/14/2014
    Edit : Added a few more threads, major update to "I'm new" section, new hot links to Blog and other things through out the post 2/16/2014
    Edit : Major update to "Making new threads" section. Addition hotlinks + organization to the post as a whole.
    Edit : 2/26/14 - Added soon to be all guides from guides competition.
    Edit : 2/27 - Completed all guides and more favored thread listings.
    Edit: 3/18 - More thread updating. As always.
    Edit: 3/28 - Started reorganization for cleanliness and ease of access as suggested via a few members.
    Edit: 9/7 - A large edit. This edit can be referred to as the "He clearly hasn't slept in 48 hours edit". Thanks for inspiration Havoc.

    Este tema ha sido editado


      Jay Ashborne

        UGH. coding so strange, so many errors.


          omg... why did you tell people about the colors...

          Jay Ashborne

            @ Concede

            I see nothing that could come from this that I would not thoroughly enjoy.


              why are you teaching color codes, this shit will become a rainbow

              Jay Ashborne

                It's useful to stress points and get show emotion behind words. Sort of like sarcasm or bolding. I highly doubt the forum will become a rainbow.


                  well I think bold or italic is more than enough for this kind of stuff... I never use any of these things anyway, I just don't feel the need

                  Este comentario fue editado
                  Jay Ashborne

                    Well, the image and youtube thing are of use somewhat. Strike through is decent for edits, as are the other things.

                    Edit: At below,

                    100% agree.

                    Este comentario fue editado

                      don't worry 99.9% ppl wont even read it

                      Este comentario fue editado

                        perhaps this something like this could be stickied

                        Jay Ashborne

                          I don't think it deserves a sticky at the moment. If I could link additional threads with hyperlink text such as something like

                          ( ( url = blah ) ( title = Improving mid) )

                          then maybe. However they have like half of the codes disabled (or to where I can't use it ) So it would look sloppy but I'll edit my how to improve section so it doesn't just say "Message Relentless".

                          EDIT: YOU CAN HAS STICKY THIS NOW

                          Este comentario fue editado


                            i'm not being serious. Wish this forum was slightly more structured.... only slightly.

                            Jay Ashborne

                              I know :/ I want a search feature + Link to specific post/thread/or user / sub forums.

                              I'd make a home here.

                              EZ MID 9k mmr

                                𝓢𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓴 𝓲𝓼 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮, 𝓼𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓴 𝓲𝓼 𝓵𝓲𝓯𝓮


                                  [color=#7f7f7f] hello [/color]

                                  Jay Ashborne

                                    Still working on this, 30 pages back at the moment, will sort at the end.

                                    There. You can sticky this now.


                                      [color=#7f7f7f] I approve this guide [/color]


                                        [color=#ffff00]Hell yeah[/color]

                                        owait, [color=#ee82ee]this[/color] will be my color

                                        Este comentario fue editado
                                        King of Low Prio

                                          thank you for this colour(fawking spellcheck trying to get me to spell it color) shit melody

                                          now the forums will be a damn rainbow.....

                                          Este comentario fue editado

                                            [color=#ff0000]Thanks for the topic![/color]

                                            Jay Ashborne

                                              @ Sampson.

                                              Y̘͎̙̯͛̓̈̋o̧͕̣͆̈́͗͘ͅử͎̗̭̩͌́'̢̰̰̋̈́̆͐ͅŕ͎̺̩̤̈̓̃e̜̣̬̫̎̉͛̌ ̧̯͙̲̈̐̉̕w̨̛͚̟͊̌͜͝ȇl̡̥͎͙̐̈́̇̚ç̖̯͇̐͂̚͠ō̮̜͉̼̊̒̒m̝̖̭͐͋̉͘͜ȅ̡̛̙̖͉̈́̾.̲̫̤̮̽̓̋͑

                                              Este comentario fue editado

                                                [color=#800080]Y̘͎̙̯͛̓̈̋o̧͕̣͆̈́͗͘ͅử͎̗̭̩͌́'̢̰̰̋̈́̆͐ͅŕ͎̺̩̤̈̓̃e̜̣̬̫̎̉͛̌ ̧̯͙̲̈̐̉̕w̨̛͚̟͊̌͜͝ȇl̡̥͎͙̐̈́̇̚ç̖̯͇̐͂̚͠ō̮̜͉̼̊̒̒m̝̖̭͐͋̉͘͜ȅ̡̛̙̖͉̈́̾.̲̫̤̮̽̓̋͑[/color]

                                                Jay Ashborne

                                                  Yes you can color code almost all text lol.


                                                    Wow melody
                                                    really good work

                                                    but your waifu is still a


                                                      [color=#800080]T̏̍̆͐͏̴̼̖͎̯̫̖h̸̛͉̙͔̠͓ͦ̉̀ͨ͞ả͔̟̥͉̟̥ͪ[/color][color=#ff0000]ṇ̡̺̱̩͍̽̈́ͯͤͦ̈́͜͞ͅkͪͩ͏̫̬͞s͕͒̓̈́ ̥̣̣̥̀͆̏f̸̙̯̹͚̮̩͍̂͑̿͛ͩ̔͡ò̢̼͖̳̗̺̜͖͈͇r̷̢̮̲͚ͮͣ̂ͣ̚͘ ̰͉̱̗̩̳ͫ̓̄ͪͬ̚t̛͓̗̦̳͎ͪ̂̎̊͠e̾͆͐ͩ̈̐͏̼̣̮̯ͅ[/color][color=#008000]a̻̜̝̙͉̭̱̘̙̽̍c̩͔̖̞̻̙̿ͧͭ̌̓̍̔̀ḧ̛̯͉́̃̀i̥̩̰̝̠̪̫ͭ̌ͦ̀n̳̗̞͒ͣͭ̑̆̈́͟[/color][color=#0000ff]g̟̳̬͖͕̍̒͂̿͐̎̎ ̶̺̫̦̻̥̐̒̀ͪͦ̀̚͞[/color][color=#ffff00]m̷̢̮̜̞͔̦̙̱͌͂ͤ͂ḛ͈̳͙͖͍ͥͩ̑̈́̆̾ͣ͊ ̵͉̊̒̑̌ͧ̀͗͌ĥ̳̼̻͍̳̩̙̱̽̂̎̽ͣoͭ̄ͪ̅̀͛҉̸͍̱͔͢[/color][color=#ffa500]w̻̝̳͙̳̽ͤ̓̊͛̑ͤ́́́ ̡̪͉̼̘̤̽̉ͦ̊̈͌̈͘ͅ[/color][color=#ee82ee]t̡̨͔̲̹ͦ̐̽ō̶̮͇̼͖̮̜̜͐̾́͗̓̇͠ ̡͙͇͕̯́́̃̌ͭ͌̉̅͂́c̴̶̝̩͓̥̅̎ͪͨͮo͔̗̮̰̞̩͌̎ͩ͢͞͠l̖̭̭̻̤̬̟͚̋̽̂̂̏ͤ́̕o̶̦̊̍̉ư̞̭̎̌̆́r̴͍͇̼͈̖ͬͭ̒͘!̣̭͔͖͍͓͕͖ͨ͆͆̈́̈ͥ̌!̵̼̩͉ͧ͊̄ͬͦͤ͆̔!͉̮͉ͮ͛͡[/color]

                                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                                        [color=#ff0000]T̸̢̩̫̙̦͉̝̮͎̯̲̝̟̲̖̖̱̜̣̹͌ͬͫ͛̒͐̇ͭ̾̑̋̌͌͑h͌̀̈́̒̔҉̶̧̘͇͍̬̣͎͔͚̺̜̦͈̝̀͟a̶̢̱̳̬̺͉̬͔̜̩̱̜͇̟̣̱̬̻̪̦ͭ̏̾͆͐͂ͤ̾͋͌̀̄͑͐n̸̛̥̭̬͍̖̫͂̋̍̅ͤ̐̀̔̆̑̈̾ͬ̏̚̕[/color][color=#008000]k̶̸̛̙͈̰̯͇͖̳̥̪̲̱̓͐̓ͤ̔̆̓̆ͪ́̉̄͆ͤͪ̕͘ͅͅs̶͍̭̲̪͕͇͖̫̠̩͕͍̣̜̠̱̗̽̔̓ͮ̈́̆͌ͨͤ̾̆̇̈́̓͘͢ ̧̛̣̹͚͍̻̈́̓͊̆̾͜f̦̭̙̜̜͉̠͎̝̟͂̄͗̑͌̆̊͟ơ̵͓̫͎̭͖̞̪̠̹̲̝̗̣̼̓ͮ̂ͨ̀̕͞[/color][color=#0000ff]ŗ̵̙̥͉̮͓̺̺̳̔͊͆̊̅́ͥͦͨ́ ̶̛ͧ̅͒̌͊̍̈̐ͥ̿̃͋̈́ͣ͛ͦ̕͞͏̱̗̩̼̺̤̙̣̜t̷̴̶̰̘̪̼͉̳̗̩̯̹̠̗̰̥͍͍̘̃ͨ̋͠e̢̓ͭ̅̌͂̇ͦ̋́ͦͦ̈́̓̊͛̚̚͡͏͎̝̮̦̤̮͚̞̜ͅa̷̷͇̮̤̹͎̗̥͙̱̞̱̠̝̗̦ͧͤͥͦ̋̋̊ͣ̒ͭ͐̀ͨ̚c̠̰̝̫͓͇̳̳̘̹̟̲̜͈̫̘̉̏ͭ̇ͮ͛́̆̐̉̈ͬͣ̌̑̕͟͝͡[/color][color=#ffff00]hͨ̿ͩ̆̐̑̄͆ͨ̋̉̇͌̽͊̇̃͏̡̜͙͇͍̱̫̬̰̖͇̻̪͇̮͍͈̙i̢̊ͧ̾̈́ͥ̉̓̓͏̡̮̖̰̲̬͟͠ņ̵̷͓̪̲̗̟̣̻̗̩̹͇̬̯̯̳ͪ̌̄ͣ̓̅ͤ͛͑̂̐̍̈̌͒ͭ͗͡ͅg̨̢̨͈̙̜̩̞̑̇̀ͩͧ̿͆ͦ̂̄̚͢͢ ̴̵̥̭̩̞͈͇̜̩̪̺̼̖͉͓̇ͭ͆͑̀͟͢[/color][color=#800080]m̨̭͕̯͙̺̭͌̈̓͋͋͋́̍ͫ̒ͨͯ̃͊̊̌͗́̕͘ę̤͔͎̟͙͎͓̪͚̗͚̺̐̒̚ ̡͗͛̍ͪ͐̑́͏̷̩͇͇̬̗̖̤̬͈̝̠͚͚̮̱͎͖[/color][color=#ffa500]h̶̶̛̩̜̖̪̖̭͆̿͋ͧ̌̀̓́́͘o̴̢͇̼̦͇̭̯̭͔̰̪̐̽ͭ͒ͯ͊̃͘͢͞ͅw͍̪̳͎̲̖͌̑͗̈͛́̀͜ ̸̛̪̗̠̰̟̔ͭ͊̑̀̑ͭ̽͒̀̀͠t̑ͯ̌͛̒͊ͪͨ͆͑̑̽̈́ͭ̉̅̔̽́҉͏̪̫͍͉͚̜̬ͅơ̡͔̪͔̩̼̺͕̲͕͔̩̱̲̰̥̤̏ͥ̔́̃͊̋͒ͩ͘͞ͅ ̴͌̍͊̌ͤ̈̔̀҉̹̼̥̤͉̮̻̯̠͈͎̪̭̖̫̬̰̪[/color][color=#7f7f7f]c̴̛͓̟͈͇͎͔̠̞̙̳̣̪̟̝͇͇̳͖̙͌ͣ͛͛̈͂̾̈ͧ͒́͗̋͜͡͝ô̶̑̍͛ͮ͜҉̰̮̰͓̬͓͔̙̰̝ͅl̸̨̼̣̹͓͛͊̉́̿̋̒̈́́̀͝o͙̲͇͓̭̻͛͊̿͗̀̾ͣͭͭ̍ͦ̕͝ű̶͙̤̝̼̥͚̘̺̮̲͈̼̲̫̭͎̭ͤ͊ͩ͆ͮ̑̔̉͑̚ͅ[/color][color=#ee82ee]r̸̡͚̮͓̯͉̜̦̞̻̼̣̟̫̻̈́̽̉͗̈ͦͫ̚̚!̵̶̓ͧ̌̐͊͛͞҉͈̩͕̻͈̹̦͈̻̹͚̹!̸͙̱͚̗̼̟̣̹͇̝̙̲̥͛ͯ̊̉ͯ͛̎ͤ̔̏͐ͮ̇̔̉̓́͘͟͞!̢̩̣̬̹̭͈̯̮̙̞̫̟ͬ̈ͧͩͩ́͊̆̿̀͠͡ͅ[/color]

                                                        Este comentario fue editado
                                                        Jay Ashborne

                                                          @ Satellizer

                                                          Don't talk bout my waifu son. We fight irl.

                                                          Jay Ashborne

                                                            Is this thread worthy of kawaii socks reply? I only forum to please Ksocks-sama.


                                                              [color=#ee82ee]Just trying[/color]

                                                              Jay Ashborne

                                                                No I made a three hour elaborate lie. It doesn't work at all.


                                                                  [color=#ee82ee]hmm, it still works for me[/color]


                                                                    Damn, you beat me to making a "Welcome to DotaBuff" thread... Good job nonetheless! Just hope not to see a bunch of rainbows in other threads...

                                                                    Jay Ashborne

                                                                      I honestly had no idea what made me want to do something like this. Whatever, I hope this works. I miss anything you would have covered? I'll be happy to add anything you think is worth if it fits~

                                                                      Guess I'm just a forum Junkie

                                                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                                                        [Color=#ee82ee] Melody4MOD2k14[/color]

                                                                        Este comentario fue editado
                                                                        Jay Ashborne

                                                                          @ Dangdangdangdang



                                                                            [color=#ee82ee]i'm gay[/color]


                                                                              We accept you for who you are gamburger

                                                                              Jay Ashborne

                                                                                Agreed, we do.


                                                                                  omg i was jus tkidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!11




                                                                                      Sorry, guys) I was out for several days - moving from Kiev back to Kazakhstan and that took a lot of time...

                                                                                      Melody-San - AWESOME! Like seriously - AWESOME)

                                                                                      Will try to keep it in the top for new people to have better time adjusting to DotaBuff forums style.

                                                                                      Also - sorry everyone for not releasing a blog for 5 days now. Moving took a lot more effort/time than it should have( Will try to have a new one up asap.


                                                                                        open up gamburger. We do not care who's in your bed at night.

                                                                                        Jay Ashborne

                                                                                          @ Socks-Sama

                                                                                          i'll try to keep it edited and up to date as possible. I still have a few more things I would like to add and change around.


                                                                                            Good job, man! It's also nice to see it noticed by KawaiiSocks
                                                                                            Just out of curiosity, why did you actually move back? I would rather live in Kiev than in Kazakhstan. Anyway, hope you'll manage to deal with this stuff quickly and give us an awesome blog.

                                                                                            Jay Ashborne

                                                                                              No need to thank me, although it's appreciated, the forum needed something like this, so I just threw it together.


                                                                                                [Color=#313131]#313131 for invisible text[/color]


                                                                                                  [Color=#8bcaff] NIGGA[/color]

                                                                                                  Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                                  Donald Duck

                                                                                                    Gj melody, really liked the "worth mentioning" part.

                                                                                                    And the colour one. :D

                                                                                                    Jay Ashborne

                                                                                                      Glad to see people are enjoying it somewhat.