General Discussion

General Discussion[GUIDE COMPETITION]Nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx! - Nyx Blfngl

[GUIDE COMPETITION]Nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx! - Nyx Blfngl in General Discussion
Sleve McDichael

    I will be regularly updating this guide throughout the competition and it's overall existence, so the page may change each time you visit it.

    [b][i][color=skyblue][size=20]Welcome to Blfngl's Nyx Assassin guide![/b][/i][/color][/size]

    Nyx Assassin is a melee agility hero who excels in the mid and offlane roles. Nyx can be played as a semi-carry or a support making this hero very versatile. Nyx is also known for his ability to gank lanes extremely successfully.

    Nyx is all about catching a lane unaware or getting the jump on solo targets OR picking off the weak squishy and delicious supports in the back line of teamfights. Almost all of his abilities can only hit one target.

    - Nyx has an extremely high base health regen stat (2.5+strength!!!!!) which makes him an exceptional option for the middle lane or a solo offlane role, as he can take harass.
    - Has two reliable disables with relatively low cooldowns.
    - An ultimate that acts as an escape mechanism or a very useful ganking tool.
    - Nyx has a skill that can do significant damage to higher intelligence heroes or annoy the crap out of heroes with low mana pools.
    - Is a f*cking bug that brings death to his enemies.
    - Sweet cosmetics.
    - Worships hot goddess.[/color]

    - Relatively squishy
    - Low autoattack damage
    - Low mana pool
    - Heavily reliant on items once in the late game
    - Somewhat difficult to teamfight as Nyx
    - Limit of one per team[/color]

    [b][color=green][size=16]When to Pick Nyx Assassin:[/b][/color][/size]
    - High intelligence heroes on the opposite team (Pugna, Outworld)
    - Burstable, squishy heroes on the opposition (Crystal Maiden, Clinkz)
    - Other team can be shut down by constant ganks (Sniper)
    - No one will buy wards because it's a low level pub match

    [b][color=red][size=16]When not to Pick Nyx Assassin:[/color][/b][/size]
    - Tanky strength heroes compose the majority of the other team (Dragon Knight, Pudge)
    - Heroes with built in magic immunity (Lifestealer, Omniknight)
    - Heroes have built in magic resistance (Rubick, Anti Mage)
    - Heroes have built in detection (Slardar, Bounty)
    - You're on a losing streak (Don't tarnish Nyx's win rate!!!!!)

    Please not that it is possible to win a game as Nyx against an Anti Mage. Just use your best judgement while picking your hero!


    [b][color=saddlebrown][size=14]Q - Impale[/color][/b][/size]
    “Rock spikes burst from the earth along a straight path. Enemy units are hurled into the air, then are stunned and take damage when they fall.”
    Range: 700
    Radius: 125
    Stun Duration: 1.27/1.77/2.27/2.77
    Damage: 80/140/200/260
    Mana Cost: 95/115/135/155
    Cooldown: 11 seconds

    - The knockup duration lasts .52 seconds before the damage and stun are applied.
    - The spikes move forward at a 1600 movement speed.
    - Is blocked by Black King Bar and Linken’s Sphere.

    Due to the recent update with this skill, the new impale can be a little tricky to land. Last patch it was a single target spell (however you could also aim it manually), but now it is point target, meaning it’s a skillshot (like Pudge’s hook). An example of a stun very similar to this is Lion’s Earth Spike, however Lion’s is single target.


    [b][color=skyblue][size=14]W - Mana Burn[/color][/b][/size]
    “Destroys the target hero’s mana equal to a multiplier of its Intelligence, and deals damage equal to the mana burned.”
    Range: 600
    Intelligence Multiplier: 3.5x/4x/4.5x/5x
    Mana Cost: 100
    Cooldown: 28/20/12/4 seconds

    - The mana burned from the target scales to about 26.8%/30.7%/34.5%/38.4% excluding stat raising items.
    - Is blocked by Black King Bar and Linken’s Sphere.

    This skill is an extremely useful lane harass tool against heroes with high mana pools, such as Outworld, as well as being a not so damaging but frustrating skill against heroes with low mana pools, eating through their mana quickly, such as Brewmaster. As most heroes can cast only a single spell before needing to wait for mana regeneration this can be extremely annoying to deal with.


    [b][color=black][size=14]E - Spiked Carapace[/color][/b][/size]
    “When activated, Spiked Carapace reflects and negates damage dealt to Nyx Assassin (max once from each source), as well as stunning the source of the damage.”
    Duration: 2.25 seconds
    Damage Returned: 100%
    Stun Duration: 0.6/1.2/1.8/2.4 seconds
    Mana Cost: 40
    Cooldown: 23/20/17/14

    - Is blocked by Black King Bar.
    - Only triggered by hero damage, physical or magical.
    - All debuffs will pass through, such as stuns and slows.
    - Enchantress’ Impetus is the only damage type (and I’m going to assume all other forms of pure damage as well, but I’m not sure) that can pass through Carapace. Enchantress will become stunned, however.

    This skill is extremely effective against heroes who have a long windup for one of their skills/attacks. Along with having a low mana cost, you’ll almost always have enough mana to cast this in the early/laning phase. Use this AFTER your impale stun has worn off or when you’re running away.


    [b][color=cyan][size=14]Ultimate – Vendetta[/color][/b][/size]
    “Allows Nyx Assassin to become invisible and gain a speed bonus. If Nyx Assassin attacks to break the invisibility, massive bonus damage is dealt with the attack.”
    Fade Time: 0 seconds
    Duration: 20/35/50
    Bonus Movement Speed: 16%/18%/20%
    Bonus Damage: 250/400/550
    Mana Cost: 160/210/260
    Cooldown: 70/60/50 seconds.

    - If the ultimate ends you lose the bonus damage.
    - Nyx isn’t revealed when he starts his attack, meaning you can pump fake all you want and remain invisible.
    - Like all skills that will bring you to invisibility, this skill will not cancel channels such as a TP scroll.

    At max level you can stay permanently invisible as long as you have the mana for it. It also doubles as a useful escape mechanism, with the fade time being zero seconds you can dodge many skills with this ability. This is what makes Nyx such a great ganker.



    [b]Middle[/b] - My personal preference for Nyx is to run him as the mid laner. The reason why mid is so amazing for Nyx is because it provides him instant access to all lanes to gank, including mid itself. It also allows for solo experience, which Nyx is quite dependent on.

    [b]Offlane[/b] - An offlane Nyx works just as well as middle lane Nyx, however the player does not have as much ganking potential.

    [b]Support[/b] - Ewwww. As much as I dislike it, I do play Nyx support. It is very popular and can be difficult to deal with. With not much autoattack damage it makes it difficult for Nyx to farm, so you should focus on harassing enemies with Mana Burn as much as possible.

    My preferred skill build for all of these situations is the same:

    Q - W - Q - E - Q - R - Q - E - E - E - R - W - W - W - Stats - R - Stats+

    However, if you're up against a high intelligence lineup or are going for an all in kill build:

    Q - E - Q - W - Q - R - W - Q - W - W - R - E - E - E - Stats - R - Stats+


    The average pub carry Nyx almost always builds the same thing. As a hero who doesn’t have much right click potential, it’s hard to vary the items that are being built for him. In my opinion, each role for Nyx should start off with:


    Tango - 125
    - Regen <3
    Salve - 115
    - Moar regen <3
    Circlet -185
    - Armor is helpful with Nyx, allowing to him to take even more harass. He has a base 3 armor but it’s nice to have a small boost.
    Mantle of Intelligence - 150
    - Since Nyx is all about dat burst, a reliable mana pool is always needed. With this you’ll have just enough to spam your skills.
    Iron Branch - 50
    - Dem cheap stats

    Pub Stomp Build:


    Immediately build Arcane Boots and then move on to a Dagon. Max your Dagon to level 5, and if you get it to that point start building an Ethereal Blade. The general combo is to initiate with your ultimate, Ethereal the enemy and then spam all of your spells. This does a crap ton of magic damage and will almost always be able to take down a single target.


    Once you make it into the higher level MMR scene, the pub stomp build will still work occasionally but it’s often more useful to build support items to help your team.

    [b][size=16]Carry/Ganking Nyx:[/b][/size]

    [b]Before you continue...Bottle or Arcane Boots?[/b]
    - This is really up to you. I personally prefer Arcanes due to the fact that it's an ensured amount of mana every fifty-five seconds and doesn't need to be replenished by Runes or the fountain. However, Bottle restores 210 mana with all three charges (while arcanes only restore 100 after subtracting activation costs) and also replenishes health. Bottle also encourages more roaming and ganking as well as rune control. Up to you!

    [b]A quick note...[/b]
    These items are listed in my general item progression, however you can vary it to what suits your play style.

    Arcane Boots/Boots of Travel
    - Arcanes will give Nyx the mana he needs. If the game is lasting longer than expected Nyx can get TP boots to make sure he’s always in the fight as well as assisting to push multiple lanes.

    - If you get arcanes, don't get a bottle, and vice-versa. This is all up to you. If you go mid, you should be checking the runes every two minutes for rune control as well as keeping your bottle filled. Bottle is also a little better for ganking as a rune may spawn once you are leaving to gank a lane or coming back from one.

    Urn of Shadows
    - This give Nyx a little more tankiness and can allow for him to heal either himself or allies after a successful gank.

    Null Talisman
    - Still useful to have mana.

    Blink Dagger/Force Staff
    - It’s up to you. Extra mobility to land stuns is important.

    Scythe of Vyse
    - Having a really good game? Go for this, as it helps lock down targets and provide for an easy impale. The combo once you get this is to initiate with the ult and then vyse, not vysing before.

    Rod of Atos
    - If you’re not rich enough to afford a sheepstick or want cheap HP an Atos does almost exactly the same thing.

    Linken’s Sphere
    - If there is a lot of single target lockdown on the other team this item can help you burden it.

    Heart of Tarrasque
    - Being squishy, Tarrasque is nice if you’re being focused down too quickly.

    If your game is going extremely well feel free to build a Dagon and Ethereal blade at that point.

    [b][size=16]Support Nyx:[/b][/size]

    Arcane Boots
    - Mana.

    Urn of Shadows
    - Same reason you get them on the carry build.

    Rod of Atos
    - Since you’re supporting you won’t have much gold, so Atos is a much cheaper version Vyse with a decent disable.

    Blink Dagger
    - As a support, you’ll be expected to initiate and set up kills for your carry. A blink impale is deadly.


    Drum of Endurance
    - This item really isn’t for you, as it’s passive and active doesn’t help a non right click hero. Get this for your carry because you love them.

    - Adds a little more push power to Nyx, as well as providing true side as long as you level the book up.

    You may transition into a semi-carry if you’re doing well enough or your other support is a try hard.


    Eul's Scepter of Divinity
    - This adds for a little more positioning and/or escape, makes it a bit easier to land Impale.

    - Being invisible and burning people is quite funny, however it doesn't really help after that.

    Vladimir's Offering
    - If on the support role, feel free to pick up a Vlad's for your team if no one has. Keep in mind that this isn't for you, but for your team.

    Black King Bar
    - Adds for a little more tankiness as well as a reliable way to avoid lockdown.

    Heaven's Halberd
    - Going up against heavy right clickers? Disarm them an they become less of a problem. However, I do list it as situational because you may want to build a ghost scepter instead, which does almost the same thing.

    Shiva's Guard
    - Provides Nyx with a useful slow and a little more intelligence to spam his spells, as well as more armor.

    Orchid of Malevolence
    - Like sheepstick, only use this after the stun duration of impale wears off, maximizing the silence time.

    [b][size=16]Do not get:[/b][/size]

    Phase Boots/Power Treads
    - Nyx isn’t supposed to right click. DON’T. He also is fast enough with his ultimate and has decent escape.

    Skull Basher/Abyssal Blade/Mask Of Madness
    - NYX IS NOT RIGHT CLICK. Some people I've seen play Nyx build him around right click items which just doesn't work.

    - As attractive as it would be to crit on Vendetta, you can't.

    Divine Rapier
    - Too risky. Unless you’re 90-0-0 (KDA) don’t ever buy a rapier.


    [b]Early Game:[/b]

    As a semicarry, your main goal is to farm/gank. I like to start ganking as soon as I hit level six, but making sure I have enough mana to use Vendetta and Impale. Once you get your arcanes or bottle, hit the road! Don’t stop trying to set up kills and coordinate ganks with your team. Coordinated ganks are extremely difficult to deal with and can shut down any team. As soon as you're level six, you'll be able to burst down almost every non-strength hero to about ten to twenty percent of their healthpool with your full combo, allowing your main carry to pick up the kill.

    As a support, focus on denying, stacking, pulling, scouting and warding (General support stuff). Gank mid lane once you get Vendetta to create space for your mid laner. You won't have as much money, cuz you're support (DONT TAKE MY F*CKING LAST HITS), so your mana pool might not be as large as it would be if you were farming like crazy.

    [b]Mid Game:[/b]

    As a semicarry, just keep farming/killing. When solo pushing as carry Nyx you don’t need to worry much because if your damage output and your ability to turn ganks around with Impale and Spiked Carapace. If you keep ganking go for supports, as it doesn't take farm away from your carry.

    As a support, keep doing support stuff. Stay with a carry or a tank so that if someone ganks you, you have a better chance of surviving and turning things around.

    Both roles can push very effectively with Impale, so you may want to start to help your team push.

    [b]Late Game:[/b]

    As a semicarry, just keep…farming and killing.

    As a support, keep doing…support stuff.

    [b][size=16]Teamfighting as Nyx[/b][/size]

    Before you initiate, check to see if they have a gem/detection. Scout out the area first, and then make an attempt to find the squishies on the back line of the enemy team. Once they get vulnerable, initiate on them and try and kill them. If you're successful, you'll be fighting a 4v5 when your team comes in to help you.

    If they have a mana dependant hero, ie Storm Spirit, make sure you focus him with your Mana Burn. This will siphon off a lot of his mana as well as do crazy damage. If they have a Skeleton King, make sure you focus him with Mana Burn to prevent Reincarnation.

    If you've gone the Dagon/Ethereal route, use it to harass the enemy if you're at a standoff. With an amazingly low cooldown at level five, it will probably be available for use once you actually decide to fight.

    [b][size=16]Heroes - Allies, Enemies and Counters:[/b][/size]

    [color=green][b][size=14]Nyx’s Allies:[/b][/size][/color]

    Honestly, in my opinion it's hard for Nyx to synergize with a team due to his skillset and the way I think he should be played, but these heroes in particular can help Nyx quickly burst down or find enemies.

    Bloodseeker/Bounty Hunter/Slardar - All of these heroes have some form of detection and will assist Nyx to pick off lone, vulnerable targets.

    Lifestealer - A N’aix Bomb is an amazing combo with the already insane burst that comes out of Nyx.

    Lion - Nyx and Lion are very similar in the way that they do damage. Be sure to chain your impales so that the stun goes on the longest!

    [color=red][b][size=14]Strong Counters To Nyx:[/color][/size][/b]

    Any hero with a strong disable, such as Shadow Shaman, is an instant counter to Nyx. This is why Linken’s is often appropriate to be built, allowing Nyx to become more elusive.

    Shadow Shaman - Shackles and a good Ward trap can disable Nyx for an entire teamfight. The only real counter here is good reflexes and/or a Linken’s Sphere.

    Faceless Void - Every invisible hero’s bane.

    Undying - With a strength steal, Undying makes Nyx extremely squishy and vulnerable as well as lowering Nyx’s overall health regeneration.

    Juggernaut - While Jugg is in Bladefury AND Omnislash, Spiked Carapace cannot return damage or stun him, making him a strong laning counter. Also, since Nyx relies on magical burst Bladefury can stop a lot of damage from coming out of him.

    Bloodseeker/Bounty Hunter/Slardar - As well as being helpful to Nyx, they can also spell doom for him if they catch him with their detection.

    Doom - You’re done if you get doomed. With no right click it’s impossible to fight back.

    Silencer - As a hero that relies solely on spells to kill, you get silenced and you're out of the fight.

    [b][color=blue][size=14]Heroes Nyx Counters:[/b][/size][/color]

    Most heroes with high mana pools are amazingly countered by Nyx.

    Outworld Devourer/Pugna/Storm Spirit - Mana burn. If you're up against mid these heroes will be taking nyxtons of damage as well as discovering that all of their mana is gone.

    Sniper - In my opinion, Nyx is a good counter to Sniper due to his long windup for assassinate and the fact that Carapace will bug the nyx out of him.

    Pudge - Even if Pudge hooks you, spam Carapace. You'll be able to turn it on before he devours you, effectively wasting his ultimate. His low mana pool makes him vulnerable to Nyx's mana burn as well. Late game, however, you'll stop countering him if he snowballs.

    [b][size=16]Mid Lane Matchups[/b][/size]

    - EZ. Due to his high intelligence gain, you may want to take Mana Burn in place of Impale to harass and prevent him from using spells. Also, you'll know when Pugna wants to hit you with a Nether Blast if he Decripifies you, giving you ample time to toggle on your Carapace and dealing the boosted Blast straight back to him. A Mana Burn or Impale should clean him up quite nicely after that. Once you hit six it'll be no problem to destroy his face.

    - Another easy lane due to the fact that his attack animation SUCKS. This means you'll probably be able to last hit and deny without much trouble. His attack animation helps you win lanes because you'll know when Clinkz decides to fire an arrow or two at you, letting you pop your Carapace no problem. As soon as you hit six you should kill him due to how squishy he is.

    Shadow Fiend
    - Take advantage of his low earlygame damage and make sure you deny the f*ck out of him. He will also be going to try and deny his own creeps, so try and stop that from happening. If you have good reflexes you'll be able to see when he's about to Raze and will be able to turn on Carapace and reflect it no problem.

    More on the way!

    [b][size=16]Useful Tips:[/b][/size]

    - Nyx is a magical damage burst hero, so be careful when initiating on to heroes with magic resistance/immunity.

    - Your main combo should always start with Vendetta. If you have an Ethereal blade use it as soon as you get out of Vendetta, then use your skills, starting with impale. Only toggle Carapace after the impale stun has worn off as well as scythe of vyse if you have one.

    - Try to line up Impale to hit multiple targets.

    - Since Spiked Carapace can only block one damage instance from a source, use it wisely! Make sure you try and block the most damaging spell or attack. Example: Huskar is harassing you with spears in the mid lane, and he hits level six. Don't use carapace to block the spears, use it to block all of the damage coming from his ultimate if he leaps at you.

    - Vendetta is physical damage! That means it goes through magic immunity (BKB/Rage/Blade Fury) but won't hit Ethereal units.

    Thanks for taking the time to sift through my article!

    Nyxnyx, Blfngl


    Este tema ha sido editado

      That fucking crab beetle molesk thing. Was best when stun was aimed, now because I'm noob its trickier. Dagon 5 V CM = POP POP


        instant pick nyx if u see an obsidian destroyer on enemy heroes, free kill.


          1 of the stuns is not reliable

          Sleve McDichael

            None of my color text or pictures went through D:


              Color : [color=red]text[/color.] , remove .

              Pictures : [img]text[/img]

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              Sleve McDichael
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                Sleve McDichael

                  @I Like to suport
                  Thanks :D

                  Ples Mercy

                    [quote=Blfngl]Nyx can be played as a [b]hard carry[/b], semi-carry or a support making this hero very versatile. Nyx is also known for his ability to gank lanes extremely successfully.[/quote]

                    how is that supposed to work

                    Este comentario fue editado

                      ^HARDCARRY NYX, NEW META.

                      Sleve McDichael

                        When I say hard carry I don't mean hard carry in the traditional sense. I'll edit that :P


                          TBH, Nyx counters void, not the other way around. By level 7 you should be able to burst easily 80% of his hp and constantly gank him. Juggernaut suffers from the same problem at a lesser degree. Manaburn's there for a reason


                            Vendetta can't crit, even if you have Daedalus (I tried).

                            Sleve McDichael

                              That's why it's under items you shouldn't get :P


                                nice guide 10/10 will read


                                  whats the reasoning behind levelin up E instead of W?

                                  Sleve McDichael

                                    I prefer the escape. Also, mana burn scales more into the late game, but if you're up against a high int team you may want to level it up prematurely. I'll add something about that.