General Discussion

General DiscussionWhats the reasoning to buffing heroes a little too much? Invoker example

Whats the reasoning to buffing heroes a little too much? Invoker example in General Discussion

    Buff this, nerf that, buff this even more, nerf him till your eyes bleed. I don't understand the idea to this. People says it makes the game more interesting, but sometimes it makes the game a lot more boring. Invoker was already somewhat chosen a lot cause people thought they had a big dick picking him and playing him. I thought he was fine during TI3 and now all of a sudden they buff him and then nerf things when people are using his forge spirits? It makes the game quite boring when I only see tornado Emp. Tasteless dota

    King of Low Prio

      didnt you buy your account or am I thinking of someone else

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Because Icefrog seriously knows nothing about balancing this game.


          I think it was to introduce variety, buffing a quas-wex lineup while nerfing the quas-exort lineup (which was played in pretty much every pro Game) adds more variety IMO, it's not made invoker broken in any way, but has just changed him to encourage people to play him differently


            I'm just wondering why some heroes have to go through that when I don't think its neccesary. I mean, I don't think Shadow fiend has been changed in a good 3 patches or so and his last change was very subtle and not really a nerf or a buff. Yet hes still played sometimes.


              Honestly I think it's just to keep the game varied, I mean if you imagine a DotA 2, when all the heroes are released, when nothing was ever changed ever again, it would quickly get really boring. I understand what you mean, I think valve have been trying to increase the playtime of heroes that previously received very little, such as Bloodseeker and Broodmother, who have been the focus of a lot of updates recently. I would imagine the focus on certain heroes will soon wear off and we'll get more updates for others soon


                I wish quas wex got nerfed and quas exort got buffed, quas exort is way cooler...
                its pretty dumb knowing ive only lost 1 game ever as quas wex but i lose the majority of my quas exort games :/

                Este comentario fue editado
                Ples Mercy

                  OP your shit, stop getting annoying with your scrubthreads and go play with ur 48% winrate account.

                  Quick maffs

                    Icefrog gets bored and he changes something


                      invoker is super hard to deal with if u got delay (currently playing a tourney in us east and fucking invoker is a hassle)...but rly... as long as there's no delay issues the hero is just another feeder on the enemy team ^^

                      Este comentario fue editado
                      Dire Wolf

                        It's sort of balance wise but it's also just to mix up the game. A lot of times it's along with other meta changes like jungle nerf, passive gold change, and introduction of new heroes. Also a lot of times you don't realize a hero is good or bad until some new comp starts getting played a lot and then it becomes painfully obvious they should change something.


                          Trying to say icefrog doesn't know how to balance dota is kinda ridiculous. If he was so bad at it, the dota map wouldn't have continued to flourish since 2005 when he took over.

                          Invoker is obviously a very hard hero to balance properly due to the number of spells he has and his versatility. I think a reduction in his early EMP mana drain is all he needs.

                          Este comentario fue editado

                            So will there ever be a hero that just stays the way he is forever?

                            Quick maffs

                              nop he gets bored he changes shit, simple


                                as long as not earth spirit pre nerf, everything is fine.


                                  venge, icefrog never changed her.


                                    ^Probably not.

                                    Thing is there are a lot of heroes that get really minor tweaks, but are including in the change logs, while other heroes get major tweaks.

                                    Like... when was the last time Puck or venge was really "changed"

                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                      venge had ladder terror before wave of terror


                                        Yea, it was like presence of the dark lord.

                                        Reduces damage and armor of units in an area around you.
                                        Radius: 700
                                        Debuff Duration: 20
                                        Damage Reduction: 5/10/15/20%
                                        Armor Reduction: 2/3/4/5


                                          ^^^ Puck's Phase Shift used to have a manacost and could be put on autocast to instantly dodge sneak attacks like Nyx's Vendetta, even with no vision or fast fingers.


                                            i agree with sam here. said it so myself countless times. icefraud is clueless.