General Discussion

General DiscussionI discovered the best buIld for Elder Titan carry?

I discovered the best buIld for Elder Titan carry? in General Discussion

    I think this build is perfect for this hero, the first game the people was laughting cause my items seem bad but, idk it seems pretty good for me (i'm nub).

    Bottle (Mid or offlane)
    Power boots
    Magic Stick
    Urn of shadows or basilius
    Asalt or shivas or both.

    What do u think about?

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      no you didn't


        yer stop lying idiot!


          Im asking, not lying


            5bf+pt. With spirit damage and bf , rampage easy


              The issue is here that while it may be good, is a linkens really needed? Also why would you play Elder carry when you can play another carry as a carry. Every now and then you have a lucky break with a hero and have an amazing run but that doesn't mean the hero should be played like that. Example is not the way Elder is played but I had a really good start in the offlane and thought why not.

              What you have described above is a very standard build for Elder Titan bar the linkens and sure it is very viable. Linkens really won't do all that much as Elder Titan is used as an aura bitch and should be kept just out of harms way so as to land his skills without taking too much aggro (he is not Earth Shaker).


                Also... Bottle/Stick/Urn is far too much. Don't just spam the spirit wildly, calculate and maneuver every one you send out so as not to burn out your mana pool.

                To many consumables and such will see you selling those off quickly in favor of other items. Stick/Urn is all you need unless your mid has no bottle in which case it should be fine or consider skipping the urn and going for Mek.


                  Y mek is a great item too

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    Carry ain't not "core" mate.


                      tc carry is pretty strong, but he has some major problem, he doesn't farm fast, and you cann't go for a bf,
                      If you play carry you don't tank a shit and you have skill that require extremly good position, and most of time the good position will not be mele range.

                      But on the other hand, you can 2-3 shot anyone considering you have a desolator (and that they didn't bought some armor, which is very unlikely unless for mecka/shiva/assault.

                      If played as a carry he is a very good rat killer aswell, cause here the position doesn't matter. He is one of those hero, that could be carry, but then need a 2nd carry in the team for letting him the time to unleash his true power in teamfight and unpush better in late.

                      Desolator and assault are needed, mb not rushing it, but needed, for your mana problem you can consider buying medaillon or arcane boot, cause unless you spam like a retard, it be more than enough.

                      I saw some shadow blade tc, which were actually pretty nice, if you know how to use it as a tc, or totally garbage if you don't know how to use it as a tc.

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