General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR broken= Confirmed

MMR broken= Confirmed in General Discussion

    i feel him

    Woof Woof

      i said it long time ago mmr needs set in stone brackets especially when it comes to games above 3k @ lolz at dendis reply but his idea isnt that bad special bracket for pros (where they can vote in other top players and remove them would be amaizing >!)

      Este comentario fue editado

        it's because the queue is 10 minutes long each time a 5k+ player wants to play CD and nobody with 5k+ plays there


          so how much mmr u got doing that?


            i don't queue CD/CM, are you vac banned yet? :)


              u talkin to me ?


                also i asked how much mmr u got playing vs bots/urself
                just for info


                  special bracket for professional layers is a very bad idea tbh, the circle is closed enough already. but i can see why you as a pro would suggest that.

                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                    sucks to play top 1% when u are top 10%? lol

                    Woof Woof

                      not bracket for profesional players only but bracket for mainly pros where they are allowed to invite players they find worthy of playing with/against them


                        people babycried when they matched with idiots.
                        now they cried becaused they matched with dendis.