General Discussion

General DiscussionSeriously...? I don't even understand.

Seriously...? I don't even understand. in General Discussion

    It's not even the score that matters, and if you really care, here you go:

    But it's the fact that my team consisted of
    700 win guy.
    Private Profile
    100 win guy.
    A guy who has fucking 4 public games, and the rest are all coop bots.

    and not even that...

    The match was found instantly. What? Apparently a "perfect" match is me with 4 fucking retards?

    My MMR has dropped from 4400 down to 3600 in a couple weeks, and apparently now I have to play with complete retards, and during this "4.4 to 3.6 drop" the majority of my games I'm the only person on my team NOT feeding, but you still lose 25 points a game...

    The sniper was missing 90% of his last hits in lane in the early game and kept doing dumb things, he balled out of control by feeding on my supports like no tomorrow. How am I supposed to win this game? Is this one of those "impossible" games valve puts you in? Why the fuck don't they mark your rating based on individual scores?

    Edit: My mistake, I accidentally didn't queue ranked, that's my problem I suppose, though matchmaking is clearly still broken beyond belief. I get these games frequently in ranked as well.

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      You know what forum this is. You know that no one cares.

      Whats the point of this?


        MMR games r fine for me :) i dont get why people think they are "Broken" everyone has bad games and feeds.


          Outdrafted game,like many others which happens to anyone. Ofc is stomp when 5v5 players with similar skill lvl have stronger picks.


            > 46% winrate.




                > ratewin


                  normal mm is broken

                  Jay Ashborne

                    Ck has a really good base attack with a decent amount of strength gain. You shouldnt need a Q blade to last hit. -225 gold from whatever item you were getting next.

                    Little flaws like this can add up and make a game. Stop blaming other people, learn ways to improve your own play to carry yourself out of it if you are as good as you say you are.

                    I'm 1.4k and I know this shit, + these threads are old and redundant.



                      are you seriously 1.4k >.<?

                      Jay Ashborne

                        Son, I'm 1.3 to be honest.



                          Jay Ashborne

                            might as well be.


                              wtf mel, fucking go to sleep

                              Low Expectations

                                Why is quailing blade on carries bad? I think its good if 1) you have trouble overall to lasthit early game 2) You are playing vs ranged harassheros.
                                And to the OP, Yes valve intentionally makes you lose in order to get you closer to 50% winrate. waitwat


                                  did u just say its good for wen ur vsing double ranged harrass its good to have Quelling? u mean stout right?

                                  Low Expectations

                                    I think stout shiled is good on any melee carry but I usually get both when playing Spectra, especially if I am vs Windrunner, Viper so that I can kill the creep without waiting for it to drop really low because I just get harassed away


                                      You know that you can do the exact same thing without a quelling blade right? you just need to be better at last hitting...


                                        u might need quelling blade if the other person has better dmg/atk time than you do and is able to last hit

                                        otherwise its just a game of him having better stats over you rather than timing

                                        Low Expectations

                                          That is probably true, however I perfer to invest 225g to secure the lasthits if I am playing vs someone with high ability to deny me creeps.


                                            "and if you really care, "



                                              Just a note, quelling blade technically only cost 100 gold ish if you consider selling it :) With 3-4 creeps you are able to recover your investment. Also note that especially for safe lane dire, quelling blade works wonders with pulling and stacking!

                                              edit. not wonders, but you know what I mean.

                                              Este comentario fue editado

                                                So you had 4400 mmr but I guess your true value is about 1.5-2.5k, so when the mmr system put you with 2.5k or lower player you still lose. I guess it's not the only game you lost, btw you have 46%wr; try to improve your game instead of looking what others players do.


                                                  quelling is ok..


                                                    Quelling blade isn't ideal on CK but it does compensate for his massive attack damage range, yeah you could hit a creep for 79 damage at level 1, but you could also hit it for 49 damage because of the huge range, with anywhere in between being entirely random. Personally I never get it but I can see why people might to remove the worst side of his range, and to improve the good side more


                                                      Quelling blade is great...

                                                      OH HURP DURP "ONLE NUB USE QB BCUZ U CAN LH ANEWEY"

                                                      1) It secures last hits you might have potentially missed.
                                                      2) And MOST importantly, you can get 100% LH while underneath a tower without a support or yourself setting you up. It means you can EASILY get 100% LH while the tower is firing on the creeps. Try it. EASILY worth the 125 GP investment to get 100% lh under the tower.
                                                      3) Chopping down trees is IMMENSELY useful. It prevents the shitty pathing from effecting you, and can more easily access creeps for LH without running around as long. And in the rare case you are terrified of ganks you can chop down some trees so you can see better. (If you don't have a ward)
                                                      4) You can access multiple juke locations with a quelling blade you couldn't access before. (Unless you for some ungodly reason have tangos in the mid game.. what?)
                                                      5) CK's high base damage means the PERCENTAGE buff QB gives you is even MORE useful on him than any other hero, namely, in the mid game, when you are pushing and jungling. And in the early game, it secures your last hits much easier.

                                                      You clearly know nothing about anything Melody-San.


                                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                                        qb is pretty good tbh, speeds up ur jungling a loot and also great when vs furion/great juke potential


                                                          i would almost never buy it at game start tho, prolly save a few gold and buy it from side shop or even later


                                                            you shouldn't start with quelling blade
                                                            start with a stout and buy the qblade at the side shop


                                                              Team composition was kind of poor. 4 int's and 1 carry. I agree with the QB purchase but i go with satellizer on that, you should of bought it in side shop and gotten a poor mans shield.

                                                              Someone should of gotten a ganker. CM and CK had good lockdown but the rest of the team was meh.

                                                              Not much you can do sometimes.


                                                                I wasn't the captain.


                                                                  Congratulations, you managed to get upset over something like a number in your dota2 profile or what a 12 year old said on the internet, your nutsack is now infinitely smaller than when you started making this thread.


                                                                    Are you dumb? I don't care about some "number" in my profile. I care about the fact that the match was complete shit due to Valve's matchmaking system. I have 1500 hrs and I get matched with someone who has like 5 hours... what?

                                                                    Your brain never got smaller. It is already infinitesimally smaller than it should be.

                                                                    Este comentario fue editado
                                                                    Jay Ashborne

                                                                      You know that thing where I said small mistakes, you're making another. Stop being so defensive. You ask, we tell you. You try to justify what we tell you should change? I'm finished with this thread. Enjoy the trench you're digging. When you learn to accept constructive criticism let me know. You are the 95%.

                                                                      Edit: Guess I'm not finished. Meh. It's not even the fact of what I suggest could be wrong that irritates me. (Very well could be, just my opinion.) I could be very wrong you could need that Q blade, but its fact you took your time to list 5 fucking reasons why you are RIGHT... that shows me you're just as arrogant and as full of yourself as any sub 50% rate wanna be. If you can't accept that you made a mistake, you're just like the fucking 500 other randoms that post on this website once.

                                                                      "omfg my team iks holding me bak frm TI4 guyise..."

                                                                      Get good.

                                                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                                                        How about giving actual advice then? Because so far you haven't given any constructive criticism except "QB bad. NEXT LOL SO KAWAII~" I get defensive when you give shitty advice and end with an insult. Apparently you just can't handle taking some of your own medicine. In fact, how about you take your own advice? "lol don't be so defensive?" how about don't be so offensive? GTFO if you aren't going to be helpful.

                                                                        Jay Ashborne

                                                                          Updated. Sorry for sounding irritated, (we see) I see 50 of these threads a day. It's old.

                                                                          Edit: added ( )

                                                                          Este comentario fue editado

                                                                            The problem with your theory is you ARE wrong about QB. And I WAS right, and yet, you still are insulting and think YOU are better. You are the arrogant one here. I would love advice to improve, but when you give incorrect advice with insults, that just ain't going to fly.

                                                                            Why don't you suggest I buy a vangaurd and then shove that down my throat, and when I say you're wrong you call me arrogant and bad? Yeah, okay.

                                                                            Get the fuck out.

                                                                            Este comentario fue editado
                                                                            Jay Ashborne

                                                                              No, I'm not better. You are a better player than me most likely. 100% serious. You're mistaken. I don't every claim to be anything sort of good at this game.


                                                                                You clearly think you are better, especially from your attitude. Your only point of reference is wins vs. wins and so you must think you are better. Your sarcasm is even worse.

                                                                                I thought you said you are done with this thread? Leaving some time soon?


                                                                                  Still no one gave a proverbial fuck and came here making a post on how hard you sucked because we all have bad games. Talking about qb instead, u see?

                                                                                  We all know matchmaking is fasr from perfect.

                                                                                  My point is simple, rant threads usually lead to trolling. on the other hand, asking for some constructive feedback on how to improve on anything with an positive attitude can lead to enriched threads.

                                                                                  Saying your teammates always suck gives no ground on how to improve yourself as a solo player.


                                                                                    You can't ask for constructive critism on dotabuff, it's full of people like Melody-San who think they are superior to everyone and just start insulting you.

                                                                                    My teammates don't always suck, but more often than not, they do and it pisses me off how many of my games (which is a large percentage) I have an entire team who feeds (sometimes I get lucky and one other person is good, but generally 3-4 people on my team are complete trash) and I just cannot carry out. I get teams who feed one by one hopelessly trying to defend a tower. I get teams where people fortify a 5v0 tower defense at 20% hp. I get people who insta-claim middle, then pick Lich and buy headdress. The list goes on. This shouldn't be happening. The problem is that Valve wants to create a match as fast as possible, with no regard to balance and because most people on Dotabuff are good (95-99th percentile) we all end up carrying retards.

                                                                                    Why can't we check a box that requests a fair match?

                                                                                    FYI: I stopped playing carry, which is my favourite position, because you just can't change a game when you don't come online for 10-15 minutes and the game is already over at that point, but even with an offlane or support you end up getting mids who feed or a carry who has half the farm of the other team's carry at 45 minutes in. I should probably play mid, but I've just never practiced it.

                                                                                    Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                    Jay Ashborne

                                                                                      Why did you buy quelling blade for CK this game, I'm asking, not mocking.


                                                                                        Because it allows you to jungle faster (damage as well as opening up trees that allow saving ~3-6 seconds per camp) and allows you to perfectly last hit under a tower without help from a support or setting up your own last hits (which means they can harass you more). The fact it allows you to juke better without tangos is a bonus.

                                                                                        Spending 225gp for 6 second speed increase in jungle farming and 100% LH under tower is worth it to me. It easily pays itself off. Plus the odd time you MIGHT have missed, now you don't.

                                                                                        If you buy a QB on CK and don't get 95-100% LH contested lane (and 50% deny), something is wrong.

                                                                                        Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                          Also, as a general tip, stop playing normal MM if you want "balanced" matches.
                                                                                          normal MM is really broken.


                                                                                            I know, I accidentally queued normal this time, but ranked is ALMOST just as bad. At least half of my ranked matches I'm the only person not feeding. I have at least 5 of 20 ranked games where my entire team goes 0-10.

                                                                                            Jay Ashborne

                                                                                              You're right. I'm wrong. Later.


                                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                                KDA whore


                                                                                                  ITT: Marlan not realizing when to stop posting.


                                                                                                    Why are you guys still on this;

                                                                                                    starting with a stout shield is a basic thing
                                                                                                    QB might not be needed on CK, but I don't see any problem on buying it (edit: on the side shop)

                                                                                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                                      Just because Loda wants to buy stout first doesn't make it the only thing to ever buy. Do you only play cookie cutter Dota? I prefer QB, I don't usually need a stout because most players don't harass. And the small amount of harass most players DO use I counter with the tango. Metas change in professional Dota. They are actually good there.


                                                                                                        no bro YOU play cookie cutter dota, because you play in a sub 3k bracket... you should actually listen to 5k+ people