General Discussion

General DiscussionNew MM changes

New MM changes in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    Since Valve is showing MM at the end of dota 2 matches does that mean that Dotabuff will finally be able to get MM on their site?


      Explain in penguin terms.


        no its client sided

        King of Low Prio



            I still didnt saw any mmrs of players at scoreboard in last game so its like not up yet..


              well how the fuck do u intend to saw the mmr of players?
              how the fuck do people still do such a shitty grammar fail?

              King of Low Prio

                everyone's native tongue is English #fact

                Quick maffs

                  nazi grammar detected


                    I still didnt saw any mmrs of players at scoreboard
                    Same here

                    la the yeezy
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                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                        haven't seen it yet.


                          Yea seems like their system doesn't work right now. Played 2 games today(lost both of them) - didn't see any mmr at the end.

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                            Just played a ranked game and I could see the MMRs of all 10 players on the scoreboard.

                            Ron Swanson

                              Yes, i will confirm with cartographer that the mmrs were released after the match was over. I always thought being pink and blue meant you had the highest mmr and in descending order not entirely true, although it was for one game the order of the mmr didnt go in numerical fashion for the rest of the colors.


                                why couldnt i see it? o.o


                                  @小虫子吃大鸟和熟食沙拉 Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Probably still buggy.


                                    Yeah I'd wager it's either a bug or it's intentionally random. The idea behind randomly showing MMRs sometimes is that it would teach reality to people, hopefully teach people to drop their arrogance a bit. The occasional MMR showing would provide enough knowledge to realize that MMR doesn't match up with color in any way and to provide examples to people that sometimes high MMR people fuck up/feed and sometimes low MMR people rape. It just happens.

                                    King of Low Prio


                                      yea the lycan was the only person in on team who had a MM close to mine and he wasnt all that great lol

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