General Discussion

General Discussionrat doto clinkz

rat doto clinkz in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Can clinkz play effective rat doto? His arrows scorch everything since they're physical dmg and his strafe is a tower killer, really good escape even if they have detection since he is so freakin fast. I was jw cus a lot of times your team will be pushing a lane and thus their team is defending so there aren't any good gank opportunities, yet your team doesn't need your help with the push. So I'll go push up another lane and take a tower with strafe, seems to work well. Idk if full out rat doto would be good or not.


      i ratted a tower last nite with weaver felt gud

      King of Low Prio

        drow does the job better now

        Tranquil Flow

          Except Drow doesn't have built in escape mechanism like Skeleton Walk. :/ I think he can, but it's kinda easily countered by dust/blink initiation. Could be said about a few split pushers though.


            I have tryed rat doto with clinks, i find his normal build is best against heros, so you whoud have to build rat doto items to take down towers. If you want to do rat doto, look at my BH games, It makes me seem like a shitty player, but taking full HP towers with BackDoor protection on is very fun.

            King of Low Prio

              stealth is the easiest 'escape mechanism' to deal with in the higher brackets


              plz never talk about BH again, you dont want me to have to give you lessons

              Dire Wolf

                He's not really countered by dust unless you have disables as well. His skeleton walk is so fast you will escape even slowed many times if the slow isn't an uber strong one like viper ult. Anyway I'm a pretty crappy clinkz but was just wondering since he seems to kill towers fast.


                  amazing bh build mastadoom

                  get rekt sampson

                  King of Low Prio


                    what kind of gank does not have disables?

                    Dire Wolf

                      When heroes that try to gank don't have disables.


                        I'm not sure you can call an attempted-kill-without-disables a gank.


                          As my most played hero, I found Clinkz a good way to climb in win rate. That rat dota style worked for me as Clinkz up until I would say about 52% win rate. I think the other players were about 3.5k mmr. People decide to tri lane you, gank you, and just push mid once you reach a certain win rate. I think I went something like 20-0, then I lost game after game with him to where it equalized to about 60% win rate. The players that I played against were surprisingly good-- I would estimate about 3.4-4k mmr at the time

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                            I find clinkz to be better to deal with rat, sneak in their back even thousand of range from your tower, and send them 10 fire arrow behind the neck. he has the mobility of a rat, but doesn't push creepwave fast enough, but deal way more than enough on single target -building-.

                            Este comentario fue editado
                            Dire Wolf

                              Well when you're doing rat doto you don't really get ganked per say cus you know it's coming. Usually in pubs it's a bunch of players going oh shit and running top or porting middle as you kill the tower or whatever. So the likelyhood of them having cooridinated disables for you is much slimmer than one of them having dust. Most teams in my mmr range are competent enough to carry dusts on multiple heroes when fighting stealthers but that doesn't mean they'll be able send their disablers to whatever lane you're in.

                              Anyway I'm not going to go full out rat with clinkz, I think just noticing the opportunities for tower dmg is important, but playing him as a ganker or dps support in team fights is better.


                                what's the item build for rat clinkz ?


                                  6 Branches and a TP on a chicken that follows you for quick swaps in emergency