General Discussion

General DiscussionLooks like I did it boys.

Looks like I did it boys. in General Discussion

    I couldn't understand whats the thread about. can you simplify it for me? like what did you want valve to do?

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      It's not him it's wave.


        Still not sure why having a high MMR = success at life. I have yet to figure that one out. But anyways, "GG smurf".


          well i have another acc with 0 unranked solo games played, with 4 ranked solo games played, still at 6more games to rating. maybe valve hates wave


            no they reset every acc that obtained level 13 with 400%


              oh, i did mine thru 5man afk bots last time.


                same here, but with TMM

                i can just play normal mm with 400 bb and get level 13 in 10-20 games, this doesnt really change much and i dont know why valve went full yolo on this


                  they go yolo everytime there is enough crying.


                    valve should ban you back in the 'win service' days what have they done



                      Apparently you were reported for using a sandboxie feeder during your calibration.

                      "i can just play normal mm with 400 bb and get level 13 in 10-20 games, this doesnt really change much and i dont know why valve went full yolo on this" - Wave

                      You don't know why valve went full yolo? It wasn't a week ago you were saying that valve should fix this. If anything, they haven't gone far enough in addressing the issue.


                      Este comentario fue editado
                      beast player

                        this wave is such a prick lol


                          guys guys guys MY MAIN IS 5.7 , even tho its been private since ranked prty much came out, and then it was barely 4.9 ;DDD

                          I boost accs to sell them=wave

                          Anyone actually taking this kid srs and thinks hes good or anything close to 6k player is as delusional ;DDDD

                          He cheats, he abuses, he lies

                          wave whats the point of high mmr when you still have your acc profiles private ;D`????


                            i don't boost accs, i sold accs with high rating after calibration, at least my rating isnt sub 5k from picking ES

                            concede, i didnt feed myself in calibration, if i did that, i'd get 7k+ like altaoda


                              hahahahaha watch him go priv instas hahahahahaahaa


                                you mean the sub 5k+ i actually still hold without abusing/having feeders on other team/dodging you name it ;DDDD.

                                can we have a screen of that "LEGIT" 5.5+ main of yours ;D???



                                  I like how wave sells accounts with high rating and then complains about getting shitty teammates in his 5k+ rank games.

                                  Talk about a whole new level of sodomizing yourself.


                                    pretty sure those who buy 6k accounts realize they cant play with it so they keep it to show off or something


                                      i guess i'll just play those calibration matches and see what happens


                                        LOL :DDDD


                                          My main question I have for you wave, have you ever seen female breasts before? (from someone not in your family)


                                            "pretty sure those who buy 6k accounts realize they cant play with it so they keep it to show off or something"

                                            False, they are incapable of thinking.


                                              "i guess i'll just play those calibration matches and see what happens" -wave

                                              keep your dotabuff on the entire time. Otherwise we just going to assume you are using sandboxie and feeder account.

                                              Este comentario fue editado

                                                i dont know why ppl assume that



                                                  if anything picking es and failing to stay in ur bracket is abuse/cheat and that deserves a reset back to TBD with 50 calibration matches kid

