General Discussion

General Discussion#road to 1 mmr

#road to 1 mmr in General Discussion

    ur my hero


      "Because he's the hero that Dota deserves, but not the one it needs right now...and so we'll hunt him...because he can take it...because he's not a hero...he's a silent guardian, a watchful protector...the OP".


        play death prophet the whole time and make her winrate go down by .1% lol


          you're a shit player with shit attitudes.

          Hex Sigma

            god you make me sick. I havent seen a more butthurted whiny bitch rather than you in my entire life. I hope you get banned. I am playing at 2k mmr and im not complaining and youve been complaining at 3 k. What do you expect asshole? robots that play perfectly? Improve yourself, you are the problem. I suggest switching to lol dota is too hard for your simple brain


              You're a sad, strange little man. You have my pity.

              Este comentario fue editado

                Where can i find skirmishes that sampson mentioned to train?


                  ^ I'm also kinda interested in that.

                  King of Low Prio

                    talk to those ESP ppl



                      We have daily inhouses at 8 EST and 8 CET.

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                      harvard graduate

                        Pls play LoL. might be your game.


                          LoL would probably be too difficult.


                            sad kid, was mad, now went full retard :(

                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                              As long as u don't throw game and feed I bet u can get 1 mmr without LPQ. That guy on dota toplist got 1 mmr.. next closest guy was 900mmr.


                                you give your life to a game only to find out your below average. must hurt for you man.


                                  If you can't climb MMR by lets say 100-200 a day, if you want to, you belong where you are. Butthurt whiney gameruiner.


                                    we're about the same mmr, and i don't see the games in this srub tier as bad as you see them. sure some are plain boring and retarded but that surely happens at higher mmr as well.
                                    take a break, like 1 week, then play again. relax for a while


                                      sad life is sad



                                        You're solution to a problem is becoming the problem. There's something wrong with your head. Did you drop out of school or something

                                        Autism is great

                                          create guild for game ruiners so we can unite and bring hell for players on eu servers \o/


                                            Wow! That must prove that you are a mature and intelligent person!
                                            Hint! That was SARCASM!


                                              ^I think that hint was very well needed.


                                                why dont u create a new account and throw the first 50 matches or so im sure you will get sub 1k hidden mmr much faster

                                                King of Low Prio


                                                  looks like his mother rubbed his belly and told him everything will be ok so he calmed down a little


                                                    inb4 he tried every game and just ended up with 0 42




                                                        feeding time again


                                                          lmao +23 for my pl game -25 for my storm game suck my cock valve

                                                          EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                            Please don't throw games, it makes Yuno cry.

                                                            Este comentario fue editado

                                                              i dont even know who the fuck that is

                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                I should be a psychologist I called it exactly how it was. Every time he losses a match he tries to hide it under a bunch of feeder matches.


                                                                  you'd think that you would understand the reason i havent responded to you in a number of posts

                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                    I understand completely, you are not ready to admit that I am correct that your whole feeding thing is just because you are upset that you can not reach 5k.


                                                                      can a mod please lock this useless thread, this retarded feeder is just going to keep bumping it so he can get more negative attention.


                                                                        He's not feeding anymore Wink. Wtf


                                                                          He was probably on his period. Cuz thats a thing

                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                            Wink, this thread is all your guilds fault though. Had you removed the tag, interview etc. requirements and carried this poor kid he would have been happy BUT noooooo you guys decided to be assholes and this is what we at dotabuff got.

                                                                            Este comentario fue editado

                                                                              if he isnt feeding anymore, this thread is even more useless. i doubt anybody wants to see some adhd child crying about his mmr on the forum front page


                                                                              Este comentario fue editado
                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                he is only feeding after losses so it hides his stats.


                                                                                  Nah man, I feel you on this. This is the reason I left my other account. I realized that sometimes you have shut out people and gain some humility. Sometimes trying to save someone when you are a higher priority on the team isn't a good idea. Thinking you are better than your whole team is also not the best way to go about. I had a shit load of low priority games and I I would get muted for a week every week. Just me getting on my other account would make me hate the game and make me mad, so I started a whole new account regardless of how much I didn't want to lose an old account with games on it. But I don't rage as much now and I'm playing with decent players. Just have to find your way around it, feeding and losing your games will just make it worst. Because you will try one game in a 2.5 mmr game and everything your teammates do will piss you off. Just gotta find a way around the bad times.



                                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                                      even my posts are better

                                                                                      Hex Sigma

                                                                                        god damn that yuno is so cute. from what anime is she?

                                                                                        Mortimer Smith

                                                                                          I reported u on steam, please ppl do the same


                                                                                            were makin a comeback people, bump


                                                                                              you just lowered your mmr by 200 "deliberately" and games got easier. why is this a surprise?...

                                                                                              what's likely going to happen is that after you win 5-8 games, you're going to end up with the same 50%, because you haven't improved. improving at dota takes a LONG time, and if you're not playing with the right attitude/mindset, you could literally be stuck at your MMR for years.


                                                                                                i just went 29-1 at 125 mmr lower than what it used to be, #road to 5k i am dendi

                                                                                                EZ MID 9k mmr


                                                                                                  Mirai Nikki

                                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                                    I cant wait for his next loss just to see him flip out again. Can I get a honorable mention in your suicide note?


                                                                                                      this guy is almost as cancerous as abusers.