General Discussion

General DiscussionKDA overated

KDA overated in General Discussion

    So I've see on a lot of topics that players condsiders a lot about KDA, but often I see some players with high KDA avoiding fights and simply never initiate but stay there to steal kill and are pretty much useless in fights and in game in general.

    A simple example was this game where I had the worst invoker I ever played with

    I was playing top as tidehunter with silencer, invoker was mid and we were quite equal in kills but botom that died a few times. Score was probably 2-3, at around 7 mn their team started to push and invoker never joined any fight but he stayed very far away from tower ready to kill steal with sunstrike. He said we should not take fight against sven farmed, (sven had threads and mom). So basically he let their team push every of our towers without defending any. At one point sven and tiny tanked our t1 tower to push and they were both below 350hp, Invoker was close so i came to defend knowing I could die but at least we'll get the double kill and defend the tower, they killed me and he backed up like a pussy, a simple cold snap could have one shot one and a few auto attack killed the other as they used all their spells on me.

    I was so pissed after the game I looked his dotabuff and see missleading statistics.

    So what you think about KDA ?

    BTW he sucks with Invoker never used cold snap, or forge spirits, he used at most two spells.

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    Quick maffs

      Winrate and MMR and probably a better way of measuring skill

      KDA is really dependent of the hero, the game, etc

      For example kda means nothing for supports

      KDA on heroes like spectre are always going to be high, because you hit the entire enemy team in a team fight so you have 5 assist if your team wins the fight, the same with zeus.

      PL is a carry who usually farms a lot and stays far from the fight until he is really farmed, so is normal having high kda on him.

      By the other hand heroes like treant are always going to have low kda.


        totaly overrated



          Dire Wolf

            KDA of 1.3. Still had 2nd highest gpm in the game, higher than anyone on their team. Had 3rd highest tower dmg. 2nd highest hero dmg on our team. Won game.


              For supporter means utter bulshit, because you are simply not going to get a lot of kills , and you will die, mostly to save your teamamate. Especially with vengeful ( i had few times where i had only death and assists and in a large numbers , while the other in team had like 2-5 deaths )


                yes kda dependent on the role you are playing, ofc less deaths are nice but sometimes you need to die


                  If i see someone with only 1-2 KDAs i automaticly assume he's low. It indicates bad decision making if you die that much averagely.
                  Kills and Assists are simply added togather, and its not that hard to get assists even if not personally you take the kills.


                    There's no one telling stat that can give you information about how someone plays, all can be inflated, all can be misleading.

                    Bogi (the infamous) at one point was 4.9k MMR which shows even that is pretty fucked up and flawed.

                    Quick maffs

                      ^Agree every stats out there can be inflated


                        every puck game you play you will prob have a kda of like 4 but that doesnt mean ull win..


                          it basically means nothing after a point :P


                            yes, but how do u maintain a high kda, kda =/= kd

                            if someone is at like a 6 KDA that means he's participating in the fights and killing as well

                            i don't see how a higher kda wouldn't be an accurate indicator of some measure of skill

                            but ofc, you'd have to take a bunch of things into account before comin to a conclusion


                              so is winrate...

                              The Cat Named Money

                                Experience and Personal Ability > WR,KDA,MMR, etc.

                                For just about everything....

                                Quick maffs

                                  Yeah concede i know winrate is a pretty bad way of measuring skill but i was just trying to say that kda is such a bad way of measuring that even winrate would be a better way.

                                  kanye went to uni

                           1/7/7 Lycan aww yeahhhhhh

                                    Also, Q/E Invokers always have high KDA and low winrates because they can stay out of trouble from being far back and almost always building force staff as well as having an invis, and then can ks with their high base damage and sunstrike. Players like that one are not rare. Hell, I used to play like that before I realised that winning is more fun than getting a high KDA :p


                                      1st priority: win
                                      2nd prioirity: KDA

                                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                        avoiding stupid people who dive without backup/spells is legit strat. Especially in higher tier or party games where they are 'obviously' baiting with 1 hero.

                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!