General Discussion

General DiscussionBuffing AM

Buffing AM in General Discussion
Totentanz to The King: M ...

    Even though no matter how you change the hero, he almost for sure won't fit in the current meta. But what I would like to see is buffing his 1st and 3rd spells. Maybe change the ultimate a little bit. Blink is fine though, buffing that would be madness.

    So how I want to approach this is buffing his late game while not hurting his early game. His both passives are static, which means they won't get any stronger late game (mana break will always burn 64 mana) unlike dispersion or bash who will get stronger when you get more HP and AS. So what about making Mana Break like Centaur's Return? It would burn a static amount, also %something, most likely max mana or enemy intelligence. This way it will both get very strong like mana burn and also his early game won't suffer much.

    And about spell shield, I guess it would be a pretty cool and unique idea if it reduced the disable duration on the hero. Maybe a little too strong, but the concept is simple. This makes AM way harder to gank, which is one of the few things to stop him from farming, while also may allow him not to go BKB, opening an item slot for MKB, Heart etc.

    Any thoughts about this?

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    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

      Cant change Mana cost or CD on blink, it's kind of balanced as it is. Maybe range? Shorten at lower levels increase at higher levels?

      R - after initial mini stun + nuke, slows 10% on stuff that was hit.
      like maybe, err. 1.5 sec duration or something. Only at lvl 16~ etc. Like a wannabe wraith king.

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        they buffed his mana void aoe like a vacuum lvl 4...

        cough* get ds/OD



          I was expecting to see him a bit more now with Invoker WQ in the meta (people are always having their mana drained)






                YE AND about the spell shield, i thought it should be that way too, but too OP. IE 5 sec shackle or whatever would be 2.5 secs its just be way too OP but i of course would love it.


                  with that 1.2 str gain i will never skip heart. to put that in perspective with level 25 but no items he only as 1442 HP lmao


                    "(mana break will always burn 64 mana) unlike dispersion or bash who will get stronger when you get more HP and AS"

                    Reread and find mistake.

                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                      Soultrap still salty from skilling E on Rylai at lvl 1.


                        I'm going to be like how you were on my old threads. I'm rather shocked you really believe AM should get buffed.

                        AM should NOT get a buff simply because he does not fit the meta. Seriously, what sort of argument is that? That would mean every bloody hero that doesn't fit the meta should get a buff otherwise it wouldn't be fair. So does Medusa need a buff because of her extremely weak early game, mediocre mid game and a late game so dependant on an item like divine? No, because she does have her own niche.

                        One of AM's core is Manta. Considering his late game attack speed and three two hitting you for that much, he generally burns mana extremely quick one he's fat (yes, because a carry should not be strong when they are not fat).

                        He isn't underpowered at all. He just became a niche hero against mid-late game int hero lineups. Or generally mana dependant lineups.

                        If you buff AM's early game, it consequently buffs his powerful mid-late game which EVERYONE tries to prevent. His hero concept doesn't allow you to just 'buff' his early game. You'd have to change the entire hero skillset and concept to make him more 'viable/flexible'.

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                          Mana break scales just as bash for obvious reasons. Probably better because it work on illusions.

                          Although yeah he is quite underpowered overall, both in comp and in pubs.


                            Yea I agree he needs a buff but I dislike your idea about spell shield - this skill needs a complete rework. It is very old, boring and mostly useless. Many pros put 1 point in it and then go stats and I agree with them.
                            My suggestions:
                            1) Combine his spell shield with blink and give him a complete new skill - something that will help in the early game OR boost his late game. Magic resistance can be reduced to compensate his new ability(to 30% max for example).
                            2) AM is probably the only carry(or even hero) with no sort of disable or slow so how about his blink will slow units in a small aoe and do minor damage? Like 20% slow in 200 aoe and 150 damage at level 4? Maybe some manaburn instead of damage.
                            3) Buff somehow his manabreak - either add scaling like Sam suggested or add an active effect that will increase manaburn value, restore % of mana burned to antimage or even extend his attack range for a few seconds. Also I should note that manabreak does nothing to a hero that has no mana at all.
                            4) Reduce his dependence on Battlefury - having the only one viable item build is quite ridiculous and we all know that rushing bf is the only way to play AM nowadays. Nobody buys vanguard. Ever.
                            5) His ultimate bothers me a bit - sometimes it can be devastating exploding a no mana Storm near his allies, sometimes it can be useless when the enemy team has "dumb" heroes. It's not something reliable like Gyro's call down or LS' Infest. The previous buff was *fine* but in the wrong direction I think.
                            6) Simply buff his stats - buffing his strength gain would be most obvious thing but his armor, MS or starting health can be buffed as well. A melee hero with 1.2 strength gain is just pathetic. Even for a hero with blink.

                            In before some shitter says something like "lel noob just farm battlefury & manta and that's ez win xDDDDDDDDD" - try to play AM at a high MMR with this retarded meta where you can't farm your lane in peace for at least 15 minutes. Hell, sometimes you can't even farm at the start of the game when you see shit like weaver and lich duo lane. And then enemy team comes to your lanes. Kill your teammates, kill you, push towers, wreak havoc. I'd do that too.


                              inb4 some tunnel visioned shitter does something like giving all the scenarios AM would lose and none he would win with.

                              Don't know the difference between battle-ready carries and hard carries? Sounds like one of those 'intelligent people' who would have shot down anyone who suggested that -armor might become the new meta. What happened now?


                                ^ a faggot with negative winrate tries to theorycrafting about things he doesn't even understand.
                                Like what the hell is "battle-ready carries"? Hard carries? What? Are you implying that heroes like naix or luna are strong in the early game but suck in the late game? Or you're implying that AM is a free win at 70 minute mark? Because that's complete bullshit.

                                Quick maffs

                                  AM does need some kind of buff


                                    i dont think so... he's a hero with flash farm capability and great dps...

                                    does it remind u of any other carry heroes



                                      Increase his str ( starting and per level ) and increase his starting armor. But , also, increase his BAT, to compensate with changes.

                                      Also, make 1800 vision, both night and day. Come on, you are fucking blind dude, you have some sort of six sense.


                                        @sano I once picked am because we had an invoker. I expected him to go go QW right? Guy goes QE. Fucking retard guy needs to think about the synergy.

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                                          So if a guy with a 90% win rate says Lion is hard carry material, you go with it because he has a high win rate? Once again, lovely narrow mindedness you have going there.

                                          Battle ready carries are sort of self explanatory...? Heroes like Naix and Weaver can and are expected to participate in many early fights and they can do so even without many items. (E.g. treads+roa or phase+drums). Whereas that FV is hardly useful till he picks up 1 or 2 big items.

                                          You completely ignored the bottom part of my post explaining that AM can't get a buff otherwise he'd be OP and can only be reworked if you want him to fit in the meta.

                                          "You'd have to change the entire hero skillset and concept to make him more 'viable/flexible'."

                                          Get off your high horse and speak logic.


                                            if his strength gain was buffed may you wouldn't have to get heart so often, a bkb + basher or abyssal might be enough


                                              I think AM is fine and he should not be touched.

                                              The current meta doesn't favor any hard carries at the moment really, but it will shift. Other hard carries like PA need more attention. Hard carries being picked right now are basically radiance users. Spectre is being picked a little, but he is being build for early game with vanguard or drums before his radiance. Void for example, is being picked up because his chrono lets him make pick offs and add to team fights earlier.

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                                                @Stitch I'm probably wasting time arguing with you but whatever.
                                                "So if a guy with a 90% win rate says Lion is hard carry material, you go with it because he has a high win rate? Once again, lovely narrow mindedness you have going there."
                                                - if that guy makes that "hard carry Lion" work against proper opponents I will go with it. 90% win rate is ridiculous but that means something, right? But seeing statements like "this hero is good" or "this buff would make that hero OP" from a person who can't even maintain a positive winrate is quite funny actually. Hell, I'd even understand if you had 100+ games with antimage but unfortunately you don't YET you say things about a hero you don't even play.

                                                "You completely ignored the bottom part of my post explaining that AM can't get a buff otherwise he'd be OP and can only be reworked if you want him to fit in the meta."
                                                - you know what is OP? The "old" Centaur when he was released in dota 2. A hero with 67% global winrate that allowed you to collect free wins if you'd pick him fast. But he was nerfed since then. My point is that if AM will receive a buff that will make him OP he will be nerfed shortly after. But he needs to receive a change first for you to say "that's OP!".

                                                And I'm not on some "high horse" - I play AM regularly and I know what im talking about.

                                                apeps god

                                                  Buff please, best hero.


                                                    oh good beesa and small steps are here, most people hate that hero definitely not including me


                                                      Let me rephrase that 90% win rate question. If a bloody martial artist won a robber with a gun barehanded, does that mean that fists>gun?

                                                      I am really surprised that you can't bloody see my posts says "Buff ain't possible, only reworks."


                                                        Beesa AM = first ban.

                                                        Jorges Sanz

                                                          There have been several notable changes that affects AM directly. To name a few...

                                                          1. Dagger no mp cost buff
                                                          2. Linken buff being transferable
                                                          3. Tranquil Boots nerf

                                                          So it would be reasonable to give AM a minor buff. Some suggestions... i dont have much experience on am.. take it with a pinch of salt

                                                          1. Remove the nerf on castpoint for blink
                                                          2. Rescale Mana burn (amount) and Mana Void dmg
                                                          3. Change Mana burn dmg from physical to pure
                                                          4. Improve Base hp regen
                                                          5. Remove the orb effect from mana burn
                                                          6. Improve Base str

                                                          Point of AM Buff is in response to the indirect nerfs not because of the convenient excuse of "meta". Granted, most teams have figured out their way to deal with AM *lineups* especially after DSL last year. Watch the v Tongfu DSL series.

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                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                            @stitch No shit wtf. Even as a hard carry, there are still way better heroes out there that are also useful early. It's not about the meta, it's about the hero itself. Even in a hard carry meta, you better off get a Luna, LS etc whose early games are way stronger and late games are still on top of other heroes.


                                                              Honestly, i find that the biggest issue with this hero is lockdown.
                                                              He gets kited too much, i mean sure he has blink but that lets you get like 2-3 hits if the hero is running from you.
                                                              Maybe i'm just doing it wrong. The Ulti slow that melody suggested seems cool.

                                                              Or maybe have skadi / orb of venom stack with feedback. That would be freaking cool.

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                                                                maybe base str and idk... if ur considering re-working blink then u'd have to take in account all blink-type heroes

                                                                no orb effect? thats pretty op imo
                                                                perhaps no orb or make it pure dmg like u suggested


                                                                  he definitely needs a stronger late game... maybe higher agi and str gain?


                                                                    ok well im fine with this if everyone really thinks he needs a buff.... if he gets those buffs ill just insta pick him LOL

                                                                    idk str gain sure, agi? maybe 0.2 +?

                                                                    id be interested to see an additional bonus for his current set of spells... the 200 aoe dmg and slow seems pretty op

                                                                    perhaps they should reintroduce something like zeal that was used for tb for only awhile, 50+ AS, 5 hp regen
                                                                    instead of 50, change it to like 10/15/25/40 and hp regen to 2/3/4/5 + the original 40% magic reduction



                                                                      Reduce bat a lot (like to 1 or 1,1) , decrease base agility, decrease agility per level, decrease base armor, increase by a lot spell shield magic reduction (35-50-65-80 for example)

                                                                      the point is to attack faster, but having absolutely no physical tanking power. Then it's a true "anti mage".

                                                                      We can also imagine something like putting linken on spell shield with cd (50-40-25-5 sec cd) in addition to magic resist and when it will trigger, it would make a (0.5-1-1.5-2sec) silence in aoe.
                                                                      The prob of anti mage, is first that he isn't an "anti mage", and he actually is, a i fuck you all noob scum with no mana, i tank everyshit and i kill mage before taking care about your mana, or a i don't have anyuse hero.

                                                                      I like also like a lot the mix of zeal and his magic shield, it will make the yellow ring less needed, and we could also make the reduce bat and reduce agility thing


                                                                        buy a diffusal it adds manaburn
                                                                        also wats the fuckin point buffing am ?
                                                                        the purpose of the metagame is to change, am had his time. now its time for other heroes and shit to get their own.
                                                                        and then it will change again and again
                                                                        nyway too tired to explain

                                                                        he doesnt need a buff he's just not that good in actual meta thats all.

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                                                                          I would say +0.5 strength per level

                                                                          Low Expectations

                                                                            Just buff his str gain and the hero would be fine its not ok to have below 910 hp carry at level 16 rest is fine I think

                                                                            harvard graduate

                                                                              he doesnt need a buff. He is really balanced right now just doesnt fit with all the 15 min Deathball stuff.
                                                                              IF you wanted to buff him, increase his STR gain by a bit as that is what hold him back the most.

                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                The thing is that he is a hard carry that is not even that strong late game, like sam is saying even if you need a hard carry am is usually the last choice.


                                                                                  bat from 1.45 to 1.35
                                                                                  blink animation from 0.4 to 0.3
                                                                                  +1 armor
                                                                                  and strength from 20+1.2 to 21 + 1.6

                                                                                  Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                                    In other words, satie is saying "MAKE IT RIDE A CAT AND HAVE A FAT ASS"




                                                                                        VOLVO, BUFF ANTIMAGE AND I QUIT DOTA!


                                                                                          Look at useless broodmother and spirit breaker then say who must be buffed.


                                                                                            ^spirit breaker is entering meta slowly



                                                                                              wasnt AM's BAT reduced to 1.35 then nerfed back to 1.45 the very next patch a long time ago? must've been a reason for it


                                                                                                Spirit Breaker is entering the meta? Did you just pull that out of your ass? He has whole TWO competitive matches record in the past two months. Trash hero.


                                                                                                  keep waiting, shadowblade bottle mid spirit breaker is coming


                                                                                                    ? u guys have some issues about what meta means, idk why u always have to fuckin associate meta and competitive. there is a lot of heroes that are very strong on actual meta and pros didnt discover em yet/forgot em, doesnt mean its not in the meta.


                                                                                                      Hey, regardless of what the hell meta means, Antimage needs a serious buff so I can stop cringing every time I see him picked in one of my games. I'm sure I'm far from being the only one that reacts like that to him, unless of course you stack, but not everyone is stacking 24/7.


                                                                                                        AM is seen more than some other carries how about we buff them first AM is already useful in his own niche

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!