General Discussion

General Discussion@ Sampson Drow build

@ Sampson Drow build in General Discussion
Manny Mammoth

    Mobility m8 an on ezily ganked hero

    Another good example for this is sniper
    commend me thx


      same reason why you build blink on clinkz. well with good reaction you can pick off almost anyone with blink-MoM 1v1. if they run it helps you change if they try to fight you , you just slow them, when they come close you silence them and when they come closer you blink on the other side.


        because of eternalenvy and arteezy


          I remember one a while back, in one of my games, with Frost arrows, she managed to avoid getting hit even once by any of the melee heros on the enemy team all game (Them kiting skillz~).. Even the one or two ranged heros on the enemy team rarely managed to do any damage to her.. For sampson, I assume its to help in positioning, or escaping/chasing.. Pretty much an alternative for shadowblade, except its not countered by anyone who has half a brain.. Coupled with MoM, its pretty good. Although it'd need more map awareness then most people in the bracket who make SB on her have..


   I play same style so is good boys !


              Ted commended!

              Hmm I never thought of it like that thats such a good idea. I never thought of it as an escape tool so I guess if someone was about to get up close and dirty I'd double tap my space bar to blink away from the fray. Hmm I haven't played drow or Clinkz in awhile. Would be nice to do it again.

              @ Bogi.

              Keep it up and get out of that slark only slump ;)


                No idea if Sampson is fast enough to use it as escape though... but might be useful for faster farming.


                  ya. blink on ranger dps is very good.
                  DPS = dmg per sec.
                  you spend 2 sec moving/chasing you lose 2 sec dps output.

                  also sniper. imo benefit most among those ranged carries.


                    ^^ From the few games I've played with him, he uses Blink more to chase.

                    The only thing I question in his build is the constant Midas, because he says he plays his Drow as more of a mid game tower eater/DPS monster and he certainly plays like that...but those Midas don't really fit with his claim.

                    Where is that tryhard when people talk about him? :D

                    King of Low Prio

                      When u go into the mid with drow u need either a early midas OR a catch up midas

                      blink dagger = the greatest positional tool everr and because of drows ulti u need to always position yourself perfectly. It is also great for chasing down scumbags who run like bitches


                        @ Sampson

                        Hmm interesting. yeah HOM is a good tool for sure. I seem to be having poor luck with it lately on heros.

                        Sampson: because you suck caveman.

                        Yeah yeah... Tell me something I don't know! :P

                        I had to re-read the drow ult. I forgot that the precision aura doesn't work when heros are near 400 AOE of you. Good to know. Its been months (maybe a year) since I tried drow ranger.



                          mobility = op on drow

                          for sniper it's similar, except he needs more AS and damage, so getting phase+drums+yasha is better for him


                            Thx wink and crew.

                            I'll have to play around with drow again sometime. I've been getting out of my support only rut and been doing carry/nuker which is helping me branch out more. I do like the blink dagger idea now people have put it in perspective for me of the "why".

                            Yeah I haven't figured out sniper I tried it for a few games, then I think I was doing my build wrong or something of what items come first :/

                            King of Low Prio

                              dont play drow as a solo carry


                                @ Sampson

                                No I never go solo pub when trying out a 3 star carry. Too tough indeed need team assistance from friends when trying.


                                  drow isnt a 3 star carry, and he meant dont put her as your 1 role because she isnt reliable

                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                    not a 3 star carry? HRM ok i thought she was.

                                    Ah so get another carry just in case. Yeah got it.


                                      imo drow should be 1.5 star carry considering pl, luna, ta, ursa are all 2 star.

                                      Quick maffs

                                        Yeah really good build miimmimimi

                                        but sampson doesnt win shit with that build

                                        ask satellizer

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          Im fucking amazing


                                   I have better smurf I m more amaZing !


                                              drow is support/utility hero


                                                people only started buying this shit cuz of ee and rtz

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