General Discussion

General Discussiondoes improvement come with time played?

does improvement come with time played? in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    i see that after 1 year of playtime on dota 2 i am still far from decency. It really doesnt seem normal to me to be that bad after 1 year(2040 mmr solo 2400 party).


      You played 500games in 1year?

      It's individual but for you, 1 year is not much playtime.

      Hex Sigma

        i dont have much time tbh. I come home from school at 4pm and i only have time to play like 2 matches/day


          ive only played for a year, this is my first moba and im 4k (though i have 1500+ games)


            rasph, are you a gal?


              Exactly. You don't have much time. You have 500 games and expect to be superg. You can't say you've played for a year cause thats so inaccurate when considering player skill, etc..

              BTW; Wink, only inhouses nowadays?

              Hex Sigma

                ^ this is also my first moba. By your answer i guess that the number of games played actually do matter(hence the difference between you and me :D)

                oh and btw if i am playing ranked soloq can i ks? i mean if i play a hero like bloodseeker or lycan? personally i dislike ksing but the kills help me carry the team in the end

                Hex Sigma

                  @yung lol no why?

                  Quick maffs

                    Amount of games does matter a lot, more than playtime probably.

                    Wink for example has 3 times your amount of games

                    I have 1 k games i have been playing for one year and i am 3,500 mmr

                    Este comentario fue editado

                      Never think about "killsteal". Just kill the hero and move on. Unless its firstblood and your carry/mid got the kill 100000% you could try to let it away, but usually just kill him and get the heck away before rotations happen (which probably doesnt even happen in your bracket?).

                      The way I look at "killsteal" is when people reject to attack, animation cancel, just move along with the enemy to ensure lasthit with a dagon or something. When this happens I start laughing cause it's fun too look at.

                      Other people might cry to you: "FUCKING KILLSTEAL FAG NUB SHIT" cause you lasthitted the hero.

                      Este comentario fue editado

                        Whereas I've been playing about 16 months and I'm on 4.5k mmr roughly, hitting about (with all games included, tournies, LANs, lobbies) 1.5k games


                          "ive never heard of this killstealing, only kill securing"


                            and yeah dangdang, i hate pubs. id rather be one of the worst players at inhouse and learn to play against good players than be the best or second best player on my team in a pub and have to deal with retards and learn nothing

                            Dire Wolf

                              I'd say frequency matters more than time. I only really get better when I play 4+ games in a day a couple days in a row. Unfortunately I can almost never do that, I probably play 2-3 a night, 4-5 nights a week on average. If you play less than that you forget what you've learned and are basically relarning it every match.


                                well if u wanna improve watch replays from pros and learn thats probably the most effective way


                                  I genuinely think playing at a higher level improves you most, just listen and absorb the environment you're in


                                    Not just time/matches you gotta be willing to improve not just casual play

                                    Hex Sigma

                                      @guiri that and also ksing in solo games :D


                                        if i count dota1, i've been playing this game for like years now, but i haven't been doing it to improve or anything, i was playing dota1 with friends to have like a lot of fun.. im 4k on this account after 1400 games. so idk. i dont think playing a lot makes improvements, you have to want to improve.


                                          You can learn a lot by watching pro player streams on twitch. I don't learn much from tournament matches because I think the player perspective is superior. And 500 games in one year is not enough

                                          I was an APEM scrub on dota 1 where there was literally no strategy. So you can say I started fresh when I started dota 2, didn't start getting decent until around 900 games and I'm at 5k now

                                          Este comentario fue editado

                                            yes, in order to be good at dota, you need to know mechanics and it takes lots of time to learn. 99% of pro players have played dota 1 for many years > if you convert it, it would convert to maybe 5k games give or take

                                            Hex Sigma

                                              also a stupid question. How do i ks on heroes that cant do it? Like lycan or pa or naix(mainly heroes that dont any type of nuke). I guess that building a dagon is not worth it?

                                              Quick maffs

                                                what ? Dude ignore that shit ffs, seriously just ignore this KS bullshit

                                                If you see a kill get it, just dont waste a lina or lion nuke on a guy with 10 hp and its fine.

                                                Hex Sigma

                                                  nah i only ks if i play carry or snowballing heroes. I never ks with supports thats pure bullshit

                                                  Quick maffs

                                                    If i ever lose a kill because a support didnt want to " ks " i fucking report that guy.

                                                    Seriously if you can let your carry get the kill fine, but the worst thing that can posibly happen is you losing a kill on a enemy hero.

                                                    Hex Sigma

                                                      and still what about my question regarding how to ks with heroes that dont have nukes ?

                                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                                        what ? :D
                                                        no wonder u are 2k mmr

                                                        Quick maffs

                                                          You dont need to ks with any hero, seriously just forget this concept, it doesnt really work on dota.

                                                          If you want to kill a hero you go and you kill him, it cant be more simple, if it happens for you to get the last hit on the hero when you are playing a core GREAT ! if not whatever doesnt really matter, a kill is a kill for a support or for a carry.


                                                            I have played 7 games per day the last 1.5 years and learn dota this way!


                                                              Time does not a good player make. You can play football with friends for years and still not be as good as a pro or league player.

                                                              Its about playing in the right way and improving how you play not just stagnating cause you think you've made it. Its harder to get better but a lot easier to get worse. You plateau, you die.



                                                                Are you plateaued yet badger? your 4.5k games says yes :D

                                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!