General Discussion

General DiscussionDota MMr is broken

Dota MMr is broken in General Discussion

    Its not broken cause of the way it rates the system. Its broken cause of peoples inability to realize what dota is in the first place. All these people, I guess, buying their accounts and watering down the system. I don't think the matchmaking system can truly be well done because its automatic. Its like making a computer try to read the inflection of peoples voices, it just doesnt work. I'd rather wait for a open league or that dotacinema arena to come out. Id rather play with a community of people that know each other and build around personal connections with a GG feature and no mute system.


      "a computer try to read the inflection of peoples voices"

      It already coded, and working properly in some japanese robot


        known account buyer complaining about people buying accounts XD


          Why would it be broken? Imagine a server region with 100k players, and account buyers/smurfs only take up 10% or less of the total player pool. After ~10-20 games of these accounts and the MMR system will deflate the MMR back to where it should be.


            @ fureur matrice But its not mainstream enough to be seen in common products or applications

            @ 김치볶음밥 Accused account buyer complaining about buying accounts.

            @ -hg- Cpt. Caveman I've seen that, and thats about ELO hell and not being able to get out of it. I'm merely complaining that since its a non-manual and automative matchmaking there is no quality control to make it fun and playable in the first place. I'd be better off playing hosted servers like dota 1. Atleast people who start adding each other and make a guild where people inhouse with people they know and like enough to play with. Rather than a antisocial solo queue matchmaking

            @zzzzzzzz That maybe true, but it seems account buyers and ill intended ways around an automated system are getting worse. I have even seen people give keys and items for someone to queue up against them to throw games and increase their mmr. Lot of exploiters because of this number that peoople want and because its free on steam. Maybe if dota was a inexpensive pay once game, this problem wouldn't be so bad.

            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

              Unless they move from an elo rating system to a TSR rating system. Win = higher ratings.. lose = lower rating is so 1900s.

              Ples Mercy

                Stop crying. You're almost as anoying as bogi.

                You're trash tier, accept it loser.

                'to a TSR rating system.'

                true system ranking rating system

                Este comentario fue editado
                Dire Wolf

                  You can play in an in house league dude, there are tons of them. They play practice matches vs each other. I know a few people who love them and almost never play ranked. What's the point of ranked anyway? Unless you are literally a pro on the dota page of rankings for strokin that epeen. Otherwise it's just an arbitrary gauge and slightly better quality games.

                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!