General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion on DBPR

Question on DBPR in General Discussion

    Ok, so i a lower number good, or bad, and i read the article, but i still can't figure out if it is a testament to the players skill, because i have -3k almost 4K, but i just stomped some people who were 2K and a 3K and a 6K in one game. So, what is good, low or high, and what does it truly show?


      Don't take this seriously until at least the 3rd of April.

      Quick maffs

        HOLY SHIT you are awful, learn from me


          ^ I was just about to bash you but I realized we have the same DBPR. So ... next Na`Vi maybe?

          Quick maffs

            I am playing mid dude and i think flop is going carry so you are supporting

            Este comentario fue editado

              I taught KuroKy to play Rubick, man, best support worldwide right here.


                I can role a 5 positon on the team, but don't expect any wards from me :P. im kiding, if you want to see a true 5 postion, just look at my WD game, i spent so much on wards.


                  Your DBRP is not 8180, sorry. You can join the team as a ward instead. You know - just standing on the cliff and giving us vision.


                    SOUNDS GOOD! Ill make myself useful and just kind of of ping all over the enemy team, be like, theres a guy *BING BING BING BING BING BING BING*! Also, im guessing that the higher your DBRP is, the better of a player you are?


                      the better of a ward* you are, yes.

                      Just kidding about all this, though. It seems to be an Aprils fool.

                      Donald Duck

                        I have the same dbpr, -3k. Somethin lol

                        Can I be the courier?


                          Sure, I hope you're beautiful so enemy can be jealous. c:


                            i got 3k dbpr and just played 17 games....can i be the announcer?


                              Only if your voice makes me wet.


                                then i think you need morgan freeman


                                  lmao :D


                                    hey winterchillz, would an 8K DBPR ever stack with my -3673K DBRP?


                                      ^ I replying to my looking for a clan thread - as I said, DBPR is just a joke, and I'm only messing around. Problem is, we're on different continents :(


                                        wtf is this LOL i have -3673 ?? someone in db admins is hating me


                                          OK NVM


                                            8180 doto best doto

                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!