General Discussion

General DiscussionRange + ZEUS HAMMER = finally a counter to terrorblade?

Range + ZEUS HAMMER = finally a counter to terrorblade? in General Discussion

    I was testing out a new theory of mine, and the results were marvelous. Granted, I had phase boots until the end. But the four Zeus hammers were my core.

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    Dire Wolf

      5 is overkill, actually more than 3 is probably overkill based on pseudo random proc rates. Probably better to finish one into a mjollnir and grab some hp items.


        Yeah, HP items are for pussy nuggets that don't trust the CC of their team.


          and they say US > SA


            Maelstrom/Mjollnir won't proc if there is a chain lightning currently arcing between units.

            You're better off using one Mjollnir and buying a shit ton of attack speed from something like Butterfly.

            Dire Wolf

              Yes that was my point, practically speaking you're wasting potential procs so you might as well just buy other items.


                my thesis that us players are garbages are once again proven

                Dire Wolf

                  yeah but we got big macs and guns so

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                      Better get diffusal blade to kill illusions faster.

                      I Am Back

                        I thought sniper itself counters terrorblade


                          I watched the replay. The other team was horrible. They were trying to get a teammate reported. Terrorblade actually farmed really well.


                            sample size - 1 game


                            ur so good

                            Este comentario fue editado

                              Tell it to the hammers.


                                Try going warlock vs a terrorblade, just drop golems on his ass and he shrivels up like a testicle in a microwave


                                  ^ What the hell kind of metaphor is that?


                                    A painful one.


                                      necrolyte ult crushes TB.

                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!