General Discussion

General DiscussionWhere can I read a neutral guide about MMR...?

Where can I read a neutral guide about MMR...? in General Discussion
Papa Het

    ... without all the dotabuff-imma-so-pro-bullshit? I seriously don't get the system right now, I lose a game, -25MMR, i win a game, +25, sometimes just +24, if valve tries to force 50% (which I believe they stated) how can I improve on my MMR?

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      Good music taste dude.


        You win, you get ~25 MMR. You lose, you lost ~25 MMR. If you want to improve your MMR, just win more games than you lose.

        Papa Het

          Thnx Sam!

          But Valve tries to balance it to 50% I thought?

          King of Low Prio

            if you are better than your MM you will not be 'forced' into 50% you will win alot more than u lose


              I like Hetfield pre Load erra. Still solid music taste. Death magnetic was left in my car when everything else was stolen though. I will forgive them for that.

              What frostychee said man. IDK Papa het, Pick a character to roll with that you have over 50% wins on and stick with it, or try and be versatile and fill the role needed.

              I'm no pro, i'm not the shit and I do not have illusions of such. I can say from my experience starting out at 2.4kMMR and catching to 2.95k close to 3k... that All pick is garbage. Try captains mode and captains draft. Your results may vary.


                you arent forced to 50%, you are just forced to carry worse players as you rise through the trench. you could be forced down to 40% or forced up to 60%, its all luck. if you think you are truly better than your mmr, go do leagues or inhouses and say fuck it to mmr, because its not a real indicator of skill.

                Papa Het

                  Okay, so I will just be... patient then.

                  I guess I'm still upset about that horrible HIMYM Finale :p


                    My wife cried last night about how i met your mother. I eased the pain with some ice cream. Yeah why the hell wasn't Bob Saget finally in the last show?

                    It's like they wrapped up 20 seasons up in 1 hour. Jeez... And Robyn and that dude finally get together after his "how I met your mother" wife died. Sheesh I knew that was going to happen. I hate guessing shows/movies and I already know whats going to happen.

                    Things I did not guess at and enjoyed because I was wrong:

                    The departed movie (american version)
                    The 6th sense (thank god i didn't hear wtf it was about before watching it....)

                    I know theres others but I just can't think about them now.


                      I think you'll find all you need here:


                        Very good thread. Wish he would of kept the same name during his tries though.


                        I am a whining bad.

                        Papa Het

                          Thx mates :D

                          Quick maffs

                            The departed is such a fucking great movie


                              If you truly are not at a MMR you "suppose" you are at, then you will win at least 75% of your games and rise in no time. But if you aren't and you don't try to improve, your MMR will be stuck. And trust me, there is no ELO hell, only people that lack talent of the game and people who think they are good when they are total crap and dont want to improve

                              casual gamer

                                Volvo will match you with people of your skill level. This will make people gravitate to 50% as scrub v. scrub mid is 50/50 and rtz v rtz mid is 50/50 essentially.

                                If you want to improve, look for ways to improve your play. Adapt your item builds, watch the map and tp when the enemy team dives a tower, ask yourself why you die every time you die.

                                There is no satisfying shortcut to achieving 4k+ mmr, it's all tiny things like deflecting tower aggro, tread switching, knowing when you can tp from a gank, etc.


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