General Discussion

General DiscussionSaddest Loss To Date

Saddest Loss To Date in General Discussion

    More lockdown, less feed, and it would've been a done deal. This is precisely why solo queue is agonizing.

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      You had 42.2k gold in total. Did you seriously not get enough money to change S&Y to something more useful?


        maybe he used a lot of buybacks


          @Sam Fuckin' Peckinpah I had multiple BKBs.


            Pick better and you'd probably won. SEA have figured out Ursa.


              S&Y is trash on ursa. Ac,heart,bfly,mkb are all better. Also, trash QQ thread is trash.

              Quick maffs

                Nice HD farm etc

                That sand king and jakiro




                    Solo queue is crap as always. Why? 'Cause fucktard mid always lose the game..




                      Sange and Yasha seems to work out for me. Ursa's strength is not outfarming out carries which you probably think by afk farming AC, Heart, Bfly, mkb. Or farming heroes without any items. ROFL)

                      Este comentario fue editado
                      Quick maffs

                        S&Y works to snowball but not as a late game item, i mean i build S&Y in a lot of snowball heroes ( TA ) and it works really well for me, 73 % winrate with this item


                          Exactly, Dorkly. Don't you want to snowball as Ursa? Oh, I think I missed something... WINK)


                            Sad games are sad when Terrorblade has no clue what to do:


                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                              Yea i noticed that like years back. You could be 4-5k ursa.. go 20-0 and still lose game. Nothing new. It's like BS/NS effect u can win lane, gank bunches of time. But if team sucks. u lose anyways.


                                im not saying its bad to pick up, but with 42000 gold he should be able to afford to replace it

                                Este comentario fue editado
                                Quick maffs

                                  Yep that its what i mean too, that was a lot of gold i guess he buybacked a lot


                                    ^if his buybacks were 1000g each on average, he still should have a lot of money left over, all of his items combined is just over 20,000 gold... something isnt right

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