General Discussion

General DiscussionSame old magic h8er

Same old magic h8er in General Discussion

    I know it's the second thread I've made about the hero in the past 5 months, but still...Why isn't AM getting any significant buff?

    Basically he's one of the very few heroes who has just 1 viable item build, he's more of a mid to late game carry but has almost 0 power in the early game and his mid/late game is completely shutdown if he doesn't have a really good early game.

    Has anyone ever tried anything else but the BF build and made it successful somehow? (And by that I mean doing it repeatedly and confirming it's a good build)


      because he is kind of high variance hero, if you buff him slightly, suddently he becomes a god, if you revert it, he become ultra situational again

      harvard graduate

        Yasha, vlads, treads, PMS, vit booster at 20 minutes and you will out damage 95% of most popular carries right now. Proceed to get Manta, Heart, Bfly basher/mkb.....
        THere is no need to change the lategame build because it has such ridicolous synergy with his kit.
        btw. I feel like a late bfury after the items above can work well in some situations because it is such a strong splitpush item with the mana regen and the cleave. 65 dmg isnt bad either.


          Both Matrice and Kappa got it right, simply because you find the initial laning phase hard doesn't mean the hero needs a buff. He is by definition a late game carry along with void, spectre, mostly because aside from right clicks they provide very little in the way of early game presence this doesn't however mean you can't be useful.

          Looking up at matrices' profile it doesn't look like AM suffers as much from the lack of buff as it does from the player playing him. Another example of this is who again, doesn't seem to have issues with AM being weak.

          Its not who you pick but how you play them that matters.


            I'm not saying his whole laning phase is hard. Actually he's quite good at grabbing kills in lane due to mana break. Problem is, around the 10 minute mark (after you get 1-2 kills in lane) the enemy team panicks and goes 5 man pushing and you just can't do anything since around that time you just got power treads, perseverence and halfway to a broad sword. Your HP is crap, so is your armor and you can't go in to do much damage since you're way too prone to physical damage.

            The battlefury build generally doesn't provide you with any survivability and is solely based on that fact that no team clashes will happen early in the game and you can make use of the battlefury to outfarm the enemy team and we all know that right now it's quite rare for team fights not to take place early..


              Hence the meta leaning towards carries like Luna. Its nothing against AM. Plenty of hard carries dont fit.




                  if they're 5man pushing you're splitpushing. Then they have to split up themselves or you'll trade towers.
                  You know you dont need to fight?


                    If you are having difficulties with 5 man pushing stacks, you should pick differently your 5 man composition.
                    Also, when in need, its better to switch lane and farm again (or go woods briefly) then standing there risking to die or losing farm

                    At least i think so


                      Why do you even recall this Beesa guy? He's a bastard that abuses pub. His stats mean nothing.



                        IDK it is tough since he has the 3rd lowest health stats as AGI early game and is very ineffective in team fights since his ult doesn't really work unless they are missing mana. So After not picking him in over a year and reading forums here, hes a split pusher and I just avoid team fights.

                        Agreed with Guiri meta shifting towards luna. Shes at least good in team fights, you could build her to be a split lane pusher, she has a stun, even though its a minimal stun, but its something. Mobility to counter push isn't as good as AM with BOT/BFURY and his blink but you just have to play him different. My mistakes a year ago was trying to slice and dice people which didn't work. You gotta avoid fights and use him as a rat hero to be effective. Luna can do both if plopped with BoT and some sort of escape mechanism like a blink or shadow blade to counter push lanes if thats your goal with her.

                        AM is more............................. static on how you play him. Same build, same items, same use. Its the same as lycan, hes not really a team fighter, hes a go wherever the other team isn't and push the lane and eat towers.

                        He doesn't need a buff in my opinion if my lame ass that usually plays support can farm and carry with him after not using him after a year.


                          No offense dude, but you got carried in that game by the Invoker and Clockwerk. He's a good hero if you got a another early/mid snowballing hero who can carry, but if you're the the only one with carry potential, you're pretty much screwed. His STR gain is indeed very low especially for a melee hero, I do believe that should get buffed a bit and also would be nice if mana break did 100% damage not just 60%. Basically have it work just like Diffusal.


                            No offense dude but................................ hence the situational pick everyones telling you about. He's not a "oh I will pick him because i have a new outfit" guy.

                            1. They had a lane pusher like lycan, so I said why the hell not.
                            2. They have no lockdown so I can blink away freely.
                            3. I had 2 supports to help me, I would NEVER pick AM where I didn't have heavy baby sitting, I knew the clockwerk would offlane so good for me I get 2 supports. If you suck early game guess what? You need heavy baby sitting so your buff opinion is a moot point, and therefore do not pick him if you know you will not get heavily baby sat.........
                            4. Don't even get me started with that invoker. Watch the game and tell me that he wouldn't wait for the last minute to hit the guy last man. He is a royal piece of shit 12 year old and I hate playing with this turd bucket because he always demands mid, never pushes lanes, and ALWAYS does not cast until... guess what? He can secure the last hit to buff his stats. The only reason I was sucked into playing with this doucher is because hes on Cpt. Kirks friend list and his real life relative.......... I mute him every game because he sounds like a 20 year old girl. My blood boils every time I play with him. So don't tell me that invoker did anything except snipe last hits man go watch the replay, clockwerk, yeah he helped a ton to secure people in the cage, hooked, etc. He did his job. Invoker was just being a doucher and robbing last hits man nothing more, nothing less. Same as every game I play with him.


                              Yeah dude but look at the stats. The problem is, AM is one of the few carries that needs 3 big items (BF, Manta, Heart) just to be relevant in team fights (unless he gets an uber good start and has fast BF + Manta and high lvl so he's not squishy). Even a Faceless Void can do more for his team with just 5-6K gold's worth of items.


                                I'm done. After this. Hes a situational carry and sub par at that, he doesn't need a buff and his items are static, and not flexible. No stats needed hes fine where he's at. You can't just expect to farm up with just 1 support in safe lane, hes a lane pusher and thats all he is good at. He's just a stinky hero, thats it.


                                  Dat hate O_o....