General Discussion

General DiscussionLich w/ Discord

Lich w/ Discord in General Discussion

    Go to the topic, some player don't try to use this hero and combine his ulti w/ Discord
    I think it would be great w/ Discord since lv 3 ulti deal about 350 dmg maybe. +20% w/ discord
    And anyway can you give me opinion to make Lich more powerful?


      Dagon rush

      bum farto Sold mek for last stand refresher ult. Fuck veil.


          If you feel like a squishball and you do magic damage, veil will cover your ass. Lich falls into this category. Question is, do you buy Veil on Necrolyte?

            I don't use veil one necro because necro is quite annoying, also he have survivability w/ Sadist and Heartstopper to prevent enemy heroes to approach.

            bum farto

              Veil doesn't make your hero any less squishy, if you are experiencing issues with dying a lot then maybe you need escape instead of increase magic damage. Mekanism is more viable than a veil and considering its expensive markup price veil just costs too much on Lich to make it worth the while and most games will end before you have a chance to get it.

              Veil is more effectively used on someone who can output a lot of spells (2-3 magic damage spells) in a short period of time so... Zeus / Jakiro / QoP / Undying / Dark seer. This doesn't rob the usefulness of veil from other heroes but I feel that spending that much gold on lich is better put to other items.

              You can also buy it as a lich if you have a decent AOE presence (not just you) and you want to try and amplify your combos.


                But Lich Ulti can wipe enemy easily w/ Discord

                bum farto

                  or wipe them without it....planning, positioning, and patience. You don't need to throw your ult out wildly with veil and hope you get the kill considering (no offense intended) the item builds of the heroes in your game you are probably in the low 3k bracket and had it pretty damn easy.

                  You can't dictate who your ult jumps too and it may, if thrown wrong; only hit a hero once or twice and the veil won't make that much of a massive difference. If you are away from creeps with two heroes or three you will either get the kill or you won't because again yours is not a definable ult like other AOE's are. This is not saying it won't help but if you have planned your ult properly you won't even need the veil to get a kill but if you do want/manage to get it all the better I guess.

                  On the items list for lich anything that costs over 2000 gold is not a good reflection of how good an item performs. Simply because if you have the cash to buy an item that expensive as lich the game is as good as won anyways.

                  Este comentario fue editado
                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    More cost efficient than Aghs if you can land it on 5 people because it also helps your allies. Only compared to Aghs though, most games I would get a force staff or necro 1 over a veil.


                      I mostly played Lich as offlaner, and either rushed Meka or Veil.
                      Veils adds more dmg to your ulti than Agha, and since Lich is similar in this aspect as DP: if you have ulti you are cool, otherwise dont even try to start/get involved into fights.

                      +1 vote for rushing Veil

                      bum farto

                        Would not rush but would still buy as a third maybe fourth item as it is like Sam said more cost effective than aghs with decent benefits.

                        Jay Ashborne

                          I like Mek > Kite stick

                          Mobility, mana pool, regen and armor. If you really think you need HP, consider drums, urn, or Sheep.


                            It really bugs me when people buy aghs but not veil. Yes, Veil is a great item on Lich, especially if you have more magic damage on your team. Yes, mek and kite stick are good too.


                              i vote necro3 as the first and only post-mek item


                                Nec is a shitty item.

                                bum farto

                                  Necro-gaming can win games vs even the most impossible lineups.