General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen will this godlike win streak end?

When will this godlike win streak end? in General Discussion

    I'm on 26 right now, how many do you think i can get?


      Prepare. Ur. Anus.

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        ı had 7 win streak now 1/10 lose game.prepare man.

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        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Non-ranked Slark. What did you expect? But it still should end soon.


            Just pick Dragon Knight.


              7 games out of those 26 were Slark, not cause i wanted to win badly - i just like the hero. Had 7 win streak with 1 loss in between before that and 13 win streak before that. Very diverse heroes overall, lots of ranked games too.

              Hope it lasts :)

              King of Low Prio

                yes I am sure you loved earth spirit til he became 'boring' after the last nerf -_-


                  8 ranked games aren't many. I don't understand why you play unranked either, also imo going unranked with your tryhard stack just makes your winrate inflated. W/E; bet you have fun tryharding unranked vs totally casual just4fun guys. I bet you have ufn.

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                    incoming poopfest of shit teamates


                      @Samspson - Rofl, check out people profiles first before talking bullshit and making fool of yourself :) I never played the hero except in practice lobby, i dont abuse broken heroes in ranked matchmaking just to get mmr, like people as you do (Ember lately).

                      Anonymous - didnt play lots of ranked last days, played a lot more during my other win streaks. Didn't know playing unraked is a crime nowadays, but sure had lots of fun ^^

                      Wink - i hope not, although i got shitty russian stack today.

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                      King of Low Prio

                        I was asked specifically to play ember in those matches

                        but yea you are right I play drow and sniper as well to inflate my winrate ROFL fucking mongoloid


                          "I was asked specifically to play ember in those matches" - ROFL, you cant be serious and think anyone would actually believe you that? :) Sampson, Sampson...

                          King of Low Prio


                            you can see chat logs on the forums the morning of when he asked me to play with him and he wanted me to play ember spirit

                            King of Low Prio

                              Naw bro I hacked dota buff and made fake threads -_-


                                I dont care about what mongoloids are trying to say so gtfo of my topic.

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                                King of Low Prio

                                  you posted on a public forum it is not 'your topic'. If you want someone to admire your unranked matches tell your mother.



                                      that is pretty lame though. I don't even think I've seen a 26 game ranked win streak.


                                        What's lame? Account buying?

                                        Quick maffs

                                          26 win streak even on unranked is still pretty big


                                            Account buying, bragging about rating, bragging about winstreaks, stacking in normal matchmaking. You stacked and bragged about a winstreak in normal matchmaking thats whats lame. At least if someone bought an account it would be mutual for both parties.


                                              I mentioned account buying for a reason here. It looks like you have the same syndrom as Sampson. Not mentioning your whining about ranked matchmaking and begging Valve to remove it. I wouldnt even dare to post in this topic if i were you.

                                              Btw for all the blind people - there's 1/3 ranked games in this winstreak too, as long as solo que. Had much more ranked games in last 13 and 7 win streaks.

                                              Ty Dorkly.

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                                                Hurricane chill, Sampson is trolling you ( or he is too dumb ). Just, be prepared, to lose a big chunks of next games. At least that is in ranked


                                                  But even me, Who is accused for buying accounts, have had 20 game winstreaks and such via unranked. I would rather have you be honest and brag about something worth bragging about.

                                                  And yes I don't like the matchmaking but as Ive stated many times. I don't like it cause of the psychological mentality involved. If the community needs a change then the environment does.


                                                    HǣL - longest win streak: 11.

                                                    So where exactly are your 20 win streaks? You dont only buy accounts, you also lie when you know everyone can go and check it out.

                                                    Vanity  ツ

                                                      The winstreak is probably on the account he played on, before he bought a new one.

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        stacks unranked to bumb his winrate even after MM was added to game this is a hold new level of tryhard rofl. I love how much nameless kids try for attention


                                                          Yea, lets just assume that i'm really dumb and Id lie about this account that I'm on right now about a statistic websites. Sometimes I question everyones intelligence here. I use to have many accounts my friend.

                                                          Not only that you could of turned on 3rd party share when you lost and turned it on when you won. Thus getting a long winstreak, its not hard to exploit.

                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                            ^ yup just turn it off whenever you are about to lose, that is EXACTLY how dotabuff works -_-


                                                              Its not but thats how people fuck with their winrate and winstreaks. How can you trust randoms or a system that is easy exploitable.

                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                Actually that its how it works, at least that its how v-god did it

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  nobody is arguing that his wins are real (well maybe you but I question your intelligence) it is just funny how he stacks unranked AND even comes on the forums to brag about it


                                                                    I'm just putting that as an example. I'm pretty sure his reals are real but it is fishy that he would go that long in unranked to post it.

                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                      I guess, still you need really good team mates to get a 26 win streak even stacking in unranked.


                                                                        "Not only that you could of turned on 3rd party share when you lost and turned it on when you won. Thus getting a long winstreak, its not hard to exploit. "

                                                                        Lol, only mentally ill people would do that :) People who know me and have me added can easily confirm that winstreak is real. We cant say the same for your imaginary winstreaks HǣL or else prove it.


                                                                          "it is just funny how he stacks unranked AND even comes on the forums to brag about it"

                                                                          Well, i really like to play with those guys, whats bad about that? I've been looking for reliable people for a long time, playing 99% times alone and i finally found them. We play the same if not more ranked then unranked games, i dont see anything bad here.

                                                                          And like i said, 1/3 of those wins are ranked, same with solo vs stack.


                                                                            I don't have to prove anything cause I'm not bragging. And saying your friends can easily confirm doesn't mean anything either. Since when has someones word ever been 100% grade A evidence.

                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                              so about a 8 game win streak, this required a thread? Go tell your mother about it she might care.....


                                                                                Anybody else sees the irony in that post? ^^

                                                                                Edit: Dammit Sampdude...

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                                                                                kanye went to uni

                                                                                  Can I just point out that there is NOTHING WRONG with playing unranked matches and/or playing with friends? I always wish I was playing in a five party, because the rare times I do the games are more fun and there's heaps of communication and teamwork, which is what you want in Dota, right? And so what if you don't want to play ranked? I usually play ranked when I'm alone but if I have a friend who doesn't want to play ranked and only wants to play for fun (big surprise, I know), I'm perfectly fine with that.

                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                    there is nothing wrong with playing unranked BUT you have to understand that it is where people who dont play to win go. Beating people who have no intention of trying to win and they making threads brragging about it is where I find it laughable


                                                                                      I never say this, but I agree with sampson


                                                                                        should've seen me playing the earth spirit pre-patch in ranked...


                                                                                          Because if you're going for a win streak record then you're obviously not playing unranked "for fun", you're doing it for the easier opponents.

                                                                                          We (or at least I) don't have that big of a win record, but that doesn't make the achievement any more great because someone else doesn't have it. For example, if had a 6 win streak record and told someone who only had 2, that doesn't make a 6 win streak a notable achievement, just like if you have a 26 win streak in unranked as a big stack, that doesn't make it something to brag about either just because other people don't have as high win streaks.

                                                                                          There's nothing wrong with playing unranked, it's the part where he's trying to brag about winning unranked matches as a group as if we should care.

                                                                                          Also, where did the running joke about HaeL buying accounts start?


                                                                                            "there is nothing wrong with playing unranked BUT you have to understand that it is where people who dont play to win go."

                                                                                            ROFL, thats one of the most stupid things i've EVER heard. Who doesnt want to win Dota man? Are you serious or just stupid? EVERYONE wants to win, admit it or not, thats the point of the whole game. You can tell this "i play just for fun shit" to someone else who's stupid enough to believe it :)


                                                                                              ^People play to win in unranked, but they NEVER tryhard to win. I have never seen a gank on mid in unranked, but it is ALWAYS happening in my ranked games.


                                                                                                I am a bit confused. NO ONE tries hard in normal matchmaking? I mean, we aren't able to play in ranked matchmaking until level 13 after all....and I tried when I was below level 13. And I still try to win when my friend who is under level 13 and I play normal matchmaking.


                                                                                                  Probably more often than not, people do want to win the games that they play, but for casual games, winning isn't a high priority to some people. In unranked, people can play less optimally, and it won't affect their visible rating to the world. You can clown about as much as you want and the number that represents your skill (MMR) will not change because of it. Unranked does have a higher concentration of players who aren't serious about the game, they don't mind winning or losing because they find the game fun through other means.

                                                                                                  People won't think any worse of you if you lose an unranked match (unless you're playing Wisp + Ursa in LPQ while searching for Portuguese-speaking people in Russia), so there's no incentive to win if you don't care about win/loss ratio and there isn't a visual representation of your skill for winning.

                                                                                                  So the tryhards who sometimes don't mind winning or losing and just want to have a fun game by doing stupid stuff they wouldn't normally do in ranked, play unranked instead. Trying to argue that people are less serious in unranked is just going to be futile.

                                                                                                  Have you seriously never had a game where you wanted to have fun trying to win with a suboptimal build? e.g. Divine Rapier rush on Weaver or Bounty, Sunder + Dagon on Terrrorblade, et cetera

                                                                                                  If not, and your primary objective of this game is to boost a statistic to brag about to others rather than to enjoy the game by playing it, you should reassess why you play Dota.

                                                                                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                                    ^^ That was a generalization. Of course there are people who tryhard in Normal matchmaking, but far less than in Ranked.

                                                                                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                                      who would tryhard in normal mm?

                                                                                                      nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                                                                        Doesn't matter had wins

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!