General Discussion

General DiscussionBlog Post Topic Suggestions!

Blog Post Topic Suggestions! in General Discussion

    KawaiiSocks mentioned in a thread that the main reason he isn't coming up with blog updates is because he can't think of any good topics. Let's help him out with suggestions for blog topics you would love to see :D

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      Early game tank item comparison


        Id like to see a post about proper performance of the 5 roles

        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

          ^ +1 to what wink said.


          [color=#66cdaa]Main ideas[/color]

          "The history of dotabuff and it's owners/workers/mods/employees" - How the whole thing came together, the back story.

          Comparing professional to pub dota, what's different, and how to apply.

          Aggro and Defensive Trilanes - How each functions and what the goals are of each~ When to use.

          Pubs meta - April (Make it a monthly)

          Player spotlights? Maybe team spotlights~ Players that are doing well in the professional scene and what you can learn from their playstyles

          When to back - An informational piece on how to assess the situation at hand, when you should you be aggressive and when to b~

          [color=#66cdaa]Opinion blogs might include[/color]

          "common pub mistakes, maybe by role? 1-5? or Core, Carry, Mid, Off, Sup, Jung"

          Socks Sama, what role I prefer to play and why?

          Dotabuff forum fanatic interviews - Maybe ask a player from DB that posts on forums and interview them about their mmr/preferred role/background/how long etc. Know the community better etc.
          -player suggestions include, Satie,Wink,Relentless,Sam,Blah blah blah anyone on forums that contributes~

          Im out of ideas for now, gl~