General Discussion

General Discussionthere are times when the loss is really your teammates' fault.

there are times when the loss is really your teammates' fault. in General Discussion

    last game i did everything right. warded every round becouse our witch doctor was busy farming his lothar. i farmed my aghs and i got a triple on top. i stacked and pulled ancient for luna to farm. but meanwhile our BFF duo was busy feeding their antimage to the extreme limits. void had a couple of pronospheres only on 1 hero while the rest whacked him from the outside.

    sometimes there isnt much to do besides sit in the corner and cry for the future of himan kind.

    ☛ ƊƦ.ӍѺƝֆƬ€Ʀ

      what hero where u


        umm... aa?

        Dire Wolf

          You're not supposed to win every game, if you were 1000+ mmr better you'd still be able to carry that shit. So stop whining.


            Haha I feel ya man. Sometimes you have one of those games. One game recently I got wards, courier, flying courier, countered both enemy wards, and got bloodlust of their mid before the 4 min mark. I think the first couple kills after that went the enemy's way and I was thinking, 'yo, if we lose this game, i don't know how much more of a better position I can put a team.'

            Luckily we won, but damn.


              " if you were 1000+ mmr better you'd still be able to carry that shit " > phahahahha. Get rekt please.

              Lorne Malvo

                And sometimes your opponents just play better than you and the rest of your team.

                About 50% of the time statistically.

                some random trashcan

                  pick a mid, carry the game if ur better, if u cant ur not better

                  Low Expectations

                    I snowballed so hard I bought an extra set of wards :D

                    @ OP I think orchid would have been a better investment than Halberd

                    Este comentario fue editado

                      You can always do more. But you are not meant to win every game.

                      For example I played this game right now:
                      I carried my team so hard all thru the mid game but in the lategame, when my slardar didnt manage to get bkb in 50 minutes, the game went into the shitter. And the funny thing is, I made few small mistakes and one major mistake and I believe even this completely "unwinnable" game was winnable if I didn't fuck up that one time.

                      It is always easy to say "well, just a shitty team, happens", but the reality is, it is always you.

                      Este comentario fue editado

                        Btw to Jok3r: If you look at the math that is not exactly true.

                        If there is a bad player in the game, there is slightly more probability that he will end up on the other side. Because there are 5 free slots, there is only 4 on your side. Same aplies for good or average players. In the long run, the deciding factor is and always will be the the player himself.

                        If he is average at his mmr range, he will win exactly 50% of the games over a long run. If he is better, he will rise, if worse he will fall. The system is flawless, only scrubs cry about it.

                        Este comentario fue editado

                          who is the only person that has been on your team in EVERY single match you lost?



                            Lorne Malvo

                              Btw to Long named dude team thing,

                              Who could ever confuse someone writing "About 50% of the time statistically" as crying about it being exactly true?

                              Not sure what type of scrub that would be> )

                              Thanks for the info though bro, cool story.


                                Literally the reason why I have such a low winrate on Windrunner, she's cursed for me.
                                Out of all the lost games I had 10 deaths once.

                                Wanye Kest

                                  Windrunner is cursed for me too. I have a windrunnner win rate of 22% or something.


                                    Ofc, sometimes its you.

                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!