General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat can I do to stop my loss streak

What can I do to stop my loss streak in General Discussion

    In 2 days I've lost 225 MMR, lost 11/13 matches

    I've never had a slump this bad, and I don't know what to do, I don't know whether I'm the problem or if it's my team. I'm watching my matches back to find out what i can do better but it seems like no matter what i do i cant help bring team to win.

    I honestly don't know what the problem is, everything has been fine until now

    (This is less QQ thread, more "can someone identify a general flaw with me? is is it bad luck? or something else?)

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      sucks ass


        Pick ursa in new patch

        ☛ ƊƦ.ӍѺƝֆƬ€Ʀ

          u should first report Selfmade Millionaire for being disrespectful , and u must focus more on what hero u must pick , what position ur team needs
          my advices : if ur team needs a support : go for ogre without thinking
          if ur team needs a mid : go for dp or ember or invoker if ur good at them
          if ur team needs offlaner : go clock
          if ur team needs carry : tb or lycan


            You're clearly the worst player on your team in most games. Improve your play, especially your shitty positioning which is extremely bad even for a 2.5k player (i coached you once, i've seen enough). My cousin and my sister are both 2.5-2.7k and they are much better players then you are. If you want to win games play better and you'll contribute enough to win.

            If i'm honest i dont even know how did you manage to stay at 2.5k for so long. Didnt want to flame, but thats the truth.

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              Hurricane, I'm going to disagree with you by saying im the worst player on my team if you're looking at score. You can't base your entire view of how i play on 1 match, if you want to see how well I played look at more of them, like the recent ones, everyone has bad games, which was made worse by the pressure of you coaching me and commenting on everything while i was in the middle of doing it. Yes, my KDA is bad in my current loss streak, but that doesnt mean I am automatically the worst player on my team.

              Lets use the dazzle game as an example, in which many of the other players had similar amounts of deaths as me. By the time it got to the lategame, PA could one-shot me with a crit, and as my ability to grave and heal was seen as important by them, a lot of the time i could only cast my spells and then die in a teamfight. My KDA's up until the enemy are snowballing arent that bad. Even then during lategame i often managed to grave someone so they wouldnt die, followed by a heal, but they would then continue fighting and subsequently die. During this game i bought all of the wards, the courier, and upgrades, as well as numerous smokes and dusts, whereas distruptor, the other support, sat there and flamed everyone. I'm not pinning our loss on him, but if you watch the replays of what im explaining you'll see im not the worst on my team despite what the scores might indicate.

              My fault in the sand king game started with the pick, as I should have repicked once the enemy team chose several heroes who could interrupt my ult, not to mention QW invoker draining 90% of my mana by the time he started ganking. When i look back at that game i realise i should have picked a ranged support who could help shut down riki and bounty hunter more.

              Storm Spirit game fore me just felt like a general "outplayed" game, so im not bitter about that loss.

              I hopefully wont have to explain the Phoenix game. That was just god awful, even though our team managed to get first blood on the creep skipping axe.

              Crystal Maiden: Again, solo supporting, trying to create as much space as possible for ember spirit. Many of those deaths were because the enemy team focused on me first, even during the lategame. As i said, during the part of the game where we realistically had a chance, my scores were not that bad.

              KOTL game: my score until 18:30 was 0-3-3, at which point ursa was able to dive pretty much any tower to kill, and at that point doom abandoned. When I disconnected the safe to leave game, I was 1-7-3, which still is not very good, but was not much worse than the enigma and magnus, both of whom had much higher farm priority than me.

              Wraith king match: idk what happened, LC suddenly ended up with +300 damage, when i was dominating the game she was on like +38. I also should have bought a BKB, and i didnt, which looking back would have helped us to continue to snowball

              My first death in the silencer game was at 14 minutes, by which point Magnus had died 3 times, weaver once, and my lane partner had nearly full freefarm, apart from the occasional slark gank which was avoided. By 20 minutes in i was 0-3-3, considerably better than the weaver who was 0-1-1, who rushed crystalis before even upgrading boots, (not that the item in itself is useful that early on), and who continued to buy tangoes up past the 20 minute mark. By 30 mins I was 1-7-5, and from then on i pretty much got killed in every fight.

              Dazzle game: fair point, that was rather bad, but the game wasn't lost solely on my back

              Timbersaw and clockwerk games: fair losses either way, no bitterness about those either

              At the end of the day, please dont judge me with your tone of "you're utter shit and you deserve to go down" attitude, it's just downright rude and uncalled for


                pick ursa. shits op now tb was balanced comparing to the current ursa


                  plz no reporterino, i just stated my feelings towards op (that his situation sucks ass)


                    ^that was directed at hurricane, dw I knew what you meant :P thankfully situation is improving now and I'll be able to climb my way out of my mini winrate trench

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                      I'm not sure what you're looking for. It sounds like you know what is going wrong. As for how to get better, I recommend watching pros play and trying to slowly add a few things they do to your arsenal. Constantly think about improving while you play, don't just casually go through the motions. Communicate with your team (as best as you can) and pay attention when something goes wrong. When things do go wrong, IGNORE what anyone else did and look at what you could have done to a) turn it into a good result or b) make it less bad.

                      If you notice you miss last hits as carries, practice that more. If you waste time manually opening the shop, finding each item and buying them, work on using hotkeys and being faster. Work on pulling the camps, stacking the camps, and maintaining lane equilibrium as a support. Also important for any role actively watch for missing heroes and call them out. Just because you aren't in top lane doesn't mean you can't call missing when you notice it, for example.

                      You probably aren't going to be able to play the role of hard carry if you're playing support chars, so if you routinely get bad hard carries on your team, you might want to start playing some semi-carries or hard carries.

                      Either that or stack with a friend who can carry, and support for him/her.

                      There are countless things you can work on to improve.


                        ^not trying to disprove you or anything but I have been doing the whole match watching thing for the past couple of weeks which is why this loss streak surprised me as much as it did. The reason I mainly play support heroes is because mostly no one else does, but if I get people who want to support I can carry

                        I don't even know what I'm looking for really... I know what I need to do to get better and all that jazz, but then the losing streak happens with. No idea why

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                          if you lose a game, don't play for a bit. you'll probably end up playing worse because you feel that you 'need' to win the next game you play e.g. to end your last game of the day on a win / to cancel out the previous loss, which will just put more pressure on yourself.

                          do a bot game, play inhouse with friends with dumb builds, or maybe play another game that isn't so stressful for a bit. then when you're not stressed anymore, queue ranked again.


                            That sounds like nice advice actually, past two days I've been trying to mitigate the losses which hasn't helped the situation. Maybe having a bit of fun in 6.81 is needed before going back to tryharding


                              Reported already chris.



                                pick what seems to works best just spam on dp / axe / cent b4 ur team takes anything then if u losing the game its bcus ur team picked bad not u :DDdd

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                                  I've lost 250 mmr in one night then I went to use centuar all day got back it eventually :)


                                    Don't play so often. When you play first time after a pause for about a week, matchmaking system puts you into a better team to make you win and motivate to play more.

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                                        Play some unranked mathces,try heros you dont play so often,have fun.


                                          Stop whinning is a good way to start, rest comes later.


                                            "WHAT CAN I DO TO STOP MY LOSS STREAK" stop losing.......


                                              pick venge


                                                Instalock lycan, join me and be cancer together

                                                So far, WL is 13/2


                                                  sometimes if u try too hard you end up losing

                                                  sometimes if u try to learn too much at once you end up failing

                                                  constant mini map checking/scoreboard checking/last hitting abilities/enemy item checking/execution

                                                  are just some of the main factors that will contribute to either a win or loss, and of course, team advantage/disadvantages

                                                  Densetsu No Yamada Tae!!

                                                    when i lose 2 ranked matches in a row I just stop playing ranked for a while. Because the more lose the angrier you get and your decision making ability , concentration , confidence all decreases. Just go play some unranked matches or AD. Have fun , relax, then come back and play while being calm.

                                                    My dawg

                                                      GET UR MAIN ACC TO 4500 MMR THEN QQ AND YOLO ON NEW ACCOUNTS XDXDXDXD

                                                      smelly cunt

                                                        pre patch : lycan
                                                        post patch : not sure


                                                          I actually took an hour of my time and try to help this Knight guy to become better, but you know what? He dont fuckin listens. I dont know if his ego is really strong or he really doesnt see his OBVIOUS mistakes, but he is NOT trying to improve, although he's saying that he is in all of his whinny topics. He just seeks attention, not advice how to become better.

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                                                            #Im the man who cant be move


                                                              No hurricane. I did listen to what you told me the first time, and I am actually trying to improve on it, all you said in your comment at the top of the thread was "you're clearly the worst, you're shit and you deserve to move down" responding to a flame with my own defence is not having an inflated ego. You can't assume I have the same problems in one match in all of my matches


                                                                loss streaks are uncontrollable when retards arrive in ur team


                                                                  #hurricane teach me pls, i want to get >50% wr


                                                                    Look on your match history! You always had winstreaks and lose streaks.


                                                                      First and foremost, pick heroes you're comfortable on (I see you played a ranked game as Crystal Maiden, who you'd only played 3 games with before). If you don't have enough heroes that you're comfortable playing, maybe don't play ranked yet. Use unranked matches to practice the heroes that you feel like you could play well if you 'just made one less mistake' or 'just did one thing differently' in every game. Whenever you watch your matches over, don't try to make excuses for yourself. "They focused me first every fight" is a common excuse for 'I need to work on my positioning because I'm getting caught out a lot'. "My teammates kept feeding" might really be 'I need to work on keeping wards up in appropriate places'.

                                                                      Lastly, watch pro games. Don't expect to be able to play the heroes as well as them, or know the limits as well as they do. However, it will give you a better sense of how a game will flow, and what kind of trades are acceptable. One example: You are farming top lane alone while the enemy ganks your bot lane. Their successful gank turns into a push, and your two remaining teammates flock to the tower in a hopeless attempt to defend against 5 enemies. Instead of tp-ing down to aid in a fruitless defense, push your own lane and try to trade towers while your teammates stall them. These sorts of macro-size map movements will help make you a better player.

                                                                      Also, watch yourself free farm for as long as you can bear to watch yourself miss last hits. You don't notice it as you're playing, but they really do add up. It's not fun, but if you want to improve last hitting, play a private lobby as Shadow Fiend, Mid Only, for 10 minutes. Start with a Wraith Band, but drop and destroy it when you hit level 5. Try to get as many last hits and denies as possible for the 10 minutes without leveling up any skills (NO NECROMASTERY!!) .

                                                                      - I think Mid Only starts at the negative 1 minute mark, so go until the 9 minute creep wave is launched, and you've finished last hitting all of those creeps.
                                                                      - There are 174 creeps (87 radiant 87 dire including catapults) that run through mid lane in the first 10 minutes.
                                                                      - I am a 4k mmr player, and I usually get around 120 total. I have no idea if that's good or bad.

                                                                      This was a smurf sorry, main account:

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                                                                          ^thats very good, i used to practice like that too
                                                                          tho, dont buy wraith band at all ,and see if u hit 100 lh(ck+cd)
                                                                          thats the challenge actually

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                                                                            "I actually took an hour of my time and try to help this Knight guy to become better"

                                                                            I was refering to the game i was coaching you (in case you forgot), not this topic! And you had the same exact attitude you have in this topic. No wonder you dont improve.

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                                                                            waku waku

                                                                              abuse abaddon, lich, and vengeful spirit
                                                                              i'd recommend not to do it with the first two though as they carry cancer


                                                                                Hurricane I remember the game when you coached me, I was actually listening to you the whole game and trying to act on what you said so dont try and make it look like i was ignoring you and acting all high and mighty


                                                                                  do you watch your own replays? playing a game and watching the replay of the same game is a better investment of time than playing 2 different games imo, if you want to improve.

                                                                                  you can easily spot your mistakes, and you can gain a lot of insight because you now know where the enemies were, and whether your judgements of backing off were correct or not.

                                                                                  edit: something you can easily improve on is your skill build, on lina going 2-3-0-1 and not getting fiery soul until 10 is pretty shit. if you go 3-1-1 instead of 3-2-0, the extra attack speed makes up for the 60 magic damage that you get from levelling up LSA, and it gives you movement speed.

                                                                                  also getting sandstorm rank 2 when you're level 3 can greatly increase your farm, you can farm neutrals much quicker since it's damage doubles from 25 to 50. rank 1 isnt enough to kill a hard camp since it can only do 500 damage, but rank 2 can do 2k damage over 40 seconds.

                                                                                  sometimes skipping caustic for stats helps your survivability if you're poor, but one value point to make creeps explode is worth it

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                                                                                    Watch your replays. Win or loss. As much has it sucks to watch a loss, it's probably better.

                                                                                    Try watch right after the game's done while the games fresh in your head. When all were missing and you suspected a gank and left, were you right or too cautious? When you failed a gank, was it because you were sitting on top of a ward or because you popped out of fog of war?

                                                                                    Watching a replay can be helpful because you can confirm if your suspicions during the game were true or not. You can also see what the other team sees or focuses on.

                                                                                    Another thing you can take a look at is your positioning in team fights? Did you blink too quickly when your team was not able to catch up? Did you stay way too far back when you weren't being focused at all? You can watch your participation in a team fight and see if you did everything you could without taking unnecessary risks.

                                                                                    You can watch a play out from other people's perspectives to see what everyone involved sees and you can make better judgement in future games.


                                                                                      ask a friend to feed you.


                                                                                        "I was actually listening to you the whole game and trying to act on what you said"

                                                                                        You did EXACTLY the oposite of what i told you, but whatever bro :D


                                                                                          I didn't, whatever I was doing i was TRYING to do what you told me, but it's hard to concentrate on everything thats happening on in the game and what you were telling me


                                                                                            You just got to be a lad




                                                                                                Top LAD

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