General Discussion

General DiscussionOracle confirmed?

Oracle confirmed? in General Discussion
    Densetsu No Yamada Tae!!

      NO NO PLS NO


        Oracle ulti still 20 sec CD and 1000 cast range???

        Anyone played it? Looks soooo broken!!!

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          Did False Promise grant invis when he was first released?


            Found him!
            They nerfed mana cost and cast range, but still sounds reeeaaaaally broken.

            Temporarily alters the target ally's destiny, delaying all damage, healing and regeneration effects on them until False Promise ends. Ally is granted invisibility while attacking and moving. Removes all negative status effects when applied.

            The delayed healing is doubled when it is provided at the end of the duration.

            Cast Range: 1500
            Duration: 7/8/9

            Manacost: 100
            Cooldown: 20

            Note: All damage and healing happen immediately once the buff ends. This damage is lethal and is credited to the original damage sources.

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              That crap is basically old Slark's ulti sans regeneration + Kunkka's ship buff on steroids for your carry every 20 damn seconds.

              When he comes, it better gets nerfed to a 3 seconds duration, 60 secs cooldown and something close to 700 manacost.


                +Dazzle grave! Except it does not get countered by axe!

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                  he is op... i played in him in dota 1

                  serious nuke machine

                  Purifying Flames:
                  (Target Ally/Enemy)

                  Burns away impurities from the target, dealing heavy damage and causing them to regenerate life each second for 9 seconds. Can be cast on both allies and enemies.

                  Damage: 90/180/270/360
                  Regeneration per second: 11/22/33/44
                  Duration: 9

                  Cooldown: 3

                  lvl 4 this, lvl 1-4 fortune's end, purges the heal

                  about 1k magic dmg possible in 4 seconds excludin resistance, regular atks and dagon obviously jaja

                  go in invis, flame/purge/dagon/flame

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                  Low Expectations

                    ^that I dont know Dunk goes threw all other ultis why not this one?
                    I dont remeber this hero at all from dota 1, I think I quit dota 1 before he got released but he sounds broken as hell but I doubt he will be used to more than 40% of his strength in solo que due to the heavy amount of coordination he needs.


                      yes, he actually does require a bit of coordination and quite fast execution


                      some general items i remember going dependin on the game ofc, but yeah he was released late, i played him before the nerfs i guess
                      you could fuck over your own allies lmao

                      drop their hp with the flames when theyre close to dying, which is practically half their max hp when ur lvl 7 ahahahaha
                      or prevent them from attacking and tell them "i did it so u get magic resistance u noob"

                      then u can just pop ur 20 second cd ulti that costs a whopping 100 mana onto any ally or urself, shield, heal, heal, and you'll regen a shit load
                      itll be like 166hp/sec for a few seconds at least

                      the really cheap thing about him is just his amazingly low cooldowns for high dmg output .__. oh, and near non-existent mana costs

                      but ive seen ppl suck serious shit with him so... yeah lol


                        fate's edict seems to have lots of potential with people with high non-magic damage output, like alchemist with skills being composite/physical or phantom assassin with skills being pure/physical or timbersaw who is pure damage land or TA who is physical damage land etc. because 50% damage amp is pretty impressive… disarm is good also easier to land than soul catcher


                          Zet > all heroes.


                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              lol 1.4 BAT? That's higher than AM though. Also seriously, that hero could only have his ulti and still be viable.


                                The synergy between his skills is awesome, but his ulti I think should be reworked. At least make it usable only once per fight, like slark ulti.


                                  No, but seriously, all of these new generation heroes are pretty much broken. Zet - double midas, Oracle - nukeking without many drawbacks. The only problem is that both of these heroes have quite a high skillcap. It's not hard to play them semi-decently, but to play them to their full potential... is nothing short of an art.

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                                    I didn't play DotA1, not checked up the heroes either.
                                    You said high skillcap, is there high microskills involved?


                                      With Zet, yeah, pretty much. Your ulti is basically a superpowered meepo clone that can use items. With Oracle it's more about when to use your abilites, and on whom. The latter is probably more important. The nature of your abilities can fuck your teammates over if used incorrectly. Except your utli, that shit is broken.


                                        So with Zet you create an illusion of yourself (1 clone that can use items aswell) or do you make illusions of other heroes that can use items?
                                        Can this thing use abilities too?


                                          "By vibrating at extreme speeds, Arc Warden is able to create a perfect electrical incarnation of himself for 20 seconds, at the cost of health and mana. This incarnation can use any spells or items he has, and spawns with his health and mana after the cast."
                                          'nuff said. Check out


                                            Alright, thanks.


                                              Check youtube for arcwarden gameplay. Basically with manta you get 1 clone and 4 illusions. Also you have a skill that increase attack speed and give 100% evasion to all units in an area for 5 seconds, that can be cast by clone.

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                                                clone of yourself. it has all the spells/items the main one has (except the ultimate ofc)

                                                and his other spells are all crazy good as well.

                                                so essentially you do midas necro travel manta and whatever else (deso/ac) and have a beast hero/pusher at no danger to your own. or just use 2 necro 3 in fights for the price of one.

                                                just google the hero and read on his spells to get the insight of how broken he is.

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                                                  Sounds amazing. What happens if your clone dies? EXP/CASH bounty?

                                                  I'm too tired to read any of this playdota things atm.


                                                    nothing happens.
                                                    they couldn't use to tell a difference between illusion and real one but it got nerfed slightly to differentiate the colors with real hero being a tad more darker. imagine 2 heroes with manta, thats 6 targets and they drop your hp instantly.

                                                    also illusion ulti deals/receives same dmg like the real one.


                                                      Sounds like a superinteresting hero, especially for me who loves splitpushing/ratdota/avoid teamfights.
                                                      Really excited and hope this will come soon. =)


                                                        to add on that, because my phone edit is super slow,
                                                        you can have travel midas necro3 manta by 20th minute without even snowballing hard.
                                                        the hero is really good early and easy to get fb with so you can do smth like 5/6 minute bottle/midas with it. from there on all you need is some macro management to do well.


                                                          no xp/cash given as far i remember from d1, when clone dies , just dies like a simple illusion , correct me if im wrong


                                                            6.81 purifying flames can no longer be cast on enemies. So he's not that great nuking machine anymore.
                                                            Also those icons have been in game for a long time.


                                                              What the hell? That's like making mistcoil a heal only spell. Any nerfs on Zet?

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                                                                I really doubt that! Where did you find that info?


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                                                                  haha zet

                                                                  i agree that theyre quite OP but also have higher skill caps

                                                                  zet -> oracle ->

                                                                  actually frostwyrm wasnt horribly op


                                                                    frost was really good for a support. considering you don't really need any items to be effective.


                                                                      That dragon was also yet another hero you could use to screw your own team.

                                                                      Teamfight goes wrong because of retarded teammate? Freeze him so he's left behind while the rest of your team runs away and claim you wanted to heal him.


                                                                        now that i think about it... most of the new heroes that came out could fuck over ur team

                                                                        disablehelp wouldnt work for certain spells... ES every game, pullin allies onto hills lmao


                                                                          Wisp is worse!

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                                                                            Oracle LADDD

                                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!