General Discussion

General DiscussionCreating space in pubs.

Creating space in pubs. in General Discussion

    Sometimes, I find it too hard to even be a thing and I feel the 50% forced winrate is a true thing. But sometimes, you do it and people follow you like you are Dendi in a pub game. Can you really salvage every game you play in? Sometimes I feel its nearly impossible with how people fuck up ability builds, item progression, and ability execution.


      Just LAD IT OUT


        How are you suppose to farm mmr successfully in some of these trash tier areas. I get peruvians that just argue over mid and feed when they dont get the lane they wanted. How do you come back from that?

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            whats the point of this thread? Oh wait, Hael is OP, there is no point.


              how can you be 4.5k if you don't know how to create space


                Because you create lads


                  Once Again, what's wrong, this "lad" is there in every post of urs.


                    Where isnt there a lad?


                      Its not about "Creating space" Its about how do you put up with little shits that bother the fuck out of you and try to ruin your game. Ie duel mid, or hiding items. when creating space. Like sometimes, I just want to pick mid and win and sometimes, people make it so god damn hard. makes my blood boil.

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                        i'm pretty sure he's something like 3.9k/4.0k and not 4.5k, don't know where you got that idea from lol

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                          hes actually around 3.3k-3.6k because his games (even ranked) are all in normal and high matchmaking.


                            split push is very good at low MMR, people dont know how to make good decisions, just abuse that and outfarm/outplay them. If you can't, you are bad.


                              split push is good at all levels of MMR, even at 5k (thank you volvo, i finally reached elo heaven)

                              if u don't know how to split push it means ur timings are off/ur bad at decision making

                              that's interesting wink i didn't know that LOL.

                              Henry Land

                                MMR has to do with luck,
                                maybe valve should patch the match making system with pseudorandomness
                                there wont be any lucky winning/losing streaks


                                  Yea I'm 4500 mmr, I just got this account back from not being active for over 3 months. So Im trying to get back up to 4500 again its at 3700 right now.

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                                    "Yea I'm 4500 mmr, its at 3700 right now."


                                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                      48% winrate I don't think he knows. Creating SPACE means, abandoning for him go checked his ranked games he abandons 1/4 games on his game match history page. Welcome back please stop abandoning games maybe u won't get 168 hour ranked game bans and such or reports. You took a legit 70% winrate account and gotten it down to 48% MF CONGRATS.

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                                        I tend to find if you shit yourself and talk nonsense most people will leave you alone in any public place, pubs included.

                                        If you wanted to completely clear the pub you could threaten you had a bomb or something, although you may get in trouble later on.

                                        Hope this helps.

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                                          Be the CM, Feed as the CM.

                                          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                            "Yea I'm 4500 mmr, its at 3700 right now."

                                            If he's anything like those, "add me I need friends" players on DB.. they are probably adding another +500 MMR to their rankings.


                                              Ive already told the story about this. and your winrate isnt much better Maehlini

                                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                58 abandons since ranked started... wow

                                                Trying to convince us ur in high 3k mmr when ur actually near 2.8-2.9k mmr is worst.

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                                                harvard graduate

                                                  Weren't you the guy who was on RTZs stream, didnt realize it was RTZ and went full 2k MMR treant retard? Well with that attitude, you're better off in 3.7k true story.

                                                  Nevermind, just saw your amount of games and Winrate. I dont think I can fix anything here.

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                                                    You guys can try and justify your own beliefs as much as you want. Ive never gone under 3500 on any account.

                                                    Also, i knew it was arteezy cause he never changes his logo and it wasnt the first time i played with him. He played like ass and I was more frustrated at my past games to give a shit. So I told arteezy off.


                                                      Creating space is only as good as what space createe uses it for. The only way to attempt to make sure something is being accomplished on the otherside of the map is to keep your team updated with what's going out.

                                                      This may be a dramaticization but I feel like half of my games go like this:

                                                      "i'm pushing top"
                                                      "5 teleported top"
                                                      "please push mid and bot there's no one there"
                                                      "get the fuck out of the jungle"

                                                      Now I'm not saying dieing to create space is valid, but if they commit 4 or 5 heroes on 1, make sure someone else is doing something productive besides walking around or farming the slow ass jungle.

                                                      Quick maffs

                                                        Dont die for others in pubs, its not worth it, unless you are a support


                                                          and I feel the 50% forced winrate is a true thing.

                                                          because u have <50 winrate. Problem solved.


                                                            forced 50% doesn't add in the factor of abandonments and low priority matches.


                                                              "Yea I'm 4500 mmr, Ive never gone under 3500 on any account."

                                                              my beliefs,
                                                              such disgrace,

                                                              pls tell story


                                                                He's never had any account below 3.5k because of this.

                                                                One day, he went to his friend's house. His friend had 10 games played. He played a game of riki and got 30-0. Ignoring the fact he had 1 last hit in 40 mins, he decided because he got 30-0 on riki in ultra low bracket he deserved 4k mmr, and thus buyed an account. So began the "legend" of Hael


                                                                  I'm not that delusional, but cute story haha.



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                                                                      ^very high starts at 3.5k-3.6k and he also has a lot of normal games.


                                                                        did they change it? i remember it used to be 3.8k = very high