General Discussion

General DiscussionSkadi on Huskar

Skadi on Huskar in General Discussion
casual gamer

    Gives 700 hp, 3 1/2 armor, and some minor IAS + the ability to switch targets in a fight without getting kited (ie if someone pops blademail)

    Worth it? First item after armlet? Late game luxury after Aghs, Satanic, or AC?


      id still say lifesteal

      but yeah luxury after phase/treads - > mom/hotd - > bkb - > skadi - > etc


        huskar's timing is critical - he's a powerhouse early and mid game but drops off sharply late game

        phase is almost always better than treads, since you already have massive attack speed

        hotd is usually the best, followed by armlet + mjllonir. i usually rosh after hotd + armlet (dominate a creep to make it faster)

        mjllonir speeds up your farming massively, the chain procs are ridiuclous with your high attack speed, and acts as a pseudo-blademail.

        phase, hotd, and armlet is managable in 15 min if u have good early game (i.e. you know how to last hit and don't die in stupid ways), so you can solo almost every hero in the game at that point and create massive space for your team.

        i don't see any reason why you would get skadi since the intel goes to waste, you already have a nice slow, and you're better off with heart/satanic/halberd/ac if you're concerned about your hp

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          gonna b seein some triple orbs


          i mean quadruple

          burnin spears

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            also if ur allies aren't vegetables/have 80 IQ, it's wise to get kills on their cores even if it means you end up dying yourself. that buys a lot of space for your position 1 farmer by forcing enemy tp's.

            i've only played huskar once so far and i'd rather play him mid. he can get 6 and start getting kills easily every time his ult isn't on cd. no need to get bottle, getting phase boots first is essential since you can zone out a shit ton of heroes mid (od, zeus, qop, storm spirit, etc.) by a certain level (i'd say level 4).

            most melee heroes like pudge/magnus are going to get 2 cs/minute max unless you play the hero incorrectly.

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            Mac_Lilypad [NL]

              You see quadruple orbs ?
              Burning Spears 6.81 : no longer orb
              Skadi : stacks with lifesteal
              Lifesteal : only true orb
              Mjolnir : stacks with orbs but overrides then when it proces, so accept fort no lifesteal when mjol proces everthing stacks


                I'd rather buy mjolnir after lifesteal.


                  I wouldn't by AS items on him personally, they only really increase his effectiveness at high healths (As AS stacks pretty diminishingly – it stacks a lot better with low BAT instead of adding more AS), which is not when you want to DPS anyway.


                    tread + assault is enough as

                    Personnaly i would see something like tread assault sata mkb skady + one item (most likely bkb)

                    I was playing him agah + shiva cuirasse disarm, but now with life steal, i don't think agah is still needed

                    Vanity  ツ

                      Assault curiass is arguably the best item on huskar in most cases. Also, if you want to give heroes like storm, qop and skywrath fucker a hard time mid, pick huskar

                      Dire Wolf

                        You don't like finishing up satanic? Skadi is nice stats but satanic means even 35 seconds you are getting to full hp. It stacks really nicely with huskars attack speed when wounded. Armlet, bkb, helm of dominator core, then satanic after imo.

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