General Discussion

General DiscussionCoffee break. Let's discuss your morning over a cup of joe.

Coffee break. Let's discuss your morning over a cup of joe. in General Discussion
Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

    How do you like your coffee guys?

    I need my first cup black, always. Following cups may or may not have cream. Never sugar. Ruins the flavor.

    waku waku

      i love coke, drink almost 2 liters of it every day ;w;


        What a lad


          I'm addicted to sugar, so coffee with some sugar for me.

          Never cream though, I have a mild lactose intolerance.

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            Who drinks coffee anyway when you have a bratty niece and nephew smacking your head with a back scratcher every morning when they get dropped off ! lol

            I usually just do the water. It is good for the soul.

            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

              Sugar? -shivers-

              How can you taste the coffee through that haha.

              Water is gross, that shit has no flavor. Lol


                Drink Tea, Tea makes you clever. Axe drinks tea and look at him.
                I prefer tea to coffee, here is South Africa we get a tea called Rooi Boss. Which very nice.


                  Usually black or with a teaspoon of sugar in the raw

                  Miku Plays

                    i drink water ... i dont need coffeeee !!!!!

                    Dammit Melody... how is this related to Dota

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                    King of Low Prio

                      I bet you put a 7 year old girl in your coffee too -_-

                      Dire Wolf

                        I enjoy the taste of coffee but the acidity makes me shit like a bear in the woods. Or whatever. So diet dew is the way to go. Sometimes low carb (blue can) monster when I want to get buzzed. That one is my favorite flavor, the purple can and white can suck and sugar free red bull sucks ass too. And lots of water.

                        Sugar Show

                          I used to drink it 9 years ago but never again. Never coffee in my sugar, ruin the flavor.



                            Because I'm a sugar addict. I really love mocaccino, even though I end up feeling like crap after drinking it, lactose intolerance and all...


                              No sugar on coffee? How?
                              I hear american/european coffee isn't as strong as brazillian coffee, so that's maybe the reason.
                              Still, i always put sugar.


                                i dont get why you post shit like this on this forum

                                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                  @Sugar Show
                                  Sugar ruins coffee. You lose the flavor and it becomes sweet and suddenly everything reminds me of starbucks.
                                  Because I can. Other people enjoy it as well. Dotabuff doesn't exist to please you. You don't like it, don't click the thread. EZ

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    go away u fucking coffee raper

                                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                      Lol'ed hard. Half these kids mentioning rape have never been laid. I got proof, where's theirs? Lawl


                                        I don't love coffee but when I drink it I only drink it black.
                                        I don't think it matters much anyway, drink the cheap stuff, not the stuff that Tarantino buys.

                                        beef nuggets

                                          why does everyone have anime avatars , when did it become cool

                                          about coffee… deep black like shaft


                                            Coffee - Almond Milk & little bit of Kahlua.



                                              I always put some (def more than needed) sugar and usually cream or milk too. I need my 2 cup of coffee every day at least, sometimes its more.


                                                fck coffee
                                                black tea ftw (no sugar kids)

                                                Este comentario fue editado

                                                  I'm a white tea kinda guy, nothing added. Very good for you, and it has little caffeine (which I don't need any, really).