General Discussion

General DiscussionAxe, buffed or Nerfed or the Same?

Axe, buffed or Nerfed or the Same? in General Discussion

    Played 2 axe games since the update, can't decide if he is better or worse since the update.
    It feels like he spins less, but that may be purely psychological.
    Your thoughts?

    Jay Ashborne

      Wouldnt know, never really played him much. Helix got changed to PRD, correct?


        Depends. Nerf for those helicopter Axes, buff for ally one-spin-per-teamfight Axes.

        Jay Ashborne

          This is a pretty dope guide overall. Should fit in this thread.


            Thanks allot Melody, was very interesting. A whole bunch more guides too watch as well!

            Jay Ashborne

              Anytime~ I've seen them all as well. Good shit for the most part.


                Buff for me because i played game where i literally spun 30 times, and then other game other people pick axe and are ninja 3000 pro blenders.

                Polkadot Piranha

                  Neither. It's gonna average out. It's gonna lose you some engagements/games you would have won with average rolls and win you some you would have lost.


                    Sorry but it's a nerf to engagements where you are looking at 50 or less attack instances, and a buff after 50.





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