General Discussion

General DiscussionOgre in pubs.

Ogre in pubs. in General Discussion

    Does anyone else think Ogre is borderline OP in pubs? I have like 90% win rate with him ON the team. And I'm getting totally wrecked, when he is against (around 15% winrate or something).

    Everytime this doubleheaded mofo shows up, he wins games. Slotmachines one shot supports and shit, it's crazy. And then bloodlust, when you try to push, he is a great support. I wonder why he does not see any light in pro games.

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      i think the reason he does not get much light in pro games is because a lot of his OP potential comes from a RNG. pro players can't rely on RNG like that, sure some games they might get a bunch of multicasts and dominate but then they also might have games where they just luck out entirely... so they prob would prefer to use heroes they KNOW they can rely on.

      but yes in pubs he is very strong i think perhaps because not enough people go magic res, magic shield(pipe) or bkb.


        50/50 on that guy Quak, so its seems less than optimal if a guy who only plays him gets close to 50%


          HOLY SHIT, 1k+ games? You must be schizophrenic by now.

          Yea, the RNG can fuck you over. But still, he helps greatly with the push. I think Bloodlust is overlooked.




              I looked at the guy's stats and it seems he wrecks squishy mid heroes that otherwise dominate. Puck, Invoker, Storm, OD etc. Looks like the wins come from fucking up other teams midgame. He shuts down Pudge also.

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              "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                He really depends on his Multicast. Bloodstone over Scepter. But his stun is damage not duration, so if he doesnt get Multi casts he is useless.


                  Nah, RNG is not why he's not picked. His main problem is that he doesn't have a position: Too greedy for a support role and too weak for a mid role.
                  Ogre needs levels in order to be effective. He can't afford to be behind because his skills fall off if you don't get your ult. On top of that, you NEED at least some core items to be able to cast multiple spells and abuse their low cd. You won't get neither the xp nor the farm he needs as a support, so he can't be played as a 5 or 4.
                  He doesn't have any laning presence, forget about offlaning with him unless its a 1v1 against another weak hero.
                  In a 1 position? C'mon, be serious.
                  Mid lane suits him well since it allows him to farm and get levels. He can zone out pretty much anyone with his low cd-high damage spells. The problem is: Who do you think will have more game impact when mid game comes? While he can win the lane against most mid heroes, in terms of game impact he has little to offer mid game compared to these heroes.

                  Low Expectations

                    ^He doenst have any laning presence?! Please, he will just use slow and run at you like Tree and you cant do shit. He is a great support vs offlaners who have low hp pool are melee. He might not kill the offlaner but he can certainly harass him out of the lane


                      He doesn't have any laning presence as an offlaner, that's why I said "forget about offlaning with him". He doesnt have an escape and his stun has a .45 casting time, therefore he'll be stunned before stunning if used trying to escape.


                        Ogre is good hero and annoying when hes on enemy team.... also great buff on team! + hard target to kill ( tanky)
                        Btw respect on that 4:80 kda @ 400 games with invo :) nice!


                          @ no soul guy: But if you think about it, Ogre as 1, he has amazing strenght gain, so you can go straight damage build, he can buff himself up, he can slow the target he is chasing, he can interupt. It is true that he doesn't have any pure scaling spells like Void or PA, but build an early push team around him and he wrecks face.
                          Also you are right, he needs levels. You put him mid. He hits hard, so he can dominate the lasthitting battle, he can zone out squishies and he is hard to put down when ganked with a frickin 3,2 strenght gain. What is not to love? Stuns and slows win you the early midgame, this guy has THE stun. (when it procs :D )

                          @ Hillary: Thanks man. I learned the hero from the scratch, so the 1st 100 were pretty bad.


                            That guy doesn't even disassemble arcance boots for bloodstone

                            Bone Chilling

                              Ogre is one of my favorite supports. His hp pool and base armor are amazing at early levels, buy an orb of venom right away and it's almost always a guaranteed 1st blood. He;s amazing in so many situations, needs more love imo.


                                He's definitely annoying during the laning phase. In my opinion he gets less annoying over time despite his chances of X-Multicasting. If you can make it through the laning phase successfully you've gotten past the hard part.


                                  fucking ogre cunt

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    At lvl 2 he has 600+ hp, ~7 armor, pretty high base dmg, and can have two nukes one with a stun, one with a slow. He's like a guaranteed first blood machine in pubs. I think pubs just really underestimate an aggressive ogre. It's kind of comparable magic dmg/cc to CM at lvl 2 but with 50% more hp and triple the armor lol.

                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!