General Discussion

General DiscussionCant seem to get out of sub 3.1k..sigh..

Cant seem to get out of sub 3.1k..sigh.. in General Discussion

    I've tried going mid. playing support. carry..I'm kinda hopeless as to how to get out of mmr hell.sigh.

    Any advice will be appreciated! ^_^

    I know that I have a lot of areas to improve in..but these people in my mmr just lack the basic foundation of dota.

    They don't know how to lane. Can't ward. MOST IMPORTANTLY, PICK FUCKIN HEROES.

    Last game I picked clinkz, called solo offlane..then they PICK PA, DROW...RIP MMR. Not sure what else I could do..sigh.

    I know I can limit the mistakes that I personally make..not the 4 others..I'm really beginning to hate dota..


      Maybe u are in the correct mmr =/


        there was a guy who had 5.2k mmr and every1 kept complaining about elo hell so some1 gave him a 2k mmr account and he got it up to 5k mmr in 2 weeks just saying =/


          you do realize how big the skill gap is from 3k to 5kmmr..right?


            152 matches. It seems that you're right where you belong.


              Play to improve and not to gain mmr, you'll get better and move up in the mmr. Stop blaming others, if you can't get out of your mmr range, it's your fault. I bet if I looked at your games, I would see you make many mistakes.


                if you feel you're not in the right bracket smurfing isn't a bad idea (assuming u were fucking around on ur older account a lot in unranked or something)

                if you really want to grind, picking lycan/phoenix/invoker(qw)/ember/naga/tinker/storm are all great for stomping. bounty hunter is really good too because pubbers love going 50 kills in 20 mins

                but if you think about it, a lot of the people who whine about bad supports (playing carries themselves) in the lower brackets do so while they wouldn't do much better of a job as supporting. they expect people to play at a 6k mmr level as a support when in reality playing the position (especially when supporting a carry in lane) is a lot harder than they think. but definitely do not play support in lower lvl brackets.

                but really you seem to be in the right bracket ish, games will be frustrating tho

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                  thanks for the feedback! This is my smurf lol..i guess I need to pick more op heroes haha..


                    Probably need to focus more on supporting..I can carry decently with supports but in my bracket..everyONE PICKS carrys.

                    Low Expectations

                      ^In every bracket that the case, just play what you are comfable with. If you cant farm at least 5-6cs/min dont go safelane. If you think you are much better that the avrage guy in the bracket go offlane (highest impact if played correctly). If you see dumb people playing supports and think you are better than them then do that.

                      Another suggestion is pick heros that are easy to execute (you get more time to pay attention to positioning,minimap, think about next objective) so Sniper, Ogre, Venge, Viper etc.

                      Miku Plays

                        im on same bracket 3.1k .... i dont think its elo hell ... since i once manage to climb up to 3.4k and somehow went back cause of reasons like playing when hungry, not in the mood, and tired. pretty much.. play when you know you are fit to play

                        The Tormentor

                          I started at 3.9 and got down to 3.7, but hell I'm pretty sure my actual mmr should be somewhere at 4.2 - 4.3k mmr, I just happened to have retarded teammates in my mmr calibration and lost most of those games.

                          King of Low Prio

                            I am also pretty sure there is a pink pony outside my window.

                            nvm it is just the drugs.............

                            Bad Intentions

                              what is mmr?


                                Less Q_Q, more winning.


                                  ^ This....there is no elo hell there is no its my teams fault there is no calibration is wrong its all been mythbusted mutha fuckas


                                    damn i wish i was at 3K :D


                                      not even a kill or an assist in ur last game =/ guess its ur teams fault


                                        You are stuck at 3.1k because you belong in 3.1k

                                        Get better, get out of "elo hell". Simple.


                                          actually... clinkz pa and drow do a good combo, you're just awful! prob suck as much as your teammates and thats why you lost

                                          casual gamer

                                            accept that you're making mistakes and look for them instead of this masturbatory self pity shit


                                              picked your recent riki game since its my most successful hero(according to my dotabuff pro) and its one of your losing games

                                              took too long to pick your hero so lost around 40-50 gold, if you wait past a certain time to pick your hero you slowly start ticking down gold

                                              picked backstab instead of blink strike first, not only did you set yourself up for a possible death by havin no escape but you couldnt even manage to last hit, you got a grand total of 1 creep kill in the time it took you to level to 2 and you were only against a single hero with no stun

                                              you keep autoattacking creeps down, this is bad, you want your creeps to die as much as possible(in most scenarios).. since it means less chance for the enemy to last hit them(obviously) and also keeps your lane pushed closed to your tower so you are safer

                                              altho you do seem sorta capable of denying with riki's backstab which is ideal i suppose.. even tho im only trying to point out negatives in your play its good that you do seem capable of that

                                              okay uh your lion was fighting weaver RIGHT below you and yet you did absolutely nothing to join in, lion has 2 disables and you do a nice amount of damage with backstab, you shouldve helped, even if it didnt net a kill the health damage is far more worth it, it keeps weaver scared to go for last hits considering you have blink strike - this shows me you are far too concentrated on cs.. its not everything, hero kills are more valuable not just in terms of gold but cos it takes the enemies gold(they lose gold from the death AND they arent alive to be able to cs) and makes them lose out on exp(since they are dead)

                                              you dived on viper(a guy who's passive pretty much punishes you for attacking) with low health, now i cant ENTIRELY blame this one on you as if lion had just been brave enough to stay a bit closer and get 1 more autoattack off youd have got the kill(youd still have died afterwards as weaver was busy attacking lion and would have ran over you)

                                              another thing there is that you didnt buy your gloves of haste and belt of strength in the side shop which is literally right there, by not doing so it was in your stash instead of in your inventory which would have certainly allowed you to win that viper exchange

                                              you are not being aggressive enough with a gank orientated hero, you have literally never left top lane until 14 minutes in and you still have 1 kill, 1 death and 0 assists at this point

                                              you attacked NP and couldve EASILY got the kill on him if you had just planted your smoke screen as he was 1 hit from death.. you even had 300 mana and its only 75.. this shows me lack of awareness of actual abilities, this is not a matter of the spectator having the advantage of not being under pressure.. its literally riki's core skill.. far above his invis as it slows, silences, causes people to miss and makes them show their back to you as they try to run out of it allowing your backstab to deal lots of damage.. and not using it is a waste of the hero

                                              chasing down a windrunner solo while her entire team is alive just got you killed, need to learn when to back off.. now dont get me wrong everybody can fall victim to this, i certainly do its hard to disengage from a kill you are close to getting but there is better ways you could have handled that

                                     not sure what the mentality there was but you just attacked a full health, full mana viper while you are all by yourself and know for a fact he has dust as he just killed you with it 60 seconds ago... if you had your diffusal blade farmed i think you couldve had a chance there but dude that was downright silly

                                              right going to stop watching there as i dont have all day and the enemy is beginning to stomp so i wont get much useful info for you after this point anyway

                                              in conclusion you havnt played enough dota to even know simple facts that there are items to complete your treads in the side shop you were right next to.. so yes your team werent great this match but mirana atleast tried to gank(while actually gaining a few kills and i skipped ahead to 30 mins to see she has managed to completely avoid dying) and lion atleast bought sentries(something you claimed no one does in your team) for weaver and such at minute 0(and again skipping ahead saw that he continued to place plenty around your map) so as noted it wasnt like you are some star playing dragged down by your team, altho i do think with a bit more awareness of things you could rise higher if that makes you feel better

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                                              TOC | Amanda Dermichknutscht

                                                The thing with the guy who got an account from 3k to 5k... he carried his whole team because he´s a damn 5k-6k player.

                                                The only advice i have for you is, play captains mode and hope you can be the captain (assuming you know a bit about drafting). Try to communicate with your teammates to get them heroes that they can and want to play while you try to get a tactic that fits.

                                                It´s kinda hard to do this but if you can get a little synergy (and have luck that you don´t get any "cyka blyet vodka putin" guys) you will do much better than you always can in AP.

                                                ICE SKULL

                                                  i can get you out of 3k bracket for 5 keys / 100 mmr


                                                    ^ dont remember how this forum is apparently your personal marketplace?


                                                      Yeah..too many games just frustrated me near those last few games...clearly i excuses..but their lack of hero pick and knowledge is beyond stupidity...I've played CM mode quite a bit..I feel like CM is a hit or miss because of the players..I during the ranked calibration I think i was 3-0.

                                                      @forever red thanks! I mean it. I appreciate youur criticism. It wasn't this game taht I was saying that lion didn't buy sentries. It was when I played clinkz that game.
                                                      You're right..I think I do focus on cs a little too much. and I tend to just static farm in lane when I pick a carry. I'm simply playing heroes that I'm uncomfortable NS, ogre, storm (just to name a few) more bot games!

                                                      @stuck in silver, no thanks..I'm kinda broke for that and I'd much rather learn the hard way.


                                                        Thing is, Riki isn't a hard carry. He's a snowball carry that relies on maintaining an advantage through ganks. With equal farm most carries lategame will be able to just face you, negating your only scaling ability, and blow you up. Obviously that's not to say you shouldn't worry about CS on him, but once you hit 6 you need to make your presence on the map felt.


                                                          You haven't played that many games so you will go up with some experience :D I came out of calibration so low i didnt think it was possible but i went up 500 or so mmr. Ive stalled at the moment but i mostly play after work now when im tired etc (last 3-4 pages of games are horrible O.o) so if you play at good times with heroes your comfortable you will raise with time :P if not then its where you belong and you should watch some you tube videos and read guides.

                                                          sure some games you get retards who pick drow and go 0-10 in 10 mins like one of my games but the other team often gets retards too so it balances out

                                                          casual gamer

                                                            Look u cant improve others' play, only ur own. Someone like swiftending can obviously carry entire teams on his back vs 3-4k enemies, why don't you try to get closer to his level of skill instead of whining about shit that you can't change


                                                              People who say "don't play support" or "don't play low impact hero" are totally wrong and I advise them to uninstall DOTA 2.

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                i meant carry figuratively, support heroes are in many many situations more impactful than core heroes


                                                                  Nevermind I lied. Played angrily last night..dropped 100mmr now I'm back at 3.1..viable. I just played like a dumb fuck..drowned in mmr mentality. Once again thanks for all you feedback! Love this community!

                                                                  We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                                                    Don't give up! There are people that got it worse than you! I reached 3.4k mmr twice and dropped back to 3.1k mmr playing on tilt lol


                                                                      CM in 2k~3k bracket is even worse than AP, trust me. Also, if it's been a while and you did not change drastically your MMR (500+), then you are where you belong to be, whether you want to accept it or not.

                                                                      You may say (a guy on this thread said, but im not going to quote) that your teammates are retarded, SO ARE YOUR ENEMIES. What Juice did (the 6k guy who took a 2k account) is exploit enemies failures. You don't have to be a fucking 6k players to do so, all you have to do is play a semi-carry and start snowballing in the worst player in the enemy team. Thats exactly what their team is doing and you are blaming our teammates. If you had done it first, it would be they that would be bitching all over.

                                                                      So, basically, if you can't exploit your opponents failures as much as they do on your team, you are where you are supposed to be.

                                                                      If you are playing hard carries, just keep farming. In your bracket ppl just don't give a fuck to jungle or if someone is free farming. Pick a Pubstomper hard carry just like Void and keep farming. As soon as they realize you are free farming, you are already too strong for them to bear. If you are playing mid, try to be aggressive, that will make your opponent play more catiously and sometimes in a pussy way, afraid of doing a mistake and getting killed. That gives you laning advantage and, the most important, mindset advantage. By that point, if you picked a snowballing hero (TA, Storm, QoP, Sniper, Viper, whatever man) just be dominant in the game, as the mid game is your hero's peak. But be careful, the major mistake people do is going for low priority pick offs. Like killing a retarded support who is completely outside of position while their team is pushing down your towers or engaging your team. You'll get 300 gold from the kill (which is the same if you were farming closely to your team) and will lose a fight or towers. As you are the hero with most potential in that stage of the game, you should be killing the HIGH PRIORITY targets, like their carry or solo mid. Thats what will prevent them from getting fat in the late stages of the game. Just think as soon as you picked your hero (and the opp. team picked theirs) "what are the most dangerous heroes on their side?" If you are able to answer this, then you should be doing everything that you can to stop them.

                                                                      In your bracket it's not hard to do as people don't have much map awareness, so try to grab a invis rune or buy a smoke yourself and go on the hunt.

                                                                      Also, play versatile heroes that can perform basically all roles. The main example is Mirana, she can be the carry, she can be the mid, she can be the offlaner, she can be the roaming support. Slark is great on pubs, Viper aswell. Viper is like a "insta-lane win", so wherever you play it, you'll probably win your lane. That's not much usual, but sometimes I play him on offlane and more than denying their carry's exp and gold, i'm able to win versus trilanes aswell, due to his corrosive skin.
                                                                      If you are more in the carry role, go for Riki, Luna, Gyro, those 3 are strongs in all stages of the games. If you are a really good farmer, then pick Void, Magina, Spectre. They are weak (Void is not THAT weak cause he has got a high base dmg) in the earlier stages, but if you manage to get the game past the 35 min mark they will shine and probably you'll be able to carry your team.

                                                                      Thats pretty much it dude, watch the games you lose and take note of where did you mess up, where should you be at the time X to prevent them from doing Y, etc. Practice last hitting under the tower, keeping the lane equilibrium when you are free farming and when you are under pressure, learn how to jungle effectively (theres a great video by Merlini somewhere on youtube). And farm, farm, farm. Whenever you are not killing people, stick to farming. A few days ago I won this game with Magina. I didn't have a good start, my team was unstable, whether raping on fights or getting raped. I managed to farm decently and splitpushing whenever my opponents were distracted. I think I have only joined a true fight in the last one where I probably killed 4 (all the kills I had). If you look at my HD (pretty low), I was pretty much going to get raped if I didn't manage to farm. Don't care if your teammates start pinging and calling you names (they were doing it all the game because i was not joining fights at the 15 min mark or something like that), just keep farming.

                                                                      But keep in mind there is no such thing as elo hell, if you don't go up/down, you're at where you should be. I know its frustrating because you feel you are the better player on your team, but your mates feel just the same way.

                                                                      Thats it dude, good luck

                                                                      Miku Plays

                                                                        viper cant win agro tri


                                                                          @sleave, So much great advice! It's almost an insta win when I play the heroes that you stated, such as void and viper. Yeah, I've learned alot just by watching his streams on twitch how he drafts in cm or moves around mid, explaining why he picked this item, or how he harasses during the laning phrase.

                                                                          just played a game with AM had a rough start, tried to split push (died) but I kept getting caught..didn't buy bkb --> fail #2. np just rat doto like crazy.

                                                                          I had a win rate with luna on my other account ( love that hero) She;s really easy but kinda passive in a way. I've begun to take on playing new heroes like clinkz (really easy after 2-3 games) and storm, too. Thanks Sleave!