General Discussion

General DiscussionPudge bug - Is this true?

Pudge bug - Is this true? in General Discussion

    Its probably true.

    That spike in pudge WR is now justifiable.


      This is definitely why I got rekt mid as SF against a pudge a while back.


        confirmed bug. going to raise my mmr now.



          Miku Plays
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              What`? i startted playing PUDGE?




                  Please don't give them another reason to play pudge..


                    best timing to have my first match playing pudge!

                    King of Low Prio

                      time to abuse to inflate my MM to show it off to my mom!


                        so rot does double damage to any hero other then pudge that cast it, or half damage to the pudge that cast it?
                        I m not sure about this, i was able to man fight a pudge and win at lvl 3 with viper the other day he even hooked me first. he was lvl 3 also and just stood there rotting me while we both right clicked each other, I cant see how I could have come out on top if I was taking double damage from rot.


                          You take normal damage from rot, it's Pudge who's being damaged by half that amount.



                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!