General Discussion

General DiscussionGood attitude really makes a difference

Good attitude really makes a difference in General Discussion

    So last game I was bat solo top, feeded the lane to morpling early game like 3 times, and I start to feel discouraged. I was prepare and expected my team to flame me to death, but nobody said anything. I was in feeder mode and I really don't care at that point as my mindset was the game I lost who gives a fuck. The morpling then went on beyond godlike, follow by an enemy zeus who also went beyond godlike. Our team was wiped like 5 times and nobody flames. I continue to solo and feed over, but then I saw that the other 4 players tryhard mode on and I start to feel really bad. The fact that they did not flame me make me felt even worst. I started to lasthit and stack farm properly and went tryhard mode too to get my core items, and we were defending like crazy. We were down 2 lane raxes, and enemy almost mega. Miraculously, due to our tryhard team effort, we managed to wipe enemy once. We wipe enemy for 2 a second time again and we immediately went for throne at mid and won the game! So I thought I share it with u guys ...that if nobody flames and everyone tries really hard it will really boost ur winrate!

    TLDR: Won a 36-63 game where nobody flames or blames each other throughout the game while everyone is getting owned really hard

    Luxon learn to comeback.

      On topic: yep good attitude is just OP. It's not necessary to go full tryhard and be very serious about the task,but just not getting mad at everything and accepting failure of others softly helps win games that seem impossible to win. Just never rage. Try to cheer up your team till the very end and if it gets to point when it's really impossible to win, rage at them, so in case you meet them in your next game as enemies they will think that nobody can keep calm till the end and it doesn't help.

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        Cool story bro


          boys, we got a proud guy here.

          Low Expectations


            Some games it doesnt

            Looked over the game and the enemy team had pudge, no hero throws as hard as pudge



              Not if you are the only tryhard and 4 morons


                no one flamed you because they were all muted.

                anyhow to contribute,
                playing carry wk the way it should be played. nort +25 int in 20 minutes.

                Este comentario fue editado

                  i usualy flame my team to death then tell them how retarded they are and what they should do in order to change the outcome of this game and we usualy win

                  or sometimes i just random and throw on purpose that works too


                    TLDR. Btw good attitude is 90% percent of the team's performance in garbage tier games. Who starts raging 1st lost the game most of the time.


                      @ Traxex lol


                        i wonder how the fuck did you comeback, that morphling was way too farmed for you guys to handle lulz
                        but yea nice attitudes usually have better outcome than bitching all over

                        it doesnt guarantee you a win but it helps.. i always try to say 'good job' even on little lings like buying wards or courier. also if im playing carry i ask nicely if a support could come to my lane to babysit me, etc

                        its way better than going "WTF ARE U DOING BOTTOM YOU STUPID CUNT, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY LANE RETARDED SHIT"


                          in all chat




                            we won by me feeding… i blinked into enemy in fog by accident and eartshaker used his ulti on just me and drow absorbed my negative aura and then the lifestealer which i gave free farm to started owning and our team killed 2 rax :D


                              Basically you have to stay positive and encourage your team no matter how small the achievement is. Teammates love being praised and will do anything to get more praise.

                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!