General Discussion

General DiscussionMatch analysis of 668994046 for Mekarazium [INCOMPLETE]

Match analysis of 668994046 for Mekarazium [INCOMPLETE] in General Discussion

    This is my analysis of game for Mekarazium.

    I would like to start off by saying that I don't play that much of Chen and my recent track record with him hasn't been great due to being out of practice. I have however had the pleasure of playing with an amazing support player who was very proficient with Chen so I have a very good idea of how Chen should be played and should be well informed of what to look out for.

    At the start of the match I can see you being a little bit sluggish and hanging around the middle creep spawn area obviously waiting for the big camp creep which you will farm with. Keep in mind that there are another camps in the jungle that you can get a larger creeps from and maybe next time go with your lane bot to ensure the wards get put out and they're not warding you jungle and blocking camps. For Chen it is important to protect your jungle camps and you cannot risk having multiple camps blocked and body camped so early in the game.

    Your starting items are of poor choice and you start out with a Basilius and 2x Clarities and you start the farming. You need to have regen on you to feed your lane mid and bot should they need it, you need a smoke to gank with that big creep level 1 or 2 when it has the biggest impact and I would have assumed with a Venomancer in lane you would have at least tried to go for a level 1 gank with a creep. You have also not bought any sentries with you which is something Chen should carry if a camp is blocked, you have not thought about this at all. Assume they were any good and started blocking stuff, what would you do? Would you sit in the mid leeching till you got 200 gold, or would you ping you support to buy them for you? It's Captains Draft so you can assume people would be trying and you need to be prepared.

    0:48 The enemy team is on the ball and go for a level 1 gank mid, not only are you oblivious to the gank as you aren't watching the minimap while farming, but you also watch them dive quite deep into the tower but simply ignore it and keep farming. You have a creep at this point, you see the gank (albeit late) and you do nothing? You look, and basically go "MEH" and keep farming.

    1:23 You now shift your view to mid and catch a glimpse of Shadow Demon (I am in player perspective with fog on) and you don't even ping or move closer to mid, just in case something happens. You just keep on farming, almost in a rude obnoxious way like if you were a carry basically turning a blind eye to any assistance you could potentially give.

    2:16 Yet another gank mid and while you see it, you still do not move, not even a little, you literally don't budge from your solid foothold on AFK farming in the jungle. You are not even scouting around, pinging runes, calling ganks, you're just watching your Centaur slowly killing off creeps.

    3:00 You mess up a stack which is super simple stuff and you should know the timing and what creeps to pull when by now. You grab another creep with the original creep full HP basically wasting time and wasting creeps that could have otherwise given you gold.

    3:12 Bottom lane is getting wrecked bad and they manage to kill the Venomancer and nearly drop the Kunkka and you're still sitting in the jungle farming and not looking anywhere bot on the creep you're killing. I have seen the camera shift but this is never for an extended period of time and I think you have taken the attitude of "what can a Chen do this early" and that is where you need to see you're wrong.


    It has actually come to a point that is so bad I have take it of hero perspective because you are focused on you, and you alone and you don't look anywhere but at your creep. You are so focused on your creep I think you have moved it more than you have moved yourself. Your map awareness and game sense needs some serious work and I while I always tell people if they suffer a little bit from not watching around this is your biggest issue. You have literally zero map awareness and only slightly more positional sense.

    I have never had to take it off hero perspective before. I am literally blind to everything but your creep and that is because you are blind to everything but your creep. You have this weird tunnel vision of "I must farm this creep with this other creep" and it is costing your mid and your safe lane dearly when you are the best thing for keeping them alive and getting them kills. At this point you are hindering the team as you aren't even farming well.

    You have no bought anything since the start of the game and the uphill stuns clearly tell you that there is a ward camping at mid but no effort has been made by you, as a support to deward or assist your failing mid.


    4:40 Finally, you are moving for the mid lane but for no reason. You kind of hang around and take a couple last hits and leech exp and then kind of sit uphill.

    5:03 You are still mid and they go for yet another gank on your mid. I would say it was fortunate for you mid that you were there that time but this is not the case. You are literally no help to your mid and he dies with ease right under your nose. It pays to note the following

    > You saw the gank
    > You took the Shadow Demon low but never attempted to finish him but instead aimed to save your creep over killing SD
    > You never even attempted a send back on the Windranger (you did see the gank incoming and should have been quicker)
    > More focused on getting yourself out then killing, turning the fight, or saving the windrunner
    > Your one creep has no disable or stun, don't gank or make people feel safe if you don't have the means to do so. The Satyr is good for harassing and providing a lane aura but useless if they actually go in on you. You should have had another creep.


    5:30 You still just have the basilius and nothing else. You're sitting on 1150 gold and that is Boots, Headress, Wards but this is not your thinking and you continue hording gold even though they're an active team constantly ganking mid and around the area you're farming, you still decide to hold the gold. At this point I have seen more of that damn Satyr or Bird then of your hero or a view on another lane (when in hero perspective). Please remember you have a hero and use it, you should be with you creep farming not sitting near the T2 tower mid while your creep farms you're missing out on experience. You are the lowest level in the game at this point.

    8:41 WHAT THE HELL!! I just sat for over 3 minutes watching you fiddle around in the jungle which you aren't even farming well. You finally buy two pieces to your Mekanism but you sat on a ton of gold for over 8 minutes and haven't smoked or successfully ganked and have just kind of been a burden on your team up until this point.

    10 Minute mark analysis.

    You have been 100% the worst player on the map at this point. You have been doing "stuff" in the jungle but none of it has really done anything for either you or your team. You are on 25cs in 10 minutes as a jungler who has done basically nothing but try and farm and that is appalling. You have bought 2 items (buckler and headress) and they are still sitting in your stash, for 10 minutes all you have been running around with is a Basilius ring and nothing else. Mid has 2 deaths bottom lane has 3 deaths and you still do not give one shit. You're still oblivious to just how much you have screwed over your team.

    This has to be said that I have seen 10x worse than you at this point they feel 10x better simply because of how you have chosen to play this game. I am sorry if this comes across as harsh but you have had zero impact the whole game. Chen is an aggressive hero (or can be) and should be smoking mid with creeps and fast leveling where possible so you can get level 5 so you can control two creeps. Even at level 5 you are still controlling one creep for ages.

    You keep wandering into mid and pushing it out then fucking off. Your making mid harder by constantly pushing it back then disappearing while your mid gets ganked. You have basically single-handedly screwed your mid player who already seems a little iffy. Do not push so he gets no farm then leave him solo when the creeps are under your tower and there is an on-coming gank.


    I will continue this but my lunch break is over so I will have to continue this at home. Sorry to be harsh but it needs to be said or how will you ever learn. Also sorry for no screenshots of this and I will try and add them later on so keep an eye out.

    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

      >Well played.


        >Relax, you're doing fine


          >Invisible enemy nearby!