General Discussion

General DiscussionSeeing as I do it for others.

Seeing as I do it for others. in General Discussion

    I will analyze my own games and hopefully people can see common pitfalls and issues with what went wrong with myself and issue with the team mates I had and how to get the most efficiency out of a bad game. This is just my front page losses as recently I have been getting really unfortunate loss streaks followed by win streaks so a very fluctuating W/L ratio. Patch 6.81 has been really unkind to both my ranking and my ability to win games and I have been looking into why.



    > Left Shadow Fiend farming jungle after killing him off early game.
    > Phantom Lancer farmed slowly early.
    > Phantom Lancer opted for split pushing when raxes were being pushed
    > Went offlane and windrunner thought I was going mid, but wasn't an effective mid player. Should have probably communicated.
    > Tinker farmed ancients 100% uncontested by the abbadon "support". No wards in that area at all = 8 min BoT's.


    > Leaving your icon in a lane is not enough apparently. Openly communicate before hand any strats or laning comps. you want.
    > Personal go more Carry over Utility if you see your carry isn't going to cut it.
    > Take a more polite command and don't just let people who are directionless continue this way.
    > Perhaps I should have take then mid even though I can't play mid, I might have been able to deal more with the SF.



    > Dual laned with Bristle windrunner was totally brainless and came bot and started taking farm.
    > Gave them too much space and threw a lot of kills away cause we were winning.
    > The end of the game they were pushing our mid and the team was focusing on kills instead of the base race.


    None really, we should have won this game but shockingly from such a massive lead the team went solo a lot and they got pick offs.This game turned into a base race which with our advantage it never should have been, instead of going for the final lane we should have either pushed the throne or gone back to easily defend our mid. At the final push it was very clear what their intentions were and 2 went back leaving 3 to push, Bristle went chasing a Lich in circles around the base while Kunkka and I tried to get the base which just wasn't enough.

    If you have a massive lead, do not base race. Defend what you have and push when it's safe. No need to put your win at risk because you assume "we stomped them, what can they do".



    > Storm requesting ganks as the mid O_O
    > Enchantress (as expected) having next to no impact.
    > Invoker went offlane solo, he did well but.......why invoker?
    > Not being a Slark player I should have probably pick someone I could have more impact with...but then again how hard is Slark.
    > The team fought under Death Prophets ult constantly which was like the dumbest thing you can do.
    > Storm kept jumping ahead of the team into 3-4 people and would get stunlocked by multicasts.


    I honestly couldn't say as I felt I had as much impact as I could and I was most of the mid game running around trying to kill people as you do with a snowballer like Slark. Perhaps again, I should have picked a more slightly durable carry and someone with the ability to not get wrecked so easily out of ult. As Slark though I feel I shut down the NP effectively and did my job as a Slark, the team may have been a little at fault constantly fighting in Death Prophets ult when we should have waited it out and then reversed back in.



    > Let Sniper farm too long.
    > BS died early in a tower dive then opted for AFK slow farming the jungle.
    > Support wraith had to scale to carry cause BS wasn't doing anything
    > Lion may have survived more if he wasn't Sceptre focused.
    > DP didn't really build right (I had to suggest the Euls 30 minutes in)


    Perhaps should have farmed more early instead of roaming around to help additional lanes leaving the sniper alone. I am not usually one to do this but BS was the primary reason that we lost with his focus on farm, bad items, and taking this super late vs a Sniper. Please people, if you're going to pick BS please have the impact you need to snowball don't try and farm him as a hard carry as it loses games 9/10.



    > Leshrac mid vs Invoker (lel)
    > Too many farmers and static laners.
    > Lost due to 5 man dota which we couldn't do cause of hero picks
    > Should have not gone with Brood but was intent on pushing them out and was starry eyed due to all our pushers.
    > BS last pick (seriously why are people picking him with no intent or purpose)


    I admittedly fucked up, we had all the push and all the late and I was going to go offlane so I figured why not. Brood doesn't TP and is a very selfish hero in that regard where you will never fight anyone unless they come to your lane. Its putting pressure on your team and TB was already bad at the game so I should have picked a more roaming/untility type that could have helped keep the farmers alive till later.Timber probably would have suited.



    > I didn't do well offlane vs Sven, Wisp, and ES
    > Lich went drums and not Mek
    > I should have gone Mek
    > Bat did good but got a really slow blink
    > We literally never touched their towers, not a single hit on any tower!!
    > WISP is a little shit!

    Notes: Stop picking BS please if you are unaware of the heroes potential. Wisp is annoying as hell simply because of the clutch heals and MS which allows them to dive a lot more aggressively. I should not have been caught out as much and did actually skill my passive first where if I had gone stun first I wouldn't have died two times early.


    This recent patch favors a very specific type of Dota2 play which a lot of players are unfamiliar with. Jungling has become too slow and inefficient and having a jungler will severely put you behind. However what I am seeing a lot more now, and is something that is proving it's effectiveness is early pushing then having your carry with sufficient farm backup into the jungle while the others continue the roams. This is smarter given that you will be able to much more rapidly rap up quick jungle farm due to having the items from the gold you earned in lane and the tower pushes.

    Going for more than 1 heavy farmer is a bad idea, and has always been this way. Build order has become more important and the items you buy seem to have a very decisive impact on the game more so than previously. Hero picks equally need to be rethought as I have had a lot of recent success with Bloodseeker, Viper, Jakiro, Slark, and other heroes that I have not previously played.

    The previous patch was good to me and to some others but with this new patch it bring with it a new set of heroes, and play styles and I feel a lot of the games are lost because people have the inability to adapt and will eventually drop because of their inability to do so until the next patch comes that brings their common heroes roaring back in.

    ......these are just some thoughts and ramblings, please disregard any nonsense.


      @> Storm requesting ganks as the mid O_O

      If Storm's doing bad in mid, and he knows it. Why not help him winning mid?
      Whenever I play mid in an unfavourable matchup, especially when I play vs. Tinker, I cry for help. If I've not "gotten" help from my team killing Tinker once or twice I've not been able to have a such high impact on game.

      Dunno if "> Storm requesting ganks as the mid O_O" was a joke or not though :pp

      - I've also lost a lot in 6.81 for some reason. 52,50% before 6.81, and dropped to 51,95% in 6.81. However I'm getting back.


      Btw, more singing please. Make yt channel and sing for us. Rly good 8==D^

      Este comentario fue editado

        I am slowly winning my 51.50% - 51.06% back but I am doing it with heroes I hardly ever play.

        > Slark
        > Enigma
        > Jakiro
        > Legion Commander

        ....odd patch. With the storm game he was his own worst enemy, he did quite well early on but due to the early lead he became carelessly aggressive. All round he was a very average player at best and the ganks came from me at about 11-12 and lion was around much earlier than that.

        I sing on streams when I am bored of waiting for pauses to be over with, perhaps I should stream sometimes cause everyone seems to be doing it nowadays. I just have no titties or pro-gaming to offer so people will probably not tune in.


          Same for me, I was rewarded with losing streaks lately. I think mostly it was because of picks, I had like 3-4 games with players that really do not belong in my bracket, for example this void and ds... I was playing not well enough too, some of my item choices and decisions were not good, but they really lost us the game. Btw @ ~ 24 or 26mins void was building bfury after midas, mom, pt...

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            I don't think posting about yourself on a thread is going to help you improve. Just keep playing dude.


              lol i can analyze my lost games too

              -autist throw
              -3 man stack while russians on my team
              -more autists
              -autist doom/lich/phoenix pickers
              -more russian
              -mid russian with tinker who bought bot at 27 minute
              -mid russian sf with 8 deaths in 13 mins
              -holy shit autists again
              -i feed on purpose cuz autists + russians
              -i feed more cuz more autists

              ICE SKULL

                i don't care if people feed but i always get players who hide my items or perform sustainably low hero dmg, and by that i'm talking about 5k to 6k hero damage in literally every match, mind you these are people who instapick carry/mid/offlane. how the fuck do these cunts at 5k+ mmr deal so little hero dmg after instapicking? a support at 40 minutes minimum can deal above 9k+ with 50+ deaths. WTF?

                my last match had a peruvian troll warlord who had free farm and decided to skill ulti at lvl 10 (or was it 9? i dont remember) and he only used it to farm the jungle. he never attempted rosh or helped us at all despite having a global ulti. mind you, he was muted by me already but i dont remember where i met him, his rating was 5100 or something.

                also fuck everyone who goes offlane and then cries for a gank after feeding, ur job is not to farm and die you fucking cocksucking cunts


                  Yet you say that I'm wrong for pointing out this behavior?


                    Analysis of my last game: I have to solo off lane as Sven against ET and Gyro, I dodge many ganks. Anti-mage bot with support manages to do worse than me, I had much better farm than him. South American doom feeds and steal skills

                    Divine on Bara

                    What I could have done:
                    I could have got the bkb earlier, but decided to go farm their jungle and let them end, so I went bf. I did miss some a few last hits in lane, also I could have played a bit more aggressively, but as we had no wards, I played it safe. maybe I could have abandoned the tower to be destroyed and gone and helped bot. But I was battling enough against the gyro and ET and ganks from Tinker.

                    It was interesting to read though, thanks


                      The offlane can be tricky and some people should go there. While more that 90% of the time I do exceptionally well in the offlane sometimes you do tend to get caught out cause you were being overly careless. I guess it's knowing your limits and knowing what heroes you can get away with doing certain things with.

                      Issues with a lot of offlaners is their greed, either in extending too far out to get last hits, diving under the tower to try and get the kill and then pinging about how low he go the carry, or just camping offlane and grabbing a 10-15 minute midas and continuing to farm the lane while the rest of the team is already active and wanting them to get online with the team.

                      ICE SKULL

                        yeah thats what i was referring to, many offlaners "must" farm because "their instincts" tell them to do so and after dying 6 times or so, they cry for a gank and all of this in 7-14 minutes. good examples of these fucktards is mostly phoenix, mirana, windrunner and gondar pickers.

                        i sometimes get midas while im offlane, not to farm tho..
                        one time i had a dual lane lose to a solo offlane brewmaster, brew was 6-0 in 9 minutes... dota 2 desperately need csgo overwatch bans for this, a lot of peruvians and players like hael will get filtered out instantly if volvo just cared

                        ICE SKULL

                          also the biggest thing that pisses me off is that supports never check runes or ward the rune spots at minute 1, they just sit in their lane doing nothing XD

                          jesus how do these ppl think, its fucking hilarious seeing offlaners block the creeps at the start too, thats even more sad


                            I actually agree with you wave. Ill get on my other account and ruins their games.

                            Este comentario fue editado

                              it is perfectly fine to block on the offlane if you have already warded or dont plan to ward.


                                Offlaners should always pass by the rune nearest them, the can help alleviate the lane pressure and open up opportunity for a gank, supports should always be doing something.

                                > Stacking
                                > Pulling (where appropriate)
                                > Warding
                                > Ganking
                                > Guarding/taking runes
                                > Zoning out the offlaner safely.

                                I think one of my biggest issues is not the lack of skill in my bracket its the lack of competency, like you will have a AM pick up vs a doom and storm and he will be trying to force out a 25-30 minute battlefury. To me that doesn't make any sense, I would much prefer to be a hero that peaks so much earlier.

                                I think for the most part these days I will more as an offlaner and support then as a jungler or carry, simply because most people are just popping the random button and playing heroes like medusa offlane, so most of my games are spent pandering people which I can much more effectively do if I was a support or offlaner.

                                Common Sense > Common Skill

                                ICE SKULL

                                  yeah zenoth, im talking about players who idle near t3 before game starts without warding or checking runes

                                  if you ward and check runes, you can still block in perfect timing..


                                    Yeah, I agree on that one. If you have a preset plan about what you're going to do you can get out, get shit done, and still get a good block in. Problem is most people sit in the fountain buy and selling shit like its an RPG and pinging and waiting around to be fed a tango or given a ward.

                                    If I am going offlane I just buy my items + wards and get out and put one rune one block then get back to my lane before I get ganked and can get my block in.


                                      no u can't lmao

                                      cuz u start blocking right at the tower

                                      how the fuck do u get back from rune to tower unless u buy tp scroll and tp imediatly after rune spawn and still u would lose couple seconds of blocking


                                        You don't block from the tier 3 cause you're right, you can't but you can get a sufficient enough block from the tier two.


                                          there is nothing wrong with blocking offlane. Different strokes for different folks. Wouldn't maybe a support check bot rune, second support creep block mid and mid hero wait for top rune while the support blocks for him? Wouldn't that be ideal?

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                                          ICE SKULL

                                            no u block from t2 if you check runes

                                            ICE SKULL

                                              havoc can u plz ask to be a mod and just ban hael 24/7


                                                If an anyway I would actually get "Banned", you are a pretty god damn close second. You do know that right?

                                                [DFG] Whale King

                                                  Hey you analysed our game :)! Yay! Thanks for all the advice that game by the way, I'll try to keep it in mind.


                                                    He said 'anal', huehuehuehue.

                                                    [DFG] Whale King

                                                      Szotyi3, something tells me you'll like this


                                                        laius was like fuck that shit thats gay

                                                        vaikiss kindly agreed with laius


                                                            Add two more losses to that....

                                                   Farming "support" tiny as a last pick.
                                                   Farming "carry " bloodseeker.

                                                            Why do people not realize this is what loses games.

                                                            [DFG] Whale King

                                                              Havoc! Wait up!
                                                              We can crush some games together later today :)


                                                                Yeah well I am on, I really do enjoy supporting but I am constantly stuck with dead weight that no matter how much you do, you can't win with them.

                                                                [DFG] Whale King

                                                                  I guess I must have been on too late! I'll be busy most of today, but hey! Maybe you should try carrying? If you're any good at that! Would probably be less frustrating.

                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!