General Discussion

General DiscussionI give up.

I give up. in General Discussion

    I played enough ranked. It's ridicoulus, it's like a Vicius circle video.

    It's just pubs but with scores. Unfair and Unbalanced everytime. Pubstomping or get Pubstomped. Inte 1% of cases happens comeback or FAIR match where all have same skills and the game will be hard for all.

    There is one problem, who is the biggest in this case. People don't care of win.
    Okay it's acceptable in pub, but in ranked, srsly?
    Well nvm, i don't want fish attention, i make this only for unlseash my rage, i have only to accept i will be 2800MMR beacouse others decide if you have to win or lose.

    For me now, MMR will measure how much TRYHARD a player is.

    Good evening.


      ya others decide if you win or lose

      competitive games being stomps most of the time means all competitions are unfair and unbalanced

      nobody but you ever cares about winning, every game, every time, unless they're on the enemy team

      you're being absurd... if you don't accept that you can improve you never will


        dont focus on winning, focus on improving. get better at last hitting, microing etc


          So what exactly is your problem with MMR?

          Everyone loves Chibi

            "dont focus on winning, focus on improving. get better at last hitting, microing etc"

            That's actually a good advice.


              Well some points in MMR are really annoying:

              1. Stacks that have a huuuge mmr gap.

              Sometimes the stack does a smart thing: Giving the low dude a support and the other guy as core, mostly mid. You can't do as much damage as a support, cause most supports are simply not good. And you can tell a support many mechanic things like:

              Ward, deward etc.

              Just do not allow players with a huge skill gap in rating to stack in RMM. They can play unranked if they like to. I had to play a game once with a dude arround 5K and his shitmate on 2.7 K. The enemy team was consinstant 4k. Guess who lost?



              The weaver and the alchemist stacked. Weaver with 3.4 K MMR, Alche with 4.5 K MMR. Rest of the team arround 4k. Enemy team had nearly the same situation. Difference was their 3.4 K MMR dude had a support. The weaver was in no teamfight the whole midgame and did only jackshit. Farmed slowley and cost us the game. I started 4:0 as lich and the pudge raped also pretty hard early on. The Jugger was also AWESOME SHIT. He lastpicked after alche AND WENT INTO THE JUNGLE. Farming 28 min Hod, Battlefury, Aghanim. This was really one of the games where i wanted to punch ppl.

              The weaver was a girl/woman. So she basically did not even deserve her 3.4 K mmr. I checked her profile and she just plays with dudes that are WAAY above her. So she gets carried to her 3.4 K mmr. Just like sheever. Some of the dota nerds are so fucking desperate for female attention, that they even tolerate such a baddie, just to hear a nice warm voice on TS telling them, how nice and helpfull they are.

              Go out in a bar and bang some real chicks, fucking losers. The girl on TS is propably fat and ugly. On fucking ugly chick even you pale skinny nerd can make the move in RL.

              2. Picking shit


              Medusa pick AFTER i allready picked antimage. It was again the same problem as above, but even more stuipid. The 4.3k Disruptor and his moron 3.3k mate just fucked the game over by 1 single pick. Nothing to do here. A team can't hold antimage and medusa.

              3. PPL laning shit

              Lets face it: Passive jungle loses in 95% of all games. Its not low 3k mmr or 2k mmr where ppl leut you farm 25 min in the jungle.


              This guy picked furion for jungle, even though we told him not to. He went midas, even though I allready had locked am (yes i like the hero). Game was gud after that.

              Games that get lost, because you are slightly outdrafted, by some clicking mistakes that can happen or simply by getting outplayed are ok. But games that are heavly favoured cause of huge skillgaps, shtipicks (often shitrandoms; god remove that random button in ap) and shitlanes are quite annoying.

              On large numbers its still not "unfair" cause everybody has to deal with this shit.

              My suggestions:

              a) Do not allow players to stack with a MMR gap that is too huge (lets say 600 MMR max) in Ranked.

              b) Remove the random button

              c) Give us a ff! function, if all players agree after the 20 min mark (dotalicious: dota 1 players will know). Make the vote sectret, so nobody is pressured.

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                >competitive games being stomps most of the time means all competitions are unfair and unbalanced

                u what m8


                I know but it's frustating anyway


                Yeah, all the suggestions are pretty good and usefull if implemented.


                  that is basically how ridiculous the stuff you are saying is, competitive games are stomps all the time too, this is simply the way the game is. If you watched any of the recent games you might have noticed the entire tempo of the game was often set by some small incident early, be it an oddly-placed ward catching a smoke gank and turning it into a 2 man kill or a level 1 5-man smoke and first blood.

                  This is simply the nature of the game, blaming pubs or matchmaking for it is ridiculous. In fact in pubs it is so much easier to come back than in competitions.

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                    A-are you realy comparing Competitive games to Pub games ?


                      ^Bow to Zenoth-sama


                        In a pub game, you will be at the mercy of how your teammates play if you're on the same level / play slightly better.

                        But if you can't rise out of 2.8k then I have nothing to say. The level of play here is horrendous with lousy mechanics and gigantic misplays asking to be punished. I could probably carry my entire team on a support. With one hand. While talking on the phone.


                          its the same game doesnt matter if its competitive or pub u tard, u get a kill, the other guy loses gold and misses on xp, while you continue snowballing on gold and xp

                          thats how dota works it has nothing to do with pub/competitive

                          Quick maffs

                            Wanna a tip ? Go play fight or flight, really fun

                            Hex Sigma

                              and so the elitist war starts ....


                                You guys know this is a teamgame or you just came here to troll people ?

                                Btw i waiting for invite on dota2mods :\

                                King of Low Prio

                                  shit players blame the game for their own failures


                                    Well, if you play 30 heroes in 50 games, you're not trying hard enough.

                                    Here's my ranked games:

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                                    Everyone loves Chibi

                                      OP - stop bitching, increase your mmr and play with better players. EASY AS THAT. 2.8k mmr man, if you cant rise from that, then you deserve the rating you have.

                                      I understand people there are shit, but it's the same in every bracket if you think you deserve to be higher. So the only way is PLAY TO WIN. Dont whine, just figure it out how can u win a game with all the retards on your team. Keep thinking about how bad they are doesnt increase your chances to win. Every better player would just stomp the game out of that mmr range, i suggest you to learn how to farm. AND STOP PICKING HEROES YOU CANT PLAY.


                                        Ranked game quality went down soooooooo much recently

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          but only your teammates.............................


                                            dont play ap

                                            Low Expectations

                                              Ok to all the people with higher mmr, Ive played a match with avrage 2,8k mmr and it was literally the worst fucking game I ever played. I've picked a support because I wated to support a friend to teach him some stuff and play more laidback game. We were Naix, Veno ( we barely won the lane despite it being very difficult (AA+ Luna) me getting a double kill and bot lane we had 2 retards who continuously fed (Timber&Venge) then after the laning stage these idiots kept ramboing into Luna eclipse with an excuse "I saw your mom there,fuck you, wtf is your idiot friend naix doing etc etc" these idiots kept flaming despite every death I told them to go back because there is no reakistic chance that they would win the fight and they kept feeding (I even tried to save them a couple of times hence my many deaths).

                                              TLDR People below 3k are bad. Some of them are REALLY BAD and will seek any exuse to blame their loss on someone else (no wards, even though 4 wards are placed and they are out of stock etc). If you are not ridiculously much better than them (aka 4,5k I guess) you cannot carry them on a support. Ive tried Ive failed.

                                              If your team is really shit you will lose. You just have to capitalize on the times when both teams have normal players if you will those games and break out even on the retards you should leave the below trench 3k mmr

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                                                There is a tough life there for a proper support. To get out of this hell you need to pick snowballing heroes and just plain out outplay them and carry your team. I dont know any other way of doing it, since i played few games there with some low mmr real life friends and it's hell. If you're not a lot better then them, it's gonna be hard to get out of it. Even if you stomp them like i did in some games (like 20-2 KD or sth), teammates are still too retarded to win the game sometimes. Get out of there any way you can and do it quickly. That's the best advice i can give you.


                                                  "A-are you realy comparing Competitive games to Pub games ?

                                                  ..... What to say... Speechles...s...

                                                  Hex Sigma

                                                      ^medic bear?


                                                        You totally wrong:
                                                        1. "You can't do as much damage as a support" - this reminds me Rubick, who died about 20 times to Slark. And most fun is that he thinks it's ok to feed like that, because he is support. He did not much damage at all...

                                                        Puck - solo hard lane
                                                        Medusa - mid
                                                        AM - farm safe lane
                                                        Treant and Disruptor - two supports

                                                        You had pretty balanced draft.

                                                        3. Jungling is fine. You can't blame Nature's Prophet for doing what he does best.

                                                        Hex Sigma

                                                          @*ESP* Wink
                                                          yeah the scrub wanted to go for the medic bear build. TOO BAD I WAS RAPING HIS ASSHOLE IN ALL THE FIGHTS. He got so mad that i was focusing him and swapping him into fights all the time. Meh...


                                                            "Okay it's acceptable in pub, but in ranked, srsly?"

                                                            ill have you know ranked=pub

                                                            Ples Mercy

                                                              i lol'd



                                                                The only good advice i can give you that works pretty well for me (might not for you)
                                                                Is that you should always be calm, inner peace, don't rage, don't get your attention on other people mistakes too much and try to maintain focus and map awareness

                                                                My 2 cents

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                                                                  What Yoshi said. Also, yes you might be a carry, and yes, your dumb-ass support (if you even have one) should ward the jungle so you can farm somewhat safe.
                                                                  There are two things you can do about it, spam "Need wards" for the entire game and still have no vision or just get over it and buy them yourself even though you "technically" shouldnt.


                                                                    in ap i always pick when the timer reaches zero. you have to be flexible as a player. maybe you called mid or offlane but someone insists on mid anyway. then you just have to tailor your pick for the benefit of the whole team and not try to force the issue just because you said you would play x hero from the beginning.


                                                                      when i play pub 30% of the time i'll hav a 5-carry team, and 40% 4-carry.
                                                                      when i play ranked it's 90% 1 hard carry 1 good mid 1 good off 2 support.

                                                                      i've enough of pubs.


                                                                        ranked games are pubs too dude


                                                                          if you are at below 5k then probably i guess?

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                                                                            youre above 5k? lmfao

                                                                            pub = any game that isnt inhouse or a league game, so all matchmaking games are pubs

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                                                                              @ Soultrap

                                                                              You are funny, you want to put the 3.4 K dusa (who madfeed from min 1 on, could not lasthit etc.). On the midlane, and think, that everything will be fine?

                                                                              The Pickw as too greedy. Check their team SS, DP just take towers so fast, and we had NOTHING to put against. This game was ruined by the lastpick. Ofc I was not forced into playing AM, but in the recent patches my winrate on him is quite high, and if I lock the carry first, I expect not another carrypick on my team. I would never lock a 2. carry, if the role is allready taken. That makes it just a 3v5 for 20 min. Esp for carries like AM, Void, dusa, spectre who need some stuff to be effective. A lifestealer just needs drums, phase and is ready to go. A luna can go and fight in midgame with eclipse and good positioning. Dusa can't do shit until she has 2 big Items.


                                                                              Jungling is the biggest shit. In 90% of the games I play, the team with passive Jungle loses. Prophet is a decent offlaner, who rotates into jungle if lane gets too pesky.

                                                                              There are legit heros to play from min 1 on in the jungle:


                                                                              But I rly do not like prophet in the jungle. Also I am not the best prophet player, but at least I play him offlane, when I pick him. Not the easiest offlaner to play.

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                                                                                wats your mmr

                                                                                edit: i need to know so that i can jerk off to that number, inb4 jerkoff inspectors inspect my deek

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                                                                                The Ice Truck Killer

                                                                                  I'm 2.8k and I can confirm OP deserves to be 2.8k due to bad hero picks/bad item choices/bad skill point selection and probably bad decision making too. Your games are unbalanced because you suck at Dota 2.

                                                                                  Hex Sigma

                                                                                    Op got burned

                                                                                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                      @ OP the game is easier once u hit 3.3k and up. There are less 'that one noob' games. And the majority of the time people ward and there seems like less smufs. Hope you can rise a few MMR and enjoy it. I know went I was stuck in low 2.9 and 2.8k games with some friends it seem like 4k smurfs playing with friends who are 2k mmr. Doesn't seem fair at all.

                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!