General Discussion

General DiscussionA simple, yet astonishing

A simple, yet astonishing in General Discussion

    So as this DreamLeague started, i started watching a lot more games.

    And how the hell, does Buldog, gets malestrom+radiance on bear at minute 20. I mean, i consider my self good last hitter, but i really don't get it.

    In4 kill creeps comments, fuck off.


      well... bulldog is the best ld... :p


        Ye, i do know that, but really, how much cs you have to get to be able to accumulate 5150+2700+2000 ( boots and consumables ) . It is just beyond me mind.


          I've seen him double midas radiance at min 20.
          I forgot which game though


            it was before midas nerf


              Well he makes a living out of it. If you have outstanding talent and play 8-14 Hours Dota per day, you will get gud. He played hundreds of games in a row on LD.

              If you want to learn LD proper, play several hundred games in a row LD :).

              Ples Mercy

                Towers bro, its all the towers.

                getting mid & bot tower + 2lasthits on 2 towers top. ez farm.

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                ☛ ƊƦ.ӍѺƝֆƬ€Ʀ

                  maelstrom radiance in minute 20 isnt that hard to get, ive done it several times in LD ,
                  Whats astonishing is Xcaliburs tinker items vs mouz 2 days ago , he had : boots of travel, bottle, soul ring, blinkdagger, eblade, and dagon 1, by the 20 minute mark.


                    ^he got really fed that game and his whole team stacking for him from the one minute mark it wasn't flaw less last hitting.

                    ☛ ƊƦ.ӍѺƝֆƬ€Ʀ

                      yes but im just comparing these 14k items, to the 8k items of buldog.


                        its also a hero that has Huge AoE farming capability for the jungle though monster..


                          If you're having a good game maelstrom+radiance @20min is pretty reasonable. (Assuming you got lasthits on towers aswell).
                          As blunt said.

                          ICE SKULL

                            you put your hand on the mouse and rightlick creeps


                              Oh so you're supposed to use your hand to move the mouse. I've been doing it wrong all this time. Thanks Wave-Sama.

                              ICE SKULL

                                well when the creep is almost dead u gotta kill that shit u know what i mean

                                right click that hoe down


                                  I had a picture of a guy with no arms playing dota with his feet...goddamit, this was the perfect time to use it if I hadn't lost it.



                                    also, to others, ty guys. When i really think about it, it isn't that hard to do it.