General Discussion

General DiscussionAfter Losing A Game...

After Losing A Game... in General Discussion
Arek Akashi

    Am i the only one who feels this way after losing a game in (ONLY IN which I played well) e.g if played bad I don't rly care

    2) depressed
    3)bad mood



      i feel happy when i play well even if i lose

      on the other hand i find games boring as hell when i win and don't play well (get carried or enemies are bads)


        No, you're not the only one. It's the dota-effect.

        Hex Sigma

          same here. The addiction is stronk


            I simply rage when we got the game in our hand in just throw it like a hot potato. I also enjoy games where we lose but I play really well on a hero I've just started learning (Morphling for example).


              Try and shake it off, losing is hard on everyone but try to not jump straight back into a game as some of your anger and negativity will carry over and it can cause losing streaks as a knock on effect.

              love for the a7be

                Depending on my role. If I lose in CM as the captain or I am playing mid. I rage much more than if I'm playing support or a hero I'm naturally not good at.

                I get most depressed most after wasting my entire weekend on DOTA 2 and realizing that this won't ever be useful in my life.


                  "Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

                  no, idc


                    Yes, esp. when I play support.

                    There is nothing more frustrating than playing support, running the early mid game (together with midlaner/offlaner), and having a failbobcarry, who overfarmes, does not join after his core is done, gets ganked, overtextends etc.

                    After 40 min game every support is just a strong creep for equiped cores.

                    Get over it, mute annoying mates. Do not start discussions with them, cause the chances of someone admitting a mistake in dota are close to 0. He willst just flame you back, no matter how constructive and positive you mentioned a mistake. Discussing the past action of your teammate won't help YOU in your current and future games. If your mate makes a mistake, just tell him, that shit happens, do not rage on him. It will not increase his performance.

                    Focus on your role, try to fullfill it as well as you can. Losing is part of the game. If you feel angry, stop playing. You will start raging fast on every mistake someone makes.

                    If ppl start flaming each other in your game, try to calm them down. Suggest them to mute each other. Do not join their flamewars.

                    I was (and sometimes am) the worst rager. I try to change it, cause it makes me lose games. Sometimes I even lost games, that were sure wins, cause teammembers got so pissed off, that they went afk.

                    If someone annoys you, just mute him.

                    If enemy team starts raging at each other, encourage their flamewar! Take part of their flame. If someone on their team plays bad, and they ask you to report him (what I will never do), agree with them, or disagree. They will rage more at each other, will get more angry and their teamchemistry will go down. Trashtalk the enemy, not your team! Just try it. Type something mean about an enemy, someone raged at or that is raged at, just right before you or your team starts to gank him. Chances are good, that he focuses on the rage or even worse he's typing!

                    If someone does not join the team, even though he is needed, just join him. Follow him in the jungle and everywhere. In germany according to a popular saying, "If the prophet does not come to the mountain, the mountain has to come to the prophet." In one game i bought just a shitton of sentries and blocked all our jungle camps, to force our retarded carry out of the jungle :D.

                    I dropped hard from 4.1 K down to 3.6k by playing spectre nearly 200 games in row and raging. I adapted my picks, stopped raging and made 500 MMR points in 4 days. 250 MMR in 1 day.

                    Este comentario fue editado

                      Look at my last 3 games, just fucking look. I think I'd feel way better if I actually did decent in these games but when I feel I sucked that much I lose all the willing to play. There were some factors that made us lose and I wasn't that much to blame (everyone sucked in these 3 games) but still, we didn't have wards - should have played more careful, someone was going solo all the time and wasn't here for teamfights - dont initiate (enigma game), oh well...

                      Usually I rage a lot if people (or even I) do some ultra stupid ass shit, I feel like I take this game too serious at some points and sometimes I laugh at the guy in the enemy team raging about his team but then I realize I am just like that when I lose, too.

                      Dire Wolf

                        I don't get angry at dota or about losing the match, just frustrated that I spent an hour losing when I could've played a different game or caught up on tv or something else.


                          Losing is actually fun, but it's better to leave that to the enemies, don't you agree?