General Discussion

General DiscussionSange and Yasha

Sange and Yasha in General Discussion

    What you think about this item???
    Top4 eu


      i dont like it, only buy sometimes when i need hp but im too poor to buy skadi


        Skadi is too expensive,difference in price 1500+gold
        And S&Y can been disassemble(sry for eng(ru))


          S&Y is good on heroes that want movespeed but don't particularly benefit from the illusions and don't need to purge anything with the active (which is situational game to game). IMO it's a good situational pickup on:

          Drow Ranger (Illusions don't get her Marksmanship Agi bonus)
          Templar Assassin
          Shadow Fiend
          Troll Warlord

          And more, but those are off the top of my head. You still need to judge whether or not you will need the Manta active to purge silences.

          It's also good on most Str carries. Except for Tiny because he wants Manta for his huge base damage and siege damage.

          Quick maffs

            Best item on this game

            Dire Wolf

              I love sange and yasha, it gets a really bad rap for some reason. I build it all the time on sniper, razor, troll. People go all glass cannon builds with range that I don't feel work out as well.