General Discussion

General DiscussionESP Needs More People!

ESP Needs More People! in General Discussion

    Hi guys, you probably know me as that dickbag who spends all his time playing with people with this tag: [ESP]. Well, this is your chance to be one of those people!

    ESP is a community of players that allows people of higher than average skill to get together in a lobby and play inhouse matches. We host in EU, NA, SEA, and AUS. If you think you are good enough to kick my ass at dota in lobby games with a bunch of awesome people, just add me on steam and tell me you want to try out!

    What will you gain from joining ESP? Well, you get to practice with and against people that know what they are doing, no more screaming on the mic "FUCK YOU STUPID BR/RUS/PINOY", no more crying yourself to sleep because your Tidehunter used ravage on creeps, and especially no more kicking a hole in your wall because your teammates are speaking a foreign language. No stress, no rage, no tears.

    What does it take to join ESP?

    You gotta be decent at dota 2
    You gotta speak English
    You need a microphone that doesnt make loud freaky noises
    You must have Teamspeak (which is free and easy to download) and use it during inhouses

    Currently, inhouses are not happening, but they will resume when we have enough tryouts.

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      I find it funny that ESP (short for España) requires of people to use English?
      you loco signor?


        It stands for Eat Sleep Play


          ^^ BURN :D

          Grace Field

            my friend LTDA aka morf wants to join, here's his dotabuff . Message him

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            Nageoire de sirène.

              What does it take to join ESP?

              You gotta be decent at dota 2

              "*ESP* Wink"

              Nageoire de sirène.


                Low Expectations

                  ^ Whats the mmr range of ppl who learn, and ppl who teach?

                  dogcatcher inutaro

                    My friend cojo aka quadzilla wants to join, heres his dotabuff
                    message him


                      my friend Knife Ranger aka Knife ranger wants to join, here his dotabuff message him


                        Lol smurf commenting on people's skill...


                          Hello *ESP* Wink, I am a decent mid ranged skilled player (4.8k mmr but I deserve to be at least 5.5k) and I was looking for a great fun group to scrim with and get better together, I am tired of playing with Peruvian and Brazilian chimps and I would love to join this clan as I have been a part of another clan known as 'DXD' in DoTA 1!

                          ICE SKULL

                            that smurf is bad at dota but hes like 2k mmr higher than u

                            Este comentario fue editado

                              When it was firstly advertised here, i tried to register, but i didnt get any email despite the site said i should get one.


                                ^The website is jacked up, its useless for anything other than the forum right now, that's why applications are being done through me now. Sorry about that.

                                Este comentario fue editado

                                  How do I apply through you?


                                    Fyi ESPs at 4300-4600 suck ass

                                    Jesus i love peruvians comparing to most of those people


                                      Just add me if you want to apply


                                        "Currently, inhouses are not happening, but they will resume when we have enough tryouts."

                                        Meaning you don't have enough players? A lot of people left or what


                                          Well since i enjoy the every piece of insult i directed to the feeder on my team, i can't join this team O_O


                                            exam season, lots of players MIA


                                              I play with a ton of ESP peeps and would join casually as a external member (e.g. I am a member but not actually ESP)

                                              ...can this be setup wink?


                                                Since 6.81b i have 41% winrate and lost ~500 MMR so currently i'm taking a smaller break (few days), but I'll add you and check whats up.


                                                  Havoc pioneer dota's collusion


                                                    Dota's collusion?


                                                      If u accept me:
                                                      Good english skills and a overrated 2k dota player.


                                                        how can a 2k player be overrated?


                                                          ^hush now dis dude is 6k.


                                                            What's the mmr requirement? is 1642 mmr good enough?


                                                              I am 2342 mmr i am hoping 2 learn a lot xD i hope u let me in tryout!!!~


                                                                ^SUCH TROLL :D

                                                                Average ESP mmr is 3500, probably you'll get in:)


                                                                  We let guests in whenever regular members are sparce, but you'll be in line with xvrogue and luminous xD

                                                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                                                    I would like to do like havoc and just casual inhouse, is that cool?

                                                                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                      invite me no mic tho.


                                                                        havoc, the exiled

                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!