General Discussion

General DiscussionI understand I'm not great but I can't get out of the low tier

I understand I'm not great but I can't get out of the low tier in General Discussion

    I usually play All Random in order to get more experience in the game. If I pick anyone other than a support the game is a cluster fuck. I just finished a game where I tried to play NP but the whole game they kept 2 heroes on me and we still lost. I'm tired of playing support but it seems as though I can't move up without it in this trash tier. I'd welcome any advice as to how to win a few matches without doing the same shit over and over again. (I don't mind playing support but if I carry its always a mess, aka no flying courier 15 min in ect


      Ward and upgrade courier yourself even as a carry. That's what one needs to do in our tier. If you still can't win then look at dotabuff for heroes with high winrate and try to keep playing with them. That's what I do.

      From my profile, you will see that whenever I want to push my winrate high and at same time, carry as well, I pick Viper or Wraith King since our tier has no idea how to deal with them. I even buy courier, wards and upgrade while playing them.


        ty boss

        Low Expectations

          Well, if you are good in order to get out of the bad games you should
          1) continue to play support when you reach 3,5k the games start to be more normal (everyone knows more or less what they are suppose to do, still fail most of the time).
          2) If you feel like you are a strong mid/carry just ignore your team (no joke) and farm, on this level you should outfarm their team quite easily and by 30 min should be unstoppable.


            well its the complete opposite for me


              first thing you need to realize is that you are in that tier because it reflect your skill level. accept the fact.

              simply mean you are not good enough yet.

              simple advice, keep playing, be positive and keep a good mood. eventually u will be able to improve your mmr.

              p/s: most player believed that they are better when they are not.

              good luck!

              Majority Whip

                Stick to a few heroes youre comfortable with and just keep getting better with them. Have 1-2 heroes for carry/support/jungler/mid/offlane and just find a way to have a good amount of impact. It's always a good idea to watch first page games and look at the player perspective of the person who is playing one of your core heroes and apply the same things (chances are those 5k+ players are playing the hero pretty efficiently).


                  @ducklike, the OP posted that he is not good enough and he knows that. Did you really need to write this? "most player believed that they are better when they are not."

                  @JonnyDiamonds, I played a game as Wraith King just now. I upgraded courier and warded. Warding saved my life during my lane, several times. Inspired by vision from wards, even Invoker, Alch and Jugg started warding. Please tell me once you also play carry and ward, courier etc, how did the game turn out to be like :)

                  Flat is Justice!

                    to improve you must know yourself - what role would u like to play? Build skills that improve that role.

                    You will also need map awareness, i swear to god, until you hit 4.5k mmr. There are still people who cant see the minimap

                    Instant things you should do NOW:
                    1. STOP all randoming - its better to learn how to play 10 heroes well, then to play 100 heroes terribly
                    2. If there is no support, go for a high impact support, it depends on your playstyle and team but for me, its someone i can still farm with even in the late game (for me its DS, CM etc)
                    3. there is no 3rd point but having been educated in the art of communication, always give 3 points =)

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                      I just remembered another personal tip of mine, it may not work for everyone:

                      Always pick hard lane for yourself so that your teammates have easier time laning. If you can take up this challenge then take up another challenge: Pick a tanky melee so that your teammates can feel free to pick relatively fragile and/or ranged damage dealer.

                      I agree with Hearts Get Together. Great tip of picking few heroes and getting good on them. I did it with Viper and Silencer. These days, doing same with Wraith King.


                        @devilscry, just stating the mentality of most players. many time we can see player saying trash tier, shit noob, etc.. including me sometime.. lol. but keep in mind we are in that tier too.
                        So, no point get too upset, its just a game. We just need to learn to accept defeat and move on. keep playing and learn.


                        Hex Sigma

                          Contact blunt.


                            @ducklike I know we all have plenty of work to do in order to get good at the game. The frustrating part is soloing offlane and watching my teams tri lane get raped by 2 people. If that's not the case then I'm supporting a carry who doesn't know how to last hit or how to attack a weak enemy. Thanks for all the advice guys! Time to put in the work


                              Just go carry and carry, who cares if there are 5 carries in your 3k games, nobody knows how to properly farm at that level.


                                There is always gonna be a carry who can't lasthit , a support who thinks he bought courier and thats it, a mid who will feed like in his first game, an offlaner who thinks he has to lasthit even if that costs him his life and a guy who will jungle till min 30 and get out of it with 0 farm.
                                Relax and have fun during the game, play some music if you need to, its what helped me gain like 600 mmr in less than 3 weeks.


                                  If you want to get out of shit tier, don't play All Randon. Luck is a very big factor about winning in that mode if everyone has similar skills.


                                    @sunrise, totally agree! just relax and keep trying.. u reminded me that once i relaxed, i gained like 800 mmr in 3-4 weeks! maybe just luck.. lol

                                    @johnnydiamond, shit does happen in some game. try rotate ASAP, something it helps.

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                                      if i want to win i get upgr wards sentry and smoke even as solo mid/carry from min 2 and onwards cause rly thats how you win!

                                      besides you random so you deserve to lose


                                        As someone said above, you can contact Blunt, he is good coach.