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General DiscussionSupport BH

Support BH in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    Plz never again.......

    i left her

      support tinker 2gud


        also letting an awful player play tinker while u have a good tinker-player in team...


          sampson with private profile!! haha


            Stalkers were too stronk for him.


              ah right sry forgot :p

              still just update the dotabuff games xD

              Ples Mercy


                Hex Sigma

                  sampson it is known on the forum that you play bh a lot. I am curious about sonething. I used to play bh every time I got the chance but since the night change(nightfall at 4 mins instead of 6) I fell behind a lot regarding gameplay. Mainly because my ganking phase was stricken a lot. So how do you get a fast lv 6 on bh? offlane could work in my trashcan games there is no such thing as solo offlane.


                    you don't need 6 to go gank.

                    and the problem isnt night, it's that your item and skill build sucks

                    Hex Sigma

                      ^teach me master


                        i dont think im good as sampson, or that my tips are 100% correct

                        - always max shuriken pre 11, preferably first, and by 7 or 8. doens't matter what your distribution is between jinada and shadow walk, but always 4 into shuriken
                        - get 2 points into shuriken pre 6 for the damage efficiency (lv 1 - 100 damage, level 2 - 200 damage)
                        - drum is really good on bounty. mana pool is more effective than mana regen for roaming because of his shit int, movement speed helps chase, and it gives you str equivalent to 5 levels of strength gain. you should be getting it in most games, and if not, then you need a substitute strength item, urn or ogre club for BKB are alternatives, rarely halberd.
                        - if your mid doesn't get bottle or doesn't control runes well, consider getting a bottle to roam (e.g. if ur mid is OD or DK as examples)
                        alternative to bottle is urn. if you do get an urn, consider keeping 1 charge to use offensively in the early game. 150 HP removal is a 200 damage nuke effectively
                        - don't always complete your magic wand, for 300g poor mans or orb of venom will do more for you. complete it after you've got phase + oov for example, but only if there's nothing else to buy. spend your gold wisely
                        - an early orb of venom helps when laning because of the slow, and it also helps when ganking if the jinada slow wears off.
                        - medallion of courage. get it. you can help your team rosh, or increase your damage hugely. desolator's 60 damage is nice, but it's the -7 armour which gives you more damage.
                        - CHECK YOUR UNRELIABLE AND RELIABLE GOLD. when possible, make sure that your reliable gold > buyback cost, and try to save up for items with unreliable gold. also don't panic buy items if all your gold is reliable, you may end up shooting yourself in the foot because you can't afford buyback.

                        in some cases, having another item can be better than buyback. bkb for example is an example of a strong item, or the full drum of endurance when gotten early. sometimes it's not because of an item but because you have no towers to tp to even if you do buyback.

                        - skill build by level 5 can be 3-1-1 or it can be 2-1-2, you'll have basically the same damage, the difference being with 2 into shadow walk you can roam more effectively since its duration got buffed, but with 3-1-1 you'll have shuriken maxed by 7 instead of 8.

                        3-1-1 is viable now because shadow walk is now 20s instead of 15s at level 1 now, meaning you can stay perma invis with just 1 point into it, but the 2nd point into shadow walk can be good if you know how to use the bonus damage twice.

                        e.g. lets say you've just reached lv 5, your skill build by 4 was 2-1-1. if you level Q for 3-1-1, that's 50 more magic damage, 25% resist = 37.5 extra HP removed. if you go 2-1-2 instead, that's 30 more physical damage, but if you can get the bonus damage twice from 1 invis, then it's 60 extra damage, and it doesn't cost you any extra mana, whereas levelling shuriken ups its mana cost by 20.

                        you don't need to go gank at 6, but it helps because you get more gold which makes up for the fact that you're wasting time waiting for kill opportunities to show up. carry tps as soon as you're 4 because you can deal good damage with rank 2 shuri + a crit, but make sure you have the mana to.

                        - if you're tping from base, activate invis before you arrive, and make sure to account for fade time so that you're not visible when you tp in, but don't activate it too early, or else you waste like 2s of invis. enemies may think you cancelled your tp if they don't check the tp colour, making them overextend if they think its a 2v2 when its actually a 3v2. this is probably more effective at lower levels because they don't know that wind walk based abilities don't cancel tps.

                        hope the 15 minutes of my time just saved you hours trying to figure out how to play BH better


                          Damn, I don't play BH but that sounds great, I'll give it a go

                          Quick maffs

                            Kill people, if you need a dagon to kill people get dagon, if you need bkb to survive to kill people get bkb.

                            but pls just kill people


                              killing people is overrated.

                              keep everyone tracked 24/7, acquire map control and just outfarm enemy

                              Quick maffs


                                but killing track people gives money

                                and money is money

                                King of Low Prio

                                  my profile is not private I have just been taking a break and world cup has taken 90% of my free time :)

                                  I agree with most of Androg's points cept the fact that you need track kills/assists to snowball.

                                  one more thing I see alot of noob BH do is that they show themselves WAY too much on the map. The fear that BH is there stops alot of your opponents farm.

                                  Hex Sigma

                                    That oov seems like a really good pickup. Many times when I was chasing even with the phase and track movement speed I couldn't catch the guy. I remeber that once I played against a bh that bought oov and I just couldn't escape him XD

                                    From what sampson said you need to be kinda like riki. The annoying factor in low level ganes regarding riki is that you never know where he is. Whereas if you play bh and you go invis WHEN a teamfight starts you're kinda screwed(because the enemy team is prepared for you)


                                      dagon bh is the new meta ROCK ON!



                                        Supported as Bounty for you Sampson <3


                                          I'm curious about the value of medallion. If you have deso, when you attack while invis, -armor debuff is applied before your damage.

                                          If you attack while invis with medallion you get no armor debuff until you apply it, but applying medallion debuff before attacking makes you visible correct? I don't really play BH, but I think the best part about deso is when your crit gets the benefit of -armor, where medallion does not work that way.



                                            I disagree... I still think it depends on the situation... And what the team needs


                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!