General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is your favorite item build and skill build for sniper in 6.81?

What is your favorite item build and skill build for sniper in 6.81? in General Discussion

    The hero has received many buffs, and isn't complete garbage anymore.

    post how you like to play him (theoretically or otherwise).


      With an MKB and just cackle all the way to the fountain.


        I don't play him much, but IMO a good build for him right now would be Treads > S&Y > BKB > Mjollnir > Daedalus > Satanic. I think the build is a decent mix of DPS and survivability.

        Manta can be substituted for S&Y if there's anything specific that you need to purge, but IMO the extra HP and movespeed from S&Y is a better general pickup on him. The last two items are pretty fluid. Skadi, Desolator, MKB, Butterfly, or AC could be picked up there too. Mjollnir is pretty core on him. Shouldn't be skipped very often, he gets a lot from everything that the item provides.

        Pretty traditional hard carry sniper playstyle. Stay on the edge of fights as much as possible and plink away at enemies. Skill build would probably max Take Aim first so he can stay safer in lane, and then max shrapnel to push towers.

        If you're playing him as a mid hero I'd go Phase > Force > MoM > Mjollnir > Situational.

        Playstyle is similar to the hard carry Sniper but focuses more on midgame teamfights and mobility. Max Shrapnel first and try to take the mid tower as soon as possible. You'll be doing decent damage early on even without many damage items just because of your level advantage.

        Este comentario fue editado
        King of Low Prio

          I like getting phase in pubs but I understand treads are better in organized play.(I need to flee when my team runs from easy fights :P)


            no mention of blink yet eh..

            just saying...

            Este comentario fue editado

              not picking trash heroes best build


                I think Force is better than Blink on him. He doesn't need to initiate, he needs an escape, and if Blink gets disabled by an instant initiation by the enemy that's 2150 gold that you wasted for an escape that doesn't work. There's not really that many situations where you'd be using Blink offensively IMO so Force is better.


                  people have been using blink as an escape more often because of the extreme range he has, combined with the semi OPness that is hotkey bound smart cast.


                    I can see using either. I think it depends more on what the enemy team has and how good your team is.

                    Quick maffs

                      By smart cast you mean quick cast ? For some reason sometimes my quick cast blink is going really slow, i press the key but it doesnt work or it works late, not sure about this i need to check it better.

                      The thing with blink btw is that if you fall behind that blink is going to be so fucking useless

                      Este comentario fue editado
                      King of Low Prio

                        ^ dont suck then :)


                          i have tried smart cast but it still feels awkward to me. probably will try again some time.

                          I am pretty sure bulldog has been using it with his blink/maelstrom NP. hovers the cursor over the trees and quickly press the button the moment he wants out.

                          Este comentario fue editado

                            If the enemy doesn't have any long range initiators than Blink can work fine as an escape, but usually the enemy will have at least one hero with a blink dagger that can jump on you before you can react with Blink.

                            Quick maffs

                              Sorry man i cant have a 100 % winrate with blink drow like you do

                              Oh, wait ..........

                              but yeah it must be your team not that fucking awful item build

                              When you play drow, people cry, ask satellizer


                                Phase Boots --> Drums --> Blink --> MoM/Maelstrom/Yasha --> Mjollnir/Deso --> Manta --> Whatever


                                  drums seems like a waste with phase. Why not just aquila or a simple bracer?

                                  King of Low Prio


                                    Not even my drow can carry Satelizers clockwerk

                                    Flat is Justice!

                                      Movespeed > First Escape > Farming Tool > DPS


                                      Bot (Passive)

                                        cant pick him if the games tinker is on the other team sadly

                                        Este comentario fue editado
                                        Flat is Justice!

                                          sniper fucks tinker so badly
                                          imo pro pucks give the most problems (1st skill ulti + combo = 100% hp->0%)

                                          That being said, i will never play sniper when the enemy has more than 1 gap closer (pa/sa/qop/am/puck etc)


                                            phase, basilius, MoM, Mjolnir, Daedalus


                                              Just curious, is this legit build?

                                              Brown boots > MoM > Hyperstone > Hyperstone > Hyperstone > Hyperstone.

                                              Yes, damage output would be poor but would this build make Sniper perma-stun everyone?

                                              Flat is Justice!

                                                u can prolly perm stun 1. but definitely not everyone

                                                why do you not see this build then?
                                                because this builds needs

                                                1. superior vision of enemy
                                                2. the first hit/initation
                                                3. it can only take on 1 enemy, in a grp fight, u will die to any aoe

                                                blademail = auto suicide

                                                but if u build it smart, it works
                                                i know, because i go mom pretty often on mine
                                                in ranked its like what? 80% winrate?


                                                  Mjolnir, MoM and monkey king bar is already perma stun lol
                                                  thats why I am debating whether it's better to get daedalus or MKB


                                                    Makes sense. Sniper would die to any aoe if only hyperstone-build. And will also die to blademail before he realizes it.

                                                    @Yfay, Of all Snipers I have seen so far, daedalus Sniper is most terrifying, MKB not so. Most Snipers I saw so far makes MKB only to deal with evasive heroes (like Phantom Assassin) or heroes with Butterfly.