General Discussion

General DiscussionRandom Is Fun!

Random Is Fun! in General Discussion

    Anyone else love randoming? It is so fun, the extra gold really helps early game.
    I don't random in ranked games, so don't rage :P So far it's been working pretty well for me.

    Randomed Meepo and they thought it would be an easy win! It was.... for me

    For me it adds an extra bit of fun, the thrill of what you going to get.
    Though if I random Pudge, REPICK!


      i honestly hate people who random ranked or not as it can sometimes garrauntee you a loss before the game even starts >.< so many games we end up with like 5 supports because of randomers or 5 carries or super weak lanes >.< i honestly wish they would remove it from the game and people can just play all random mode (not raging just my honest opinion)


        I've been randoming for like a month now and i've gained like 500 mmr ROFL. Playing heroes that I'm not so good at makes me focus more on my gameplay instead of other's mistakes, hence less flaming and more winning, I guess.
        There's a couple of heroes I usually repick though.


          Please don't random in ranked. Some Ahole did it last night. I was with four friends, he randomed Lich and instant repicked before we could say we would have swapped. Then he picked BloodCyka and fed of course but yeah I hate people who random in ranked. Even worse when they random Specter with 5 seconds remaining.


            last pick random, best random


              do it all the time.




                  AR best game type.


                    RM Lordy, Allison and Cancer I did state that I do not random in ranked games. I random right in the beginning, so I am not the last guy to pick.

                    As you can see from last 2-3 pages of game(ALL Randomed) I do not feed or throw games. If anything i play better when I random. It is so epic to start off with a bottle when you random a mid, lets you dominate your lane.

                    @ Oleksandr, I agree I play so much safer and make so many fewer mistakes. It makes you focus more and take the game more seriously.

                    Dire Wolf

                      Every time I random I get shit heroes like pudge. Not that pudge is garbage but he is awful if you have never played him before. So I just don't do it anymore.

                      Quick maffs

                        I ramdon everywhere

                        Ramdon is love ramdon is life

                        fuck you all


                          4 guys pick carries in my team, i am the last, random antimage, 11 min game. GG WP BOYZ


                            Go random and go suck


                              If playing ranked then you should insta-random.


                                Random sucks, it always give me a hero I suck complete balls with and I have to repick into Lich :(


                                  I usually give into peer pressure when I see someone random. The extra gold is fair because you don't get to counterpick, and you open yourself up to counterpicks (giving a team an entire minute to think of how to counter your Broodmother random is not always going to turn out to be a fun game for you)
                                  Always offer to swap if you are repicking unless you random Medusa

                                  Quick maffs

                                    Guys calm your tits i was kidding, i cant ramdon in ranked because if i pick anything different from slark or tinker we lose


                                      nothing worse than randoming support and then see your selfish team is perfectly content with you solo supporting.
                                      I started throwing those games on purpose.

                                      game is bad

                                        It's the best.

                                        The funnest thing to do is random, have your teams pick around that random, then repick into something else. Makes things exciting.

                                        white tiger

                                          Random is like raising bets in the poker game. Someone like it, cause "the winner take's all" and "risk is a noble cause", someone don't like it cause "games of chance" is stupid.


                                            I don't mind randoming a support, because at least I can afford courier and wards and lots of regen. Keeps the carry alive!

                                            Also Dota is not that hard in itself, while I may not be able to carry a team on a random I do not feed or throw the game. Unless I random pudge = repick. You can look at my past games(ignore the morph game, was playing support morph :P) I don't feed and I don't lose the game.

                                            While I haven't played that many heroes and not that much of some heroes, the basic concepts are the same. I would say that I have the knowledge of how to play heroes, sometimes I battle with the execution.

                                            I will say it again, I DON'T RANDOM IN RANKED :)


                                              I hate people who random in ranked or unranked... 99% of the time, it fucks the team


                                                I also hate people who random and can't play for shit, I have at least watched guides and played bot matched with every hero so I am not completely clue less on how to play a hero I random.
                                                Only random in non ranked games if you know how to play most heroes.


                                                  ^speaks the truth

                                                  Unfortunately, whenever my teammates random, they cant play the hero and i yell at them for randoming if they cant play the majority of heroes.

                                                  guess which 2 teammates randomed