General Discussion

General Discussionoh fuck

oh fuck in General Discussion

    [ALLIES] 14/f/japan: i am a girl
    [ALLIES] 14/f/japan: : )
    [ALLIES] LEITO!: oh fuck

    bum farto

      A lot of posting coming out of you wave, is this cause of the banarino?

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        He has nothing to do I guess.

        Quick maffs

          Please valve unban this guy


            Wave got banned? What happened?

            Game is hard!

              I AM A GURL TOO, PLS MARRY ME

              ICE SKULL

                3-4 more hours and i can queue again

                feederino time

                ICE SKULL

                  DOTARINO TIME

                  ICE SKULL

                    TOP EU FEEDER


                      Hh, he dodged matches and got 24 hour queue ban