General Discussion

General DiscussionThe other side of DotA

The other side of DotA in General Discussion

    Is anyone actually playing DotA because they're fascinated about the lore?

    Or is everyone just trying to be the next Dendi?

    MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

      Personally I think dota lore is a bit generic. I play morrowind for the lore :)


        Dota lore is probably the worst in any game.

        No one cares about it.


          I can vouch for Morrowind, best rpg EVER!

          Hex Sigma

            i played wow for the lore(was obsessed with the warcraft lore, even read the books). I heard that LoL lore is pretty interesting, but never got the time to read it.

            King of Low Prio

              lore is for losers


                How Valve/Blizzard/Icefraud/idk who makes this shit comes up with hero lore:

                Courtesy of Mr. Flax.


                  I think they'll get more people to join the game if they improve their 'lore'

                  Tbh this is how I see Valve strategy in pulling other players in:

                  "Hey, this game is really competitive, look all these pro teams getting tons of money from winning tournaments. Want to win the next international? COM JOIN OUR GAME!"

                  King of Low Prio


                    I know a ton of people who joined dota 2 purely because they saw how big the prize pool was. Not because they think they will win it BUT because they know toss tons of money at a company and u see pretty good results for a while


                      everyone is playing for better mmr or shiny hats