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General DiscussionHow to climb back

How to climb back in General Discussion
Forgos ☭

    I have been playing dota 2 for 3 years now but I had to give a looong brake so we can say that I play this game for 10 active months.I started around 3k mmr and climbed to over 3.9 (couldn't reach 4k tho).It was real hard to get up there but I knew that I couldn'T go beyond 4k.I felt it but I know that I don'T belong to 3.5 either where everyone picks carries and flame each other.It took me around 3-4 months to climb up and I went down losing 3-4 game in a row to potato bracket again.Could you tell me a way to climb back.I want some equal games not games that my team stomps or other team stomps.I had some good games when I had 3.9.I'm creating this topic as last game when I was playing ench our team picked spectre (solo safe)jugger in lane with bh and a lc mid who ended playing 0 3 in first minutes.The game before I had a last moment od pick when we neded a jungler or a second support for tri lane but od picker ended up feeding and losing the game.I know that I could have played better and maybe carry the team with rubick :P.Any tips to climb back fast?

    P.s. Sorry for my english


      there is no climbing out of the trench. 4k is probably the shittiest mmr range in all of dota (personality-wise), and then past 5k games cant be balanced because there arent enough 5ks out there. The only way to have good games is to inhouse or make a team

      Forgos ☭

        İ had a team but i no longer have time for team practice and i am not a parti of inhouse community.So you are telling me that i won't ever olay a balanced game for a long time ? :(

        Sorry this time my phone is messing up qith my words


          You should take some time to learn from my mistakes and errors.

          .When I first started playing I was actually still pretty damn fresh from playing WC3 DotA so it took some adjusting but I actually was doing really well. As time went on I kind of just stagnated and even became worse, and in the end as far as my MMR was concerned I just stagnated and under calibrated because I was more interested in the win as opposed to the improvement.

          .About a year ago I was at 49% win rate after about 2500 games and it was depressing to see my horrible KDA's and win rates and I was wondering what the hell was wrong. I started playing with a new set of friends and it became super clear that I had lost a great deal of the skill that I had started with. This was during a time where win rate was everything to everyone I had to undergo a lot of abuse from people who were always drawn to my terrible win rate.

          .After awhile of slowly improving I joined with a very serious team which taught me a lot about how to support more effectively and while there weren't a lot of good support players out there and I synergized well with them, I actually learnt more from playing competitive DotA then I had from all those years playing public games. I recently decided to do my solo rank which remained untouched for about 8 months and managed to go from a calibrated flat 4K to about 4.8K right now and, fingers crossed, I should reach 5K shortly.

          My advice to you...

          > You will never improve by playing the way you always have, something has to change.
          > Most players with a lot of experience and games are complacent and terrible even though they should be better than everyone else. Fight the complacency, and work hard on your weak points. Look at the most games played, most of them are well below 50% win rate and probably about 3.5 - 3.9 MMR.
          > Don't watch pro games and try to mimic what they do, I didn't and I improved. Find a group of players that are better than you and simply try and adjust, over time you will and when you return to solo queue you will be able to implement what you learnt from the higher brackets into your lower bracket games which will set you apart and allow you to pull yourself up.
          > Focus on impact and efficiency in all that you do, whoever you're playing. Don't be idle at any time, on any hero.

          .....there's always more advice to give but how you utilize it is up to you.

          Este comentario fue editado

            win games

            profit !@?!?@

            Forgos ☭

              Sometimes it is not my fault.Look at my last games.I'm having a 8+ losing streak.A team forced me to tri lane with ns ( who was planing to out carry tb and od) and past 40 mins even tho I ganged all lanes more than twice and got early game advantage we still lost the game.Before that game I had 67 min game where batrider decided to die alone without telling anything to anyone at 65 min mark.Before that game I had jugger bh lc and spectre in team when I was ench as second pick in team even tho I told everyone I was going jungle I was forced to stay in lane and help my carry.Meanwhile lc died 3 times in 6 minutes in mid (I don't even know why she was in mid first place!).Again before that I had a mid player who started feeding early game.Everyone in team was good except that guy who ended up dying total of 12 times with od and kept using his second skill to make other team escape or survive more.Before that I had a guy who wanted to play off solo and picked troll dying twice.ended up playing 2 7 without helping team not even a bit.Than a game where I picked the worst hero possible :).And another game where I was blamed for setting up kills for my carry in tri lane and other tri lane support which was alch decided the carry the game and started jungling at 6 min mark who ended up 0 11

              So yeah I should improve my way of playing.I'm not saying I was the best or something sometimes I play games where I enjoy a lot and lose but I haven'T lost a single game that I enjoyed in this streak.Also I don't like wining by far.I even played a game as enigma where my team had a great advg before I get lvl 6.Some of these game I was crying about are in high skill bracket on dotabuff.I have lost around 200 mmr just in two days so I may need some help :)

              Sorry for the long comment


                It happens to most people including me...

                Its hard to find decent party.. most of the time all my teammates pick carry, and to make it worst, they feed.
                Another problem is thrower and leaver. I hope valve increase the punishment for leaver/abandon. In case some1 leave more than 30-50 games that account is permanently banned.

                Some games are decided mostly by lineup and mid lane. If possible, try to discuss to get good team composition and win mid lane.

                .  .

                  Sub4k if you want to rise It's ALWAYS your fault

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                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!