General Discussion

General Discussion2.7k mmr sea player

2.7k mmr sea player in General Discussion
Mario Lemina

    I'm at 2.7k now and i desperately want to climb to 3k. But the problem is, i find it impossible. Help me guys. I know i'm not good but some constructive advise will really help me. Thanks.


      you need 积极的态度.

      Mario Lemina

        lol dude


          play only 1 hero and try to maximize his potential with every game u play. That means milking every chance of game impact you have with the hero. Analyse any situation carefully. Ask yourself questions and try answer them yourself by practicing (f.e. "if i use 1 nuke at lvl 1, wil lihave enough mana for 2 spells at lvl3?" , thats 1 example out of thousands...u get the point.)

          watch hs players live games or replays (/tourny matches) and try to understand why they decide to do a certain item/skillbuild.

          Once u feel confident do the same with another hero.

          If you think its boring to play 1 hero take a handful of options for each role, so you just fit in with your strongest (= the ones you want to get good at) without conditioning your teammates too much.


            Pick viper,Wraith King or Void and learn them and you ll win easy.